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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Pretty sure I acknowledged that my opinion on this is a lonely one. Don't you have a 13 year-old girl to go pick on? Honestly, I think it's just the fact that I spent more time with Whitecross than Ratt during my formative years. It's not necessarily that I think Whitecross is superior to Ratt, just that I personally prefer them to Ratt. So this is one of those cases where you're probably technically right (that Ratt is the better band ... though Rex Carroll can go toe-to-toe with pretty much any '80s rock/metal guitarist out there) but that I just prefer the lesser band. Just remember, I'm the coolest Christian you've (n)ever met. Jesus loves you ... everyone else thinks you're an asshole. Especially Petra.
  2. That's a good song seriously marred--if not outright ruined--by some pretty nasty (and not in a good way) lead vocals.
  3. The Volz-fronted Petra and the Schlitt-fronted Petra might as well be different bands. As much as I enjoy Not of This World ("Grave Robber" is a classic), the heavier rock sound that emerged with Schlitt as the vocalist is far & away my preferred version of the band, with Beyond Belief being their greatest album.
  4. This dropped today and while it's easy to poke fun at the name, the reality is, this pretty much sounds like the old Jaded Heart we all loved. The name may be a cheeky/childish "f*** you" to his ex-band mates, but it kind of makes sense since he mimicked the Jaded Heart sound. This is a surprisingly good helping of melodic hard rock and as long as he keeps delivering this level of quality, he can call it whatever he wants and I'll fork over my money.
  5. Christianity is full of douche bags, unfortunately. Personally, I don't find Sweet to be that much of a jerk, but I do understand where people are coming from. That said, I like this new solo track. It's not "OMG!" amazing, but it's a solid melodic metal tune, and I do appreciate that Sweet, both solo and with Stryper, seems to be getting heavier (uh, musically) with age.
  6. Fair enough and to each their own. For the record, I like the song too, as amusing filler, but I don't consider it high-quality Danger Danger and many The Defiants tunes easily trump it for me. That said, taken as a whole, I would agree that the first two DD albums are superior to The Defiants debut (reserving judgment on "Zokusho" until it can be given a proper chance).
  7. So you're saying that nothing The Defiants have done is better than "Yeah, You Want It!"?
  8. Should've called this one "Angel With No Voice." This is a misfire and we all know it. I can't imagine there's a single Angelica fan out there who's spent all these years thinking, "Man, I hope they come back with an instrumental album!"
  9. Never heard of these guys before. They remind me of Roxx Gang a little bit.
  10. Good single and true to the sound they've been going with the last few albums. Probably my second-favorite modern-day Christian rock band, after Disciple.
  11. Yeah ... with a female vocalist. (Not that there's anything wrong with that ... but it ain't The Brave.)
  12. It's perfectly serviceable Christian hard rock ... but it ain't Fear Not. That said, it's significantly better than the resurrected The Brave atrocity.
  13. If Larry Worley wasn't available, I could (kinda-sorta) understand bringing in a new singer, but from what I've read, Worley provided background vocals for the EP. If that's correct, then I'm not sure why they wouldn't just use him for lead vocals. The EP isn't horrible--the ballad "Carry Me" is excellent--but given the modernized hard rock sound and the lack of Worley singing, it doesn't sound much like Fear Not from the days of old. Then again, it's been 25 years...
  14. If ever there was a song worthy of hit single status, this is it.
  15. Going against the majority here, but I liked that. Thought they did a nice job with it. It probably helps that my 9 year-old daughter, who names the original as one of her favorite songs, has declared Bonfire's version to be "totally hard rockin' awesome."
  16. Not the greatest song they've ever done, but a good'un nonetheless. It sounds like Disturbed, which is good enough for me. If it's more polished and/or melodic, it's not by much. In a world full of modern hard rock/metal sound-alikes, these guys have always sported a distinct style that has resonated.
  17. Christian headbangers should spend more energy protesting crap like this instead of moaning about the title of Stryper's latest album.
  18. John the Baptist was decapitated, right? That seems appropriate, 'cause I think I would rather chop my head off than listen to that abomination again.
  19. Well, if Issa was in the shower with me while I was singing, I'd probably destroy her too...
  20. The other two songs didn't do much for me, but this one is pretty cool. My waning interest in this album just re-spiked.
  21. Some of the fans on Facebook are calling this a grower, and I can sort of see that, but I doubt there's a single Stryper fan out there who was hoping this would be what the first single sounded like. Personally, I don't hate it ... but it damn well better not be the best song on the album.
  22. They have an album called "To Hell With the Devil." They have a song called "Rock the Hell Out of You." By now, you would think the "fans" would have figured out that this band likes to engage in what I shall call "Christian swearing." My favorite comments are the ones begging the band to put a comma after "God" so that the title won't be blasphemous. Who knew holy commas were a thing?
  23. There's an easy joke here about how you didn't insult somebody's mother, you insulted somebody's bride, but I'm gonna let it go...
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