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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. World Party - Ship of Fools. One from '86 that I've grown to love. David Coverdale gets it.
  2. Rauschhardt - War. From the album "Free Falling" released in 2010. I had no idea about this album until I just heard this track posted on Cody's YouTube channel and it's Awesome! I checked out the whole album and I don't know how I missed it, it's a cracker. Many influences, Definitely Bluesy with a lot of melody. Once again, thank you Cody, you magnificent bastard!
  3. A Killer 80s Pop song that definitely falls into the "our" music category. I'd also like to address my previous posts in this thread directed to Auslander. I was completely out of line and though I apologised via personal message directly afterwards, I think I should also apologise publicly. I overreacted and I'm not proud of it. My comments were not what I want this forum to be about. So again, sorry mate and still no hard feelings I hope.
  4. This has gotta hurt our U.S. friends. I plonked it here because it was the most recent baseball thread I could find. "America's Game" is now "Japan's Game" I guess. BTW, the second pitch is unbelievable, it looks like CGI.
  5. Welcome back mate. It's good to put a face to the name.
  6. A live version of "Someday You'll Come Running" that really highlights how great Marcie's voice was back in the day.
  7. A nice short and sweet video about the writing of the Epic Pat Benatar track "Love is a Battlefield" featuring the equally Epic songwriter Holly Knight.
  8. A band from the U.S. (*Oklahoma City) that I'd never heard of before I heard their album "Stop the World" a couple of days ago. Here's a selection from their 4 albums, "Recollections of a Painted Year - 2022"... "Not the Same - 2015"... "Stop the World - 2012" and their self titled debut in 2008. There's a Modern, Melodic, Bluesy, Funky, Hard Rock, Retro vibe with these guys. Killer vocals, Killer music, Killer production. Quality stuff. *I once got a little too loose in Oklahoma City. I didn't care if she was young, didn't care if she was pretty.
  9. "Counting Crows" are touring here at the moment and performed this acoustic version of "Mr. Jones" on one of our biggest radio stations (MMM) yesterday. I heard it this morning on my way to work. Brilliant!
  10. Great new Hard Rock from Latvia with huge potential. Here's 3 tracks from their new album and 1 from their 2021, 4 track EP "One". It's good stuff, something to keep an eye on.
  11. I'm not sure how many people here are familiar with Mary Burke. Her YouTube videos, although not music related, are very informative and something drew me to them. This young lady covers it all. Art, Cooking, Garden Maintenance, Injury Management and Animal Conservation. Here's a few shorts.
  12. I absolutely love this track from their last album. I make a point of listening to it every few weeks or so. Their Hard Rock alter ego, "Devil's Train" are also a big favourite of mine and I'll use any excuse to post "Hollywood Girl".
  13. Yeah, I've seen a few reaction videos that focus on the solo. I think that solo is gonna go down as one of the greats and rightly so. I'm pumped for this album and I never thought I'd say that about an "Extreme" release. This reaction video from Justin Hawkins is pretty cool. BTW, Nuno Bettencourt has a very strong Aussie connection, or should I say, ex-connection. Here's a couple of clues for the non Aussies.
  14. I wasn't sure where to post this one. Not technically a camel toe, but just as good if not better.
  15. Another great one from "Top 2000 A Gogo". I've posted a few here already. This is a nice little video about "Africa" from "Toto" featuring Bill Paich (Singer/Songwriter). An iconic song and band with regards to our music. I love the fact that he was able to include the words Kilimanjaro, Olympus and Serengeti into one line and make it work.
  16. Ren - Hi Ren. It's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea, but this one's very interesting and very profound. I'm not sure if you'd call this a song, it's more of an artistic performance. The level of talent and creativity from this guy is of the charts. It's not the sort of thing you'll Groove along to while driving, but it's the sort of thing you would've heard 1000 years ago by a story telling minstrel with a guitar. Almost Shakespearian and pretty amazing TBH.
  17. This question's off topic Cody, but it is TV show related. What are your thoughts on the new "Night Court" reboot? I'm not hearing good things, which is a shame. It's great to see JL reprise his role, but from what I understand, it's just a "woke" version of it's former self.
  18. WTF!? New album later this year? That's huge news! I'm foaming at the mouth already. It would be nice to get an official version of this Jeff Paris classic. I believe the boys went over to the US to collaborate with Jeff on the never to be "Roxus" second album.
  19. I would never question your knowledge in music mate.
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