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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. I find it hard to snap out of an 80'S Pop mood sometimes. Here's another favourite from '85 by "Sly Fox" .
  2. Another huge favourite of mine from the Golden decade. This is a song that could've been sung in a Tavern 300 years ago.
  3. Is this the best Aussie 80's Pop/Rock track ever? It's definitely in the conversation. An early 80's song well ahead of it's time.
  4. This is one of those songs that transcends the original Artist to a certain extent. The original, of course is the benchmark and inspiration for all the covers/tributes to follow. I think of covers as tributes whether good or bad. When it comes to this legendary track, I have two favourites. Not only is the first clip a great version, but it features Daria Zaritskava, so... enough said. (on a side note, she's Ukrainian, so that's why there hasn't been any recent content). The Kelly Hansen version is pure class. No matter how great the cover may be however, it could never match the GREATNESS of the original video.
  5. Coming from you, that's high praise indeed.
  6. Your "Maori golden shower" fetish aside, I still think it's blasphemy.
  7. I'm surprised about the lack of comments on this one. I'm absolutely loving it. This album is a real hidden gem.
  8. I FUCKING HATE these promos. Watching Waleed Aly strum that guitar triggers the fuck out of me! I agree about "Talk To Me", one of my favourite KISS tracks.
  9. 2 killer 80's tracks that have 2 things in common. Firstly, there's the "Genesis" connection and then there's also the fact that I have no idea what either song is about. For the record, "Silent Running" is definitely my favourite of the two. I remember it was the theme track to the 80's T.V. show "Werewolf".
  10. That's some profound shit right there. In any context.
  11. Speaking of which. This isn't one of their more well known tracks, but it's another one I had on a compilation that is a favourite of mine. Again, pure 80's.
  12. I saw several news stories regarding the death of one of the Pointer sisters, but nothing about Irene. BTW, "The Pointer Sisters" will feature in this thread at some stage I'm sure.
  13. Killer track. I've always found this version to be a very worthy cover.
  14. 2 killer tracks from Irene Cara that absolutely epitomise the 80's. Both from soundtracks. On a sad note, I just found out that she passed away November 25, 2022. Just over a month ago. I haven't heard anything in the media. It's a shame, her death deserved more recognition. R.I.P.
  15. The trailer for "Renfield" featuring Nicholas Cage as "Dracula". It looks pretty cool.
  16. "Jessie's Girl" was Rick's massive hit, but I always preferred this track from a compilation album I had called "1982 out of the blue".
  17. This one falls into the "How the fuck did I miss this?" category. I'm a fan of "Stereoside", but wasn't aware of this band featuring their vocalist, "Jeff Shields" until I saw some tracks recently posted on Cody's YouTube channel. It's a 14 track album and I've posted 8. I could've easily posted the whole album. I instantly loved it. This is KILLER, KILLER stuff and I'm getting a "Matt Alfonzetti" vibe with the vocals. That's how good it is. Thanks Cody!!!
  18. I would respond to that slander, but I owe you nothing... nothing at all.
  19. I'm in an 80's mood now. Here's one more. 80's perfection.
  20. EUROGLIDERS - Heaven. I'll post some iconic Aussie tracks here alongside the more well known International artists. You can't get more iconic than this one down here when it comes to 80's music.
  21. My cousin, who was/is into all the music we love, was a fan of these guys, needless to say, he copped a lot of shit from myself and our circle of friends at the time.
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