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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Let's hope it's better than their last bore-fest. "Snakes..." was/is a classic Christian hard rock album, but the band has never been able to duplicate its success, regardless of how many times they have promised to do so. There was a time when news of a new Bride album would get my metal chops salivating, but now I greet such news with a shoulder-shrug and a "Meh, whatever." That said, I'll always give 'em a chance. While their last album was pretty much unlistenable, the preceding few releases all had at least a few decent tracks.
  2. Great write up for a great, underrated album. The whole thing just flat-out rocks, but "Walking Evil" ... man, that track makes the cut every time I compile a Favorite Christian Metal Songs Playlist.
  3. Thanks for the heads-up on this one, as I had no idea it existed, and I'm a huge Jason fan. Watched it last night and you're right, it's incredibly well-done. Took a little longer than necessary for the Jason action to kick in, but when it did, it delivered the goods, and I had a blast. Personally, I thought the film should have ended with that scene at the lake, because the whole ambulance sequence lacked any real punch, but hey, that's just me. No matter how you (machete) slice it, any Friday the 13th aficionado should check this flick out.
  4. Yep, I was all excited when I heard they were going heavier ... until I actually heard it. All sorts of crunch and screams and balls, but they left most of the hooks behind in the process.
  5. Sounds like the best thing Scott Stapp has ever done ... and yes, that includes Creed.
  6. Not a game-changer by any means, but it appealed to my modern rock/metal sensibilities enough for me to snag it off iTunes. The tracks "Defiance" and "Burn" are particularly tasty.
  7. Yes ... yes, she does. Pretty much the only thing I remember about the movie.
  8. STONE COLD is an underrated action classic. "Imagine the future, Chains, 'cause you're not in it."
  9. Us "Christian Freaks" know that Disciple's new album, "Long Live the Rebels," produced by Aaron Sprinkle, drops next month (Oct. 14). Teaser samples available here: Disciple Kickstarter My favorite modern holy rockers, bar none.
  10. Well, that single didn't melt me into a puddle of pleasure, but it's certainly more than acceptable.
  11. To be fair, there's not much humor in the original Evil Dead either. The slapstick didn't really kick in until Evil Dead 2. As for the remake ... the gore-hound in me greatly enjoyed it.
  12. Yeah, I like that. Right up my musical alley.
  13. I like their sound, but don't care for the vocalist. But yeah, can definitely see at least a few folks on here diggin' what they're doing.
  14. Just because I think $400,000.00 is way too expensive for a Lamborghini Aventador doesn't give me the right to steal it. (We now return you to your regularly-scheduled discussion about the new Vain album.)
  15. Wait...what?? That stoned rant was about some of my old reviews on the main site? I missed that. Then again, I do remember back in the day a couple of people complaining about my fondness for metaphors, alliteration, hyperbole and other writing techniques. All I ever tried to do was not bang out generic reviews and put a little style into 'em. I don't have the time to review now--even quit my gig reviewing for Hardrock Haven--and have pretty much become nothing more than a lurker on the boards.
  16. I believe Rob Wylde is/was in the pop-punk-rock band Teenage Casket Company.
  17. I agree--this ain't that bad at all!! Totally annihilates the original version (which, granted, wasn't difficult to do). I haven't listened to the original since the day it came out, but I could see myself revisiting this re-recording a time or two.
  18. Holy metal up your ass! That sounds leaps and bounds better. Pretty damn impressive.
  19. Not the best song by far, but the only video I could find at the moment.
  20. Big, loud, Texas-sized metal dished out southern-style (the band describe themselves as "Lynyrd Skynyrd and ZZ Top having a child raised by Pantera"). It's not going to appeal to everyone on this site, but those who like their metal served up with whiskey 'n' grits will find plenty to enjoy. To check out my full review for Hardrock Haven, click the link below: THC review If you like it raging and raspy, then jump on and enjoy the ride.
  21. Sophomore effort from this angsty, rebellion-fueled artist finds his industrial-metal-meets-commercial-rock sound intact. To read my full review for Hardrock Haven, click the link below: Davey Suicide review You have to enjoy the modern sound/style/approach, but if Rob Zombie crossed with latter-day Shotgun Messiah gets your juices flowing, this is at least worth checking out.
  22. Consider your mission accomplished, 'cause I had completely forgotten about Die Happy. When they hit the scene, I was pretty much only into melodic rock, so I never cared for them, but over the years my tastes have expanded to include all sorts of heavy metal, so it's probably worth giving these guys another go.
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