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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. I did like that Overload, so is the Ghost of War worth a watch?
  2. He has a very captain obvious pov and that is really very refreshing. Very quotable. One of my favorite parts is he goes by his name, Tom. NO lil this or Percocet that or a buck ninety 3, 73 is 69 + 4 or or or...
  3. Thanks for making me revisit SW. Been a while and a considerably longer while since all my cds are inaccessible so no opportunity to stand and stare... I do like this band and these songs still play well today. Listen to SW made me think of the Portland, Oregon band Generator, that changed their name to Slowrush for their one and only debut Volume. They had a guy or 2 from the Dan Reed Network in the band and if you can find the long play they released as Generator prior to Slowrush then you get basically 2 different records. Sorry for the hijack.
  4. I love it and the singer sounds familiar... Man I abused Audio Galaxy, what a flash back.
  5. The apple didn't fall to far from the tree with his son Dweezil. If you haven't taken the time to watch him pay homage to his dad and in turn watch some videos of him talking about the measures he took to "recreate" the exact sounds and the tireless effort to do so, makes you appreciate Frank even more for being uber creative.
  6. Watched Monkey Farm, yawn. Found footage affair with a killer primate. I keep hoping for some quality found footage and yes naysayers I know, but I do keep searching nonetheless. However The Hunt, was excellent. Go watch that one immediately.
  7. That is awesome and yes there is, however a wee bit less wholesome looking from the film than the kids show... Of note the company that made the film has released official "the janitor" t shirts and I did partake in that.
  8. That was real nice. Looks like these kids are just ramping up but I would like to hear some more. Thanks DP.
  9. Not bad, however false advertisement as there was no nudity (naked), no gypsies and I can't be 100% sure but I'll limb it and say no queens. https://www.facebook.com/NakedGypsyQueens/ https://www.nakedgypsyqueens.com/
  10. C'mon now, everybody knows February is Geoff's "busy season", he will grace us again after he can sit down again.
  11. Really super digging that lead off song. I spoke with the band and they are releasing a new single and video every 4-6 weeks, the next including Mark Slaughter, due in April, THEN the album is releasing in late summer of 2021. ON PHYSICAL MEDIA! Yea CD's! They have a few other snippets and jam sessions on Youtube and their FB page and I have a very good feeling that this album is going to be very very good.
  12. Ha well there you go. Best mad scientisty evil voice I can muster, "maybe one day my precious' shall be out of their slumber and I can wallow in their glory again. I miss you my worldly possessions. 10 years and counting"...
  13. Willy's Wonderland - Good shit. Bad, but good. Fat Freddy would love this. Some dough was spent on practical effects and Nick Cage's wackier than you persona with zero lines is pleasant.
  14. Still sounds more girl than boy, but I guess that is the 80's. WRONG, holy spirit that SO Far album was released in farking 2000. lol Looks like these guys have been busy over the years and are still making music... http://8084rocks.com/ Of note I own that 1991 released Satisfaction Guaranteed cd.
  15. Working my way through this guys channel, I'm about 30 deep and no luck yet, on YouTube, he has a grip of MOR AOR and many are lady fronted. He has a lot posted and certainly some obscure stuff so maybe? https://www.youtube.com/user/aorheartedwin/videos
  16. Yes those are female vocals. It does sound demo'y though. Better than average but still a little off. Good song though. As for relocating the original post that would take more than minute.
  17. LOL. Those twins are funny, droppin' a bit in about cuckholding and if I may incant Geoff, they are sexy af. Oh fuck does that make me a "white voyeur"?
  18. Whoot! That tune is bad ass DP. Thanks for sharing and they are from Minnesota! Neat. https://www.facebook.com/fuzzrd
  19. The #'s I mentioned were for my 2000 Passatt, so I can only assume those numbers have gone up. Keep em old and carburetedted so you can skip emissions and work on 'em yourself.
  20. Tis true, I owned a VW Passat SW and a brake job alone was $500 a wheel up front and $750 for the pair in the rear... BUT it was probably my favorite car I've owned, minus the exorbitant maintenance costs. As for the old timey wagon and wagons in general thats my bag, so I get it DP.
  21. I didn't mind this one in the least and especially enjoyed Tattoo, clever lyrics.
  22. Of the 2 choices, neither and that's just cuz the sedans are pretty lackluster in appearance imho. If I was looking to drop close to 50 large on a new rig I'd look elsewhere. HOWEVER, if I had to choose it would be this, MSRP is said to be $53k: BUT this A6 variant is even nicer, but is closer to $70k all in, yikes. For me if I was adding "re" to my tired I'd go this route:
  23. Figured many should get a kick out of this jam as it is a good song, BP is a talented guitarist and songwriter and I just am enjoying these collaborations via Google meets. Enjoy!
  24. Works for me and it works for me. Nice song.
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