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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Unfriended SPOILER ALERT! Typical Paranormal Activity styled last second jump scare. Which was nay jump inducing or scar. As with this ilk the staring at the screen and reading texts and chats while waiting for something to happen built the tension...if it wasn't a freebie from RedBox I would have been disappointed.
  2. I'm sure he would round out the writing a bit in JY, but he should NEVER "sing" and I would recon his questionable business practices and/or his questionable human being behavior is the crux for his not being in JY any longer.
  3. Did I miss a few somethings? When did UKJ start releasing AIC records? I didn't pay any attention after Neighbor which is a polar opposite to this song... I am not enjoying this new stuff so much.
  4. I think the band is making them again, cdr's of course. I recall a number of years back their was a big to do about the guitarist not shipping discs and keeping peoples dough. Apparently he did ship out what he had (???) and then commenced to ripping folks off. Being pessimistic like your GEMM copy I'd wager you'd be hard pressed to find an "original" issue of either one. Needless to say the band has always been a favorite for me and I am glad to hear some new music. I think David sounds relatively similar to the olden days on the video sample in this thread. This is one band I am saddened to report that I never saw live.
  5. Interestingly enough my very first thought upon seeing this thread and knowing nothing about the Saloon, the owner, etc.. was the potential of foul play.
  6. In all these "lost" people thread still hearkens to me that someone needs to do a HH roll call from time to time for all us reg'lars...
  7. Thanks for the insight stranger... keep us posted and how bout yerself?
  8. Good thread. Hate and suffer from the same as all but true sentiments abound. If there was no middle class there would be no economy or anything for that matter. We pick up the majority of the taxation which supports the nations.
  9. Indeed and I too am a HUGE fan of the band. always wish I could have scored those XXX and Joker albums when the guitarist was actually making legit ones and shipping them out. Don't have the albums but I do have all the tunes from them plus. I do have the others though and spin them regularly...
  10. That's SOOO funny. The description totally cracks me up, enlarged the text on my two favorite parts: Purchased years ago from a Badlands "source" on line. Nice DVD case with spindle holders for each of the 6 discs. See track listing for each disc in the pictures posted above. Ozzy & Red Dragon Cartel fans: Jake E Lee; Sun Red Sun, Phenomena, Black Sabbath fans: Ray Gillen. DVD is pretty cool : rare show with the charismatic Ray Gillen in his prime. Shipping USA ONLY. ?s on this or any of my auctions, please message me. Please see my other auctions & God bless. Why do all the crooks feel the need to bring their God into the mix when they are doing wrong?
  11. Agreed and it is very nice to hear Dan still maintaining his chops, but alas the new music is light years removed from the amazing funk/glam/rock he did in the late 80's early 90's that can't be replicated today I'm sure even though I would love for him to do so. Hell I'd settle for a new Generator/Slowrush release.
  12. Certainly can't. I work with a guy that was there and he suffers PTSD to this day. Says he can't ever shake what he saw...Hell I was thousands of miles away and I can't either.
  13. Saw Interstellar last night and the only thing I remember is Mat M. screaming like a scream queen throughout... Sorry hipsters it fell flat for me.
  14. And I am looking forward to seeing the Mad Max movie, I heard some good things about it. Which could mean its terrible, farking Babadook! Not a reboot I know but still a movie so OVER-HYPED it was destined to suck and it did.
  15. The one in Blue is a female? This is going to suck so hard and not even in a remotely good way... It baffles the mind how ANYONE could sit and and comfortably and confidently say "this is going to be great, I think its an amazing idea". That said I am sure it be will slammed down our collective throats and middle America will lap it up like so much crappy fluff and fodder that we as thinking people get subjected to...and of course be a blockbuster spawning, gulp, Ghostbusters 4.
  16. Nice your day of birth is my wedding anniversary! Happy day young-ish man. Happy day... Something about that first post, girls and butterfly's, can't quite place the connection.......
  17. Of course they were, Headlining for Jackyl, one cannot be outdone by anyone, but Jack Russel, sorry Jessee, until you top the pyrotechnics Great White presented to their fans(good or bad)you'll always play second fiddle! am I right? Or second chainsaw...
  18. Karpet's comment is my favorite ever and one I have been living by yelling to people for years! I can think of a thousand bands in my collection that fall into that category, that have music far superior to the Ebay top 10 "rarest" that only myself and James Staryder Gebbia (RIP) has ever heard of and/or appreciated. One that immediately comes to mind is a Seattle band (locals are my fave's) called Hello Goodbye. Released a cd in the early 90's very Enuff Z Nuff/Redd Kross like, I sent a copy to LV Kix/Dave and he has it in his top rotation still after about 10 years, yes its that good and alas unknown to EVERYONE! The rarest I own and I may have mentioned it earlier on in this thread is a long play by my pal Jim Paulson (The Lemons, New American Shame, The Best Kissers, Point Defience) of a band he was in a half dozen years ago called Top Heavy Crush. The cd in question is a studio made cdr of which the engineer made 5 copies right on the spot after the recordings were completed. No artwork, but the disc has printed album info on it. Killer music, but NO ONE will EVER hear it, except for me. I also have, which I think its very cool and I started a thread here about it and that is a Samantha 7 pre-release/demo. Track order is different and so are a number of the mixes. I've searched high and low for info and have found none!
  19. I tracked them to England and emailed the guitarist, no reply as of yet. After continued digging there is a bit more poorly shot live cell phone videos of them as Blackstone Roses, I agree I enjoy Last Outlaw Society better as a band name. I will ping them again and see if they are responsive. I did speak to a photographer in Canada about them and he is who turned me onto their latest endeavor and location...
  20. I watched that the other day ... didn't they even manage to squeeze in a 'flying cow'? Or did I imagine that? They most certainly did. My wife caught it and was like, hey a flying cow...
  21. We have a whole other thread on these guys, alas I am to lazy yo link the thread, but will say I REALLY like the EP. Curious if Frontiers will re-release the indie or just go fro a new album.
  22. Agreed but then a big nod to Social D and a gaggle of rockabilly undertones too. I still like it a good lot. Thanks for sharing and be damned if they haven't been mucking about for a while. Three albums if I recall.
  23. Got that Yardstones disc and a t-shirt in the post yesterday. Band signed the cd insert of course.
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