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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. I got 11 keepers off the first album and 8 off the third. Never got the second album for some reason, off to hear it now
  2. AC/DC are one of the most overrated bands ever. Great White are one of the most underrated.
  3. Damian is the second replacement. And yes, he left on what appeared to be very amicable terms.
  4. OK, so I listened to the new version, and it was good, but missing 'something' which was basically the exact sound of the original lol My next thought was that live, Damian will be spot on, and possibly even sound better than Paul as his goal will be to sound like the originals more than Paul, as live Paul will vary and change a bit just for fun. Then I played those two version together, lined them up and then alternated muting one at a time. Was surprised at how close they were. Really matched well, but still all those inflections and unique voice parts changed the song a bit. Probably sounds as good as Paul could have done, as he likely wouldn't replicate them the same either.
  5. Makes you wonder if the new singer can nail them as well as the others
  6. 100% Why change perfect songs? Guarantee I won't like them more. Assuming this was a Best of compilation, I'd be asking where the following songs are Unicorn Only In Vegas Unfinished Symphony September Rain One Small Step Narnia That said, their are a lot of great songs to choose from, but would be hard to omit those...
  7. CureTheSane


    Aside from the mask debate, which is a different argument, I'll say that if we are wearing masks to protect us from covid, and also protect us from spreading covid, then why the fuck aren't kids wearing masks? Maybe they don't get as sick as adults, but THEY CAN STILL PASS IT ON. Personally, I'd be a fucking lot more likely to wear a mask WHEN I'M IN A SITUATION WHERE I FEEL LIKE I SHOULD, if it wasn't mandated under fear of fines etc. I walk the do by myself, not coming close to anyone else, and I MUST wear a mask?!?!?
  8. So many great songs... Indie Queen Better Off Dead Cigarette Lighter Love Song Cold As Hell #27 Mrs. Jackson You're So Yesterday Every Monday not to mention a killer cover of Reelin' In The Years
  9. has to be the statement of the year to date, yeah? lol
  10. CureTheSane


    Does any country have kids in masks? Weird to me, heaps of kids getting covid here (mostly mildly) abut passing it on to others. Not sure why these little fuckers aren't in masks. Either everyone in masks or no-one in masks.
  11. CureTheSane


    Haha, yeah, my comment was meant to be ironic. Freedom is long gone. It won't ever be like the UK with everything opening up quickly. I mean we've been told here that we'll be in lockdown for at least another 2 months. Our only hope is that Gladys decides to be a real leader, and we are compelled to follow.
  12. Wow, what are you saying there? They may be quite tight!
  13. CureTheSane


    Just heard about your freedom day up there Geoff, you lucky bastard. October 14th.
  14. Jar Jar Ding Dong, from Will Ferrell's Eurovision movie. Fuck me that's an addictive tune...
  15. Never understood why people got so upset with anyone getting a divorce nd moving on with their life.
  16. CureTheSane


    Was never a fan of his. I have always liked strong leaders. Paul Keating (PM) was incredible, Jeff Kennett (Victoria) was also amazing. As I've said before, I'm pretty non partisan, the two best political leaders for me are from either side. These days the gap between both sides is pretty slim, although lately Labor have slid back further left. As a rule I guess I lean further to the right. If you're in business, you tend to do so. But Howards always rubbed me the wrong way, but he turned out to be a strong(ish) leader. The last one we've had.
  17. CureTheSane


    Maybe he stopped sending you Christmas cards because you come out on the internet and slam him by referring to your personal relationship with him These things have a tendency to go sour from time to time. I used to have a great friendship with Obama, but he is a jealous man, constantly glaring at me when I'd chat to Michelle. I though at one point he could accept my friendship with his wife, but in the end he just severed ties, no explanation, just stopped sending Air Force One over to pick me up for a visit. To be fair, I probably started to lose interest when he lost office, I'm a bit fickle like that. But like you, no Xmas cards
  18. CureTheSane


    haha, yeah. But to be fair, generally these are smart people. They don't get there by chance. Fair that anyone can get in if you talk the talk and sell yourself, but then to get to be a leader of a state, or in a federal cabinet, usually at least has the better pollies. That said, that bitch Queensland leader, either unknowingly or knowingly misquoted the Doherty report for reopening. All the other leaders kind of had to stop themselves from belittling her for being so stupid. Worse than that, this bitch gloats about her state 'being open' with a big smirk, and has young kids not being able to be reunited with their parents because they went to visit grandparents across state lines before lockdowns and border restrictions. Unlike Glen and Trump, I don't personally know her, so I can't say for sure that she is an absolute bitch, but everything she does sure indicates that she is.
  19. CureTheSane


    Queensland will bail when the rest of the country opens and they get no tourism. HOPEFULLY, they not only miss all of December, but also most of the rest of summer because people pre booked in December and didn't consider Qld. Also the preier there is a fucking idiot. And I mean that in the true sense of the word, At least McGowan is smart. He's an asshole for sure, but he knows what he's doing, as wrong as I think it is, but at least he's not just an idiot.
  20. CureTheSane


    Looking more like every 6 months at this point, hopefully graduates to annual.
  21. I actually don't disagree with you that much. Its just annoying when you come out and say you're not left and then proceed to slam an ex republican president every opportunity you get. You may not consider yourself left, but everything you say smacks of being left. And there's nothing wrong with that. Just annoying at times and digresses from the issue at hand (eg: Afghanistan) It's just like a constant change of subject. For me the Biden show has the potential to supersede the trump show. Less entertaining, and less one liners, but I foresee a run of huge fuck ups, followed by Trump level sooking, but probably only half the trump level bad press.
  22. Well that clears a lot up. I did not realise you know him personally, probably should have said that and saved a lot of grief
  23. CureTheSane


    People who died from the black plague are looking down laughing at us and our pissy disease.. now THAT was a fucking reason to isolate.
  24. CureTheSane


    Our big fuck up was to invest heavily in Astra. Forget if it was legitimately problematic or not, once the press got hold of it, our govt reacted and banned its use in under 60's, but saying it wasn't safe for under 60's That pretty much fucked our stream of vaccinations. Like I said before, the US can thank Trump for making his accurate call on Pfizer. So now we wait for the other vaccines to eventually arrive, so that everyone has the option to get jabbed. To be clear, my complaints about how our governments are handling this are not especially personal. I am very fortunate, haven't been fucked over as much as so many other businesses and people. Right now the govt is handing out money everywhere. It will need to be paid back, but my kids and their kids. Even comparing my state to NSW, I bet if you overlay the graphs they match pretty well, but NSW has always been more reasonable about restrictions. And that's the thing that is fucked, just how ridiculous some of them are. Kids not eating of drinking in parks, of a blanket ban on removing your mask to drink alcohol because one street allowed a pub crawl. Reactionary much?
  25. I thought this was a band my daughter liked? But she's into a lot of alternative shit. Maybe I have my wires crossed, because this is a great song. Know nothing about this band.
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