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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Not even close to average...not a single filler on the disc...One of the best albums I was introduced to (thank you Tesla) in 2008. 'Get In Get Out' was the only really horrid song on the disc. The rest was good to great. Solid disc. I enjoyed it. And for saying that song is horrid I must ask you if you have been eating paint chips? Only if there are paint chips on Matt's dic...uh, never mind. On topic, I thought the whole Cinder Road album was really good, and while "Get in, get out" veered a little into filler territory, it was good filler.
  2. OK, I'll join the Studboy lovefest (uh, wait a minute, that sounds kinda dirty). Seriously, a great guy to trade with.
  3. Hmmmm, another poll I was M.I.A. on when it was originally posted. Though not truly a "metal" album, I voted for AC/DC: "For Those About to Rock," my fave from this bunch.
  4. Woo, I ain't seen this one in years. I believe it stars a very young Jason Alexander (of future "Seinfeld" fame) doesn't it? Yes, yes, it does. And a young Holly Hunter as well. Wonder if either of them still list this credit on their resumes?
  5. Latest acquisition... Disciple: "Southern Hospitality" (awesome modern hard rock/metal)
  6. Latest acquisition... THE BURNING (Uncut)--had a bootleg of this 80s horror gem for years, but just finally got around to picking up the (fairly) recently released official DVD. The famous "raft scene" is a bona fide classic. Tom Savini's gore FX are pretty badass too.
  7. I've spun this thing at least a dozen times since I got it and it really is a great album. Still don't think it quite tops "The Great Radio Controversy," but after a few more spins, who knows?! Voted for "Just in Case," which hits me just right both musically and lyrically. Other notable mentions would be "Breakin' Free" and "Pvt Ledbetter."
  8. Dumbest thing Impellitteri ever did = fire Rob Rock as vocalist. Smartest thing Impellitteri ever did = bring Rob Rock back as vocalist. Those last two Rock-less Impellitteri albums left a lot to be desired...
  9. Didn't care for the band's last album, but this sounds pretty good. I'll add this to my ever-expanding list of CDs to buy.
  10. Latest acquisition... THE GUARD POST--Korean horror/thriller from the director of "R-Point." Wouldn't normally have ordered this, but the trailer looked pretty cool and reviews indicate it brings the gore, which is always a plus in my book. Haven't had a chance to watch it yet, though, so I can't say if it's any good or not.
  11. My sentiments exactly. The songs sound OK (nothing spectacular) but they sure as hell don't sound like GNR.
  12. "To Hell With the Devil" was my introduction to Stryper and remains my favorite and most-played to this day. I still remember the "controversy" this album caused in my Christian school, between the "swearing" of the album title and the original "banned" angel cover...not to mention the "unholiness" of the music itself.
  13. So you're saying the fucking waves were only an inch high??
  14. Dude, seriously? You'd never heard Kix?? First Skid Row, now Kix...how the hell do you live with yourself?
  15. Again, pristine production, but the song leaves me underwhelmed. Just something about this release isn't grabbing me, and I still think it's a pretty standard offering in the melodic hard rock genre, the sort of thing we've heard done thousands of times before. Or maybe I just lean toward the heavier, more aggressive side of the genre and this slick, straight-forward sound just doesn't appeal to me and therefore I should shut my mouth (I heard that, Pete!). Sorry, John (and the band), while I think plenty of folks 'round these parts will enjoy this, it's just not clicking with me.
  16. TRIVIUM > TESLA Ummmm...no. But that's not to say the Trivium isn't really good, 'cause it is.
  17. Latest acquisitions... Trivium: "Shogun" (really good) Tesla: "Forever More" (excellent)
  18. Latest acquisition... SCARECROWS (Unrated)--saw this overlooked 80s horror flick way back when, but had to pick it up again to check out the uncut/unrated edition, which definitely brings extra gore to the table. Unfortunately, the pacing is still numbingly terrible, with very little happening until the hour mark, at which point the titular scarecrows go on their violent rampage. Gotta give the movie props, though, 'cause the scarecrow effects are downright creepy.
  19. Well, as the convicts here at the Federal joint at which I work like to say, "You don't know what you're missin' until you've had sex in prison." (OK, so it's not a perfect rhyme, but what do you want from a bunch of half-retarded kiddie-touchin' drug dealin' gangbangers?)
  20. You can check out the first 2 songs on their site. Sounds like they're gonna rip out another good release. Let the countdown begin. Holy Stanley Steamer, those 2 tracks are truly excellent. "321" is a monster hard rocker and the ballad (can't recall the name right now) is really good too. Loved this band from the beginning and they just keep getting better and better.
  21. These have been getting some serious spin-time in the stereo lately: Metallica: "Death Magnetic" Madhouse: s/t Kutless: "Strong Tower" Testament: "Formation of Damnation" Blessed by a Broken Heart: "Pedal to the Metal"
  22. Picked this up at a used CD shop recently for $7 and was pleasantly surprised. No, it doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it does serve up some pretty good modern hard rock. Not on the same level as the latest Theory of a Deadman or Shinedown, mind you, but still plenty solid enough to earn a spot in my collection. While some songs are better than others, there's not a single track on here that makes me reach for the Skip button. Consistently good from start to finish...unlike Geoff's lovemaking abilities...or so Matt told me.
  23. "Never too Much" ~ Electrik "Till the End of my Days" ~ Fear Not "I Wanna Live in Your Heart" ~ Bloodgood "Star One" ~ Fighter "Miracle" ~ Guardian "Love" ~ Petra "Gabriela" ~ Whiteheart
  24. Latest acquisition... Metallica: "Death Magnetic" (better'n I expected)
  25. Since I know John to be a person who appreciates both positive and negative feedback, I'll offer both. On the positive side, the production is much improved over the band's debut, and while the old singer was good, so is the new vocalist. On the negative side, as I listened to this new song, I couldn't help but think I've heard this sort of thing done thousands of times in the melodic hard rock genre. I know, I know, sameness isn't necessarily a bad thing in our beloved musical genre, but for me, the "been there, heard that" vibe was a little overwhelming, which in turn left me a little underwhelmed by what I was hearing. No offense to all parties involved.
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