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2023 Gold Donors
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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. Here's 3 Killer tracks from Kim Wilde. Huge memories for me associated with all 3. She was as hot as fuck back in the day. Dare I say... Stunning.
  2. Yeah, I may have been slightly overenthusiastic when I heard it this morning before leaving for work. Still good stuff though.
  3. Another one to keep an eye on. Fabio Diangelo is a guitarist/composer from Spain. Just this single at the moment. This one's stunning! Fingers well and truly crossed for a full album very soon!
  4. Inspired by Whiplash1972's thread. I know we're all die hard Metal heads, but the fact is that these tracks were a big part of our lives growing up. I'll start with three. All three are quintessential 80s tracks IMO. Possibly only the Aussies here will recognise the third one, maybe?
  5. A new band from Greece. I don't know much about them. Here's their first two singles. No album yet, but hopefully there's one coming soon. It's good stuff.
  6. I believe it went quadruple platinum. The album title seemed to resonate with the general public and rightly so, as we all well know.
  7. BASTIAN - Demon of Pain. I always enjoy catching up on releases that fell through the cracks for me at the end of the year. Speaking of which, I'm looking forward to the official HH end of year review. I'm not 100% sure who the vocalist is on this track, but whoever he Is, I think he needs to have more of an influence and input when it comes to "our" music. KILLER TRACK!!! Very dark.
  8. I agree with all of them except for the Hoodoo Gurus. I love those guys.
  9. I thought as much, considering the source. It's just nice to be included.
  10. I'd love to give it a listen, but sadly, I wasn't invited to. I've never felt so betrayed.
  11. Darkstone


    Brilliant reply. I haven't heard that one before. The best comeback to a Mum joke. I'll have to remember that one.
  12. Darkstone


    You've gone vintage. Nice. There's a lot of milk on that table.
  13. I was born in 1972 and have always been a music lover. Some of my earliest memories are of listening to my Mum's LP's and singles. I then graduated to buying my own LP's, singles and of course, cassettes, always with a quality sound system whether it be home stereo, walkman or "boom box". All I can say is that when I first purchased a CD player and my first CD's, I was blown away. The superior sound quality was very noticeable... to my ears anyway.
  14. Darkstone


    The bait has been placed, the trap is set... ... now we wait.
  15. Darkstone

    Cricket !

    Nice. No, I'm not going.
  16. Darkstone


    I'll post in this thread occasionally for shits and giggles, but I've noticed that there are two members who are actively following this thread and receiving notifications when comments are posted here. Anyone willing to admit that it's them? Glen?
  17. Darkstone

    World Cup 2022

    This game is unbelievable! 3-3
  18. Darkstone


    Again, I think discussion about mandated boosters is irrelevant. It was making the first shot mandatory that changed the game. It's great to hear that England has all it's restrictions lifted, but it also has more legislation put in place to make it easier to bring those restrictions back in the blink of an eye, as do all countries now. As Dan said, are we looking at some Covid24 or God knows what event to trigger it all over again?
  19. Darkstone


    I think the underlying point to this isn't about how effective certain vaccines were. 10%, 60% or even 100% effective. It's irrelevant. Making them mandatory was the big issue for me.
  20. This track is called "Winter Freeze" and although it may not technically be a Christmas song, I happen to know that this is *"Santa's" favourite band. *
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