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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Introduced the sprites to Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure, which they loved. Got about halfway through the new Mad Max and I must say it is amazing.
  2. Yea image shack says the link has expired so t who you boasting about and can I have it?
  3. Really cool! I rather enjoyed The Greatest Hits disc from last year!
  4. Second single: what's that stuck to the soap?
  5. I know right. Really looking forward to hearing more.
  6. IMHO a damn fine hard rock band we have here, with a huge nod to old s'kool 70's arena rock. http://openairofficial.com/ From the new release: Lessons From The Crow From 2013's Extended Play
  7. Some very excellent music coming forth from this Norwegian 3 piece! For fans of Kings X, Thin Lizzy, Rainbow, Badlands, et al... Just plain excellent! New album Elektrick Sorcery to drop any day now. https://www.facebook.com/magicktouch/timeline/ http://magicktouch.no/
  8. It Follows Two word review "Shit Follows"... I tell you if I read one more review about a movie claiming "an instant classic" or "scariest movie this decade" I will barf.
  9. martinsane


    Super surprised no one has chubbed out over this KC metal band Vanlade. They have a new ish release Rage Of The Gods from May of this year. Pretty tasty indeed! https://www.facebook.com/vanlade
  10. https://www.facebook.com/MAD-DRAGZTER-73957534135/timeline/ Some pretty epic metal from Spain. For fans of early Metallica and Slayer and such...
  11. This should appeal to some of our Euro brethren that has an appreciation for solidly performed and crafted prog rock. This band hails from Melbourne and appears to be a one man show known as Mike Mills... https://www.facebook.com/toehider
  12. All the videos are now private. I guess I will never know the true pleasures that are Goody Hairz...
  13. That All I Need is a fine song with some tasty guitar work and solid vocals. My favorite part about the band so far is they could walk right past you and you would never hazard a guess that they are in a melodic rock band.
  14. Dick for info. Think they would have the common decency to have a song snippet or something to go along with the 2 post Facebook page. Sheesh.
  15. I love stories like this as I harass and talk up bands all the time and have been treated very kindly by many who I have befriended. Whats under the drum head? A t-shirt, some stickers and a couple a buttons. Again, great story and it just goes to show that a few good words about your favorite bands goes along way to getting them some well deserved attention and of course that there are a good number of musicians that are really grateful for said attention. Thanks for sharing both the story and the band!
  16. And you circle back to the age old question of what in the Fark is the appeal of Mark Sanchez? WHY does he continue to be a starter? One small problem though: Mark Sanchez is not the Eagles starting QB. Sam Bradford is. Oops, I assumed as I am sans TV.
  17. Agreed. All my best to you Sir Ian!
  18. And you circle back to the age old question of what in the Fark is the appeal of Mark Sanchez? WHY does he continue to be a starter?
  19. Truer words have never been spoken.
  20. If only the song was as handsome as his abs it could be good...
  21. Agreed! Preparing for the next installment? On topic: Project Almanac, MTV's answer to the Butterfly Effect but with no bad stuff...
  22. Interestingly enough or maybe not but the glam band Talks Cheap got their band name from that Talk Is Cheap album. We listened to "Take It So Hard" 20 times a day back then running all over town in the self made topless 75' Plymouth Duster.
  23. Musically quite sound and obviously super fast and heavy. "Vocally" *gulp* not my bag in the least, never did get the appeal and I always wonder especially with the 2 songs posted why have the singing at all as it is not a prominent element in the music and again quite a far distance from any form of singing?
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