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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Huh. I sort of figured you'd be struck by lightning the second your foot crossed the threshold of a Christian bookstore...
  2. Basically I can get away with sending you Rockarma mp3s... Can you send some my way too? I haven't gotten around to buying the Rockarma album yet. Been too busy adding to my "nu-metal" collection.
  3. Honestly, buddy, all jokes aside, I really do like what I'm hearing with this band. Reminds me quite a bit of Decyfer Down, which, if you recall, I ranted & raved about when it came out. So, you can keep your testicles (they're all covered with pug-spit anyway) but I will still be buying a copy of Nailpoint's album.
  4. I'll have to pass. I like my Christmas tree ornaments to be big enough for people to actually see them. ... instead of so big they block all doorways and don't allow anyone to enter the room? I see your logic, mate. No worries. Balls are staying attached anyway...'cause no one really likes Nailpoint. Well, Geoff, consider yourself wrong (something you should be used to by now), because I finally got around to listening to the songs on Nailpoint's MySpace page and I really liked 'em. Not just kind of liked them--really liked them. Liked them a lot. And them being Christian has nothing to do with it (though in my case, it's a plus, obviously). So, do you need my address to mail your balls to? I figure once I have them, I'll sell them on eBay as a rarity--The World's Smallest Testicles!--and use the money to buy a copy of Nailpoint's CD.
  5. Has this joker told you lately that sometimes you're an ass? Sometimes when we cuddle you say I'm handsome and I have a nice ass...but I can't recall you actually calling me one. You had me at cuddle, you Jesus-hating, pug-fucking, syphilis-ridden ass-wipe.
  6. Has this joker told you lately that sometimes you're an ass?
  7. Aren't Disciple Christians? Yep, and so are Stryper and Holy Soldier. And a million other clueless clowns I listen to (including every modern hard rock band in existence). Geoff, buddy, did you just refer to Christians as "clueless clowns"? Are you trying to piss me off, or do you just enjoy seeing me launch into one of my pro-faith rants? I swear, I would kick you right in the chin, but then Matt would have nowhere to rest his balls. Mark, whose side are you on?? If your balls are on Geoff's chin, how is that insulting you? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... I forget that not everybody understands prison rules.
  8. Aren't Disciple Christians? Yep, and so are Stryper and Holy Soldier. And a million other clueless clowns I listen to (including every modern hard rock band in existence). Geoff, buddy, did you just refer to Christians as "clueless clowns"? Are you trying to piss me off, or do you just enjoy seeing me launch into one of my pro-faith rants? I swear, I would kick you right in the chin, but then Matt would have nowhere to rest his balls. Mark, whose side are you on?? If your balls are on Geoff's chin, how is that insulting you?
  9. Aren't Disciple Christians? Yep, and so are Stryper and Holy Soldier. And a million other clueless clowns I listen to (including every modern hard rock band in existence). Geoff, buddy, did you just refer to Christians as "clueless clowns"? Are you trying to piss me off, or do you just enjoy seeing me launch into one of my pro-faith rants? I swear, I would kick you right in the chin, but then Matt would have nowhere to rest his balls.
  10. Excellent. This just became my new wallpaper.
  11. While I like this band just fine, I couldn't care less about a reunion unless it results in some new tunes. "Right to Rock" failed to hold up for me as the years rolled on. "Final Frontier" has its moments, but some fillers too, and I haven't listened to it in forever, though it still sits in my collection. Their self-titled album remains their masterpiece, in my opinion, and the album I find myself listening to the most, followed by "Back in Action," which contains my favorite Keel song, "Reach out and Rock Somebody." As others have mentioned, though, their lyrics are so cheesy, it's a wonder rats don't come scurrying from all directions everytime someone plays the CDs. But you simply can't deny their place in hard rock/metal history. The band knew how to write an anthems loaded with big guitars, big hooks, big choruses, & big vocals, and sometimes that's all you need.
  12. Not quite sure "Dark Horse" will top "All the Right Reasons" as the best Nickelback album, but it's definitely one of the best modern hard rock CDs of '08. Though honestly, I thought Mutt Lange's production would be better; I actually prefer the production jobs on the earlier Nickelback albums. Also, as I think Geoff mentioned, this does not rise to the level of Hinder: "Take it to the Limit," which continues to rock my balls off everytime I slip it in (yes, I know that sounds dirty). But Dan...sweet Beelezebub in the bowels of perdition, how can you not like Disciple: "Southern Hospitality"? It absolutely destroys the last Disturbed album. But hey, to each their own--what you call "unlistenable," I call delicious music to my ears.
