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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. Yeah, that crossed my mind originally, but I couldn't make the connection. Well done.
  2. Nup. You got me with that one.
  3. That's great stuff. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Ha! I wouldn't go that far mate, but thanks.
  5. The wristband, leather pants and t-shirt were a nice touch. Revealed slowly.
  6. Pearl - Nutbush City Limits. From the great 2010 album "Little Immaculate White Fox" by Pearl Aday (Meatloaf's adopted Daughter BTW). The original is Legendary and this is a worthy tribute. She has a very powerful voice.
  7. I believe that In his current incarnation he changed his name to Alessandro Del Vecchio and has been exerting his influence and agenda via Frontiers Records. Think about it... That's the only explanation for the ADV phenomenon.
  8. Darkstone


    That's fine. As I always say, "it's the thought that counts".
  9. I wouldn't say ignored. Sometimes these threads just get lost in the mix.
  10. Yeah, I saw those threads when I did a search and found them to be inadequate and unworthy. You've gotta back them up brother.
  11. I'd never heard of this US band before, until I recently saw the Lead Singer's (Matt James) new solo single on the Uridium YouTube channel. These guys definitely flew under my radar. Absolutely Killer Hard Rock with heaps of melody. 4 albums, "I Am - 2014", "Burn the Ships - 2017", "Under the Sun - 2019" and "Blacktop Mojo - 2021". Here's a selection from each starting with the self titled '21 album. There's a Killer Aerosmith cover in there as well. I've also added the new single from Matt James. Quality stuff all round.
  12. Yep, Using the Lord and Christianity as tools in his own agenda to troll, judge and ridicule. Not to mention Mr. Holier than thou committing the Sin of pride. It will not end well for him.
  13. We're still waiting for your suggestions on worthy Christian Rock artists.
  14. I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor Sorry, I couldn't resist. No homo.
  15. Is this the first ever Sleaze song? The word play, for the time, rivals a Steel Panther track. Also, when it comes to a "Rock n Roll" lifestyle, the shit this guy got up to makes "Motley Crue", "KISS", etc look like choir boys. He was the OG. If you were a teenager in the 50s listening to this, you're parents would be very concerned.
  16. I love these guys, but this one completely flew under my radar (I blame Stefan). I came across it thanks to "Amber" on YouTube. There's so much stuff to try and keep up with... I love it! Here's 5 tracks from a Killer album as with their earlier releases. Absolutely Killer artwork also BTW.
  17. I just heard today that "Extreme" are touring down here later in the year. Imagine experiencing THAT solo live.
  18. Okay mate, that's fair enough, but you were asked recently to give examples of artists you deem worthy to be classified as Christian. You haven't cited any yet. This is a music forum after all. You've made your beliefs known by criticising, how about using those beliefs to praise and promote Christ and what you consider true Christian music. Hmmm... WWJD?
  19. Sorry mate, that was a typo. I meant to type "retarded"
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