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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Couple of bad ass tunes that I can't get out of my head lately.
  2. Mmmmmmmm, did someone say peaches, I do looove me some nice juicy peaches. Billy Bush get your black book out.
  3. I like it. Wish I could make decisions for myself and buy one. I could use it. I too am not a fan of the forced buy in on the product, but I guess thats no worse than printer ink.
  4. Video not available for me big guy...
  5. Everybody's favorite 80's invoker Julian Angel is back with new ballad/single 'Bleed' from the "I don't know, maybe, upcoming new album possibly titled 'The Last Rebel'...
  6. martinsane

    NFL 2020

    And while we are on topic of the SB tomorrow, wtf is the weekend? Talk about a niche market. Middle american 40 sumthings are going to go on a rampage...
  7. Listen with caution, once it sets its hooks its a struggle to get it unstuck, but then why would you?
  8. I like everything about it, except that very dumb phoned in internet image #54 album cover. Why? A 5 second duck duck search showed 12k images superior in everyway to this drivel. Anywho, thanks for posting this the tunes here are nice.
  9. Haven't thought of or spun that Bedlam album in 100 forevers, I still dig it. Made me immediate think of this and after a spin or 10 I remember why I dug it oh so much. Segway'd into this one, fuck it its a 2'fer.
  10. As with BDC, The Meices are another band that I L U V and this tune runs through my mind on the regular, the lyrics (along with everything else) are stellar!
  11. martinsane

    NFL 2020

    Tompay Bayrady going to go out with another SB win adding to his accolades he will be the oldest to win one and then the number of SB rings, 7 and the first team ever to win the SB in their home stadium. Goodell is soiling himself thinking about it...
  12. That's a fine song (snippet) and her voice is super powerful on it. And yes I will go first the band in that photo is tastier than the tune.
  13. Yep cancer if I recall in 2020. This just popped into my noodle, damn I love this band:
  14. Seems we are simpatico at the moment and yes that riff is tasty af. The singer, Josh (RIP) has a real distinct and solid voice.
  15. That song was great! Your lead in made this pop into my head.
  16. I didn't mind Sponge at the time and I have and spun a gob that Rotting Piñata album.
  17. Absolute gold. And looped in "atm" as well. For those not hep, thats ass to mouth.
  18. I was going say the same, incognito is a dinger. As for the cover, truly looks like some sunburnt scrotum.
  19. Whatever happened to Keith Abt aka Fat Freddy?
  20. martinsane

    NFL 2020

    I think you got 1 right. Smells like TB12 in the NFC to me. So TB and Buffalo in the, well Tampa Bay.
  21. The S/T from whenever that was 90 sumthing was played to death. As mentioned Buddy Holly and my fave of the lot The Sweater Song. Nerd Rock I think was a moniker at the time and it bred many spin offs, the best being the Nerfherders who are a super smart band and you all probably remember their "hit" Van Halen. As for the new stuff its alright, I didn't mind the Wild Stallions cut as it was undoubtedly the best song from the most excellent movie.
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