  13. Latest acquisition... Guns N Roses: "Chinese Democracy" (not classic, but pretty good)
  14. Yes there is a "viking metal" genre listed but it's hilarious to read some of the other "genres" in the list. Some of my favourites: eerie hardcore fun-grind harsh noise powerviolence semi-chaotic splatter / splatternoise / splattercore tough guy hardcore unblack metal Man, how can you have a "Christian/positive influence" website with genres like that in there. "Splattercore"and "Powerviolence"! Not just any old violence - "Powerviolence". C'mon, tell me where the "positive influence" comes from in those genres. Those labels (or genres, if you prefer) are referring to the sound of the music; the lyrics are what would determine if the band is Christian in nature. And yes, even Christian lyrics can be violent; remember, the Bible is a pretty violent book. Heck, just singing the book of Revelations could keep a "Christian powerviolence" band with enough disturbing, bloody lyrics for at least 5 albums!! Yeah that's very true about the Bible...it's a sometimes violent book in which many people see a positive influence...I still find that very strange. Well, the Bible's historical accounts of violent events does not negate its overall message of love, forgiveness, salvation, redemption, etc. I think even if you don't believe the Bible to be a holy book, you can at least glean plenty of good life lessons from it. Christ's teachings alone would give anyone a good foundation for living a decent life. And of course, I'm sure if it had been around in His day, Jesus would have rocked out to some good ol' Christian "powerviolence" metal. Probably would've had it blaring while He kicked some moneychanger ass in the temple.
  15. I'll have to pass. I like my Christmas tree ornaments to be big enough for people to actually see them.
  16. Not seen this one yet, First Blood is still one of my favourite films... Run--don't walk--to your nearest video store and correct your oversight immediately. Watching John Rambo back in action, slaughtering his way through the Burmese bad guys, will bring a big ol' smile to the face of any action movie junkie.
  17. Latest acquisition... Nickelback: "Dark Horse" (damn good stuff!)
  18. Latest acquisition... RAMBO (2008)--my favorite film of the year, a totally badass, brutally-violent action movie, and a killer (no pun intend) return of an action-adventure icon/legend. Of course, now that I've finally picked this up on DVD, they'll probably release the uncut version next week...
  19. Yes there is a "viking metal" genre listed but it's hilarious to read some of the other "genres" in the list. Some of my favourites: eerie hardcore fun-grind harsh noise powerviolence semi-chaotic splatter / splatternoise / splattercore tough guy hardcore unblack metal Man, how can you have a "Christian/positive influence" website with genres like that in there. "Splattercore"and "Powerviolence"! Not just any old violence - "Powerviolence". C'mon, tell me where the "positive influence" comes from in those genres. Those labels (or genres, if you prefer) are referring to the sound of the music; the lyrics are what would determine if the band is Christian in nature. And yes, even Christian lyrics can be violent; remember, the Bible is a pretty violent book. Heck, just singing the book of Revelations could keep a "Christian powerviolence" band with enough disturbing, bloody lyrics for at least 5 albums!!
  20. Hey, I like the first Lake Placid. Some classic lines in there: "Maybe later you can chew the bark off my big fat log." "If I had a dick, this is where I'd tell you to suck it." Just one of my guilty pleasures, I guess.
  21. Ehh, they're okay. What he said. A good band, but not a great one. I don't love 'em, I don't hate 'em.
  22. What he said. Because I want to be cool just like Pete. Oh yeah, and because it's the truth. But mostly just because I want to be Pete-cool.
  23. WHOOOOA! YEEEAAAHHH! I love that big backing vocal sound and when I used to prowl the used CD shops, I always checked the inserts to see if the whole band did backing vox or not. I was also a sucker for the "big hair" band photo as well as cool song titles. If a CD had those 3 things going for it, more often than not it went home with me easier than a fat pug-faced hermaphroditic hooker goes home with Geoff.
  24. Seeing as how Chris (hardrockhaven) and I are brothers, we rarely agree, but in this case... ...nah, we still don't agree. I put Disciple: "Southern Hospitality" ahead of this (I like Disciple's heavier edge). But not by much. Just a smidgen. In other words, Hinder: "Take it to the Limit" is FUCKING FANTASTIC!!! (Hey, he shouted, so I felt I had to do the same.) Seriously, folks, this is stellar stuff with some truly unbelievable songs that any 80s hard rock band would have gladly given their left nut to have on their albums.
  25. Latest acquisitions... Animal: "Virus" Hinder: "Take it to the Limit" Lordi: "Deadache"
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