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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. I ranked Disciple: "O God Save Us All" as my #1 album of 2012, as I love this CD from start to finish. As Geoff rightly points out, they have some kick-butt metal tunes mixed with some very melodic commercial tracks, and they're all filled with great hooks regardless of whether they're slamming out the aggression or eloquently delivering a power ballad. Even better, these guys have a lyrical depth that is so much greater than your typical modern Christian band. Nothing wrong with "Praise Jesus" type lyrics, but Disciple probe so much deeper than that and know how to make an impact (at least with me). So, yeah, this was my favorite album of 2012 and easily one of Disciple's best to date.
  2. I've seen the first one and it's enjoyable enough in that DTV kind of way. Gives you all the violence, car carnage, gore, sex, etc. you would expect. Let's put it this way, it's a whole lot better than some of the crap I've seen you post here that you watch!
  3. I agree. Well done, Mark. You must've been excited to review the new "Crasdiet," as Glen quite appropriately called them, but now find yourself in front of the firing squad. Firing squad lmao. I only said it was a tad harsh. Man up people. ;-) As for Hershey's, merely stating the truth. Don't worry, I've received much harsher criticism than anything Glen is gonna throw at me (I think). And he is entirely entitled to his opinion that I was too harsh on Crashdiet...even if he's wrong.
  4. While a touch on the light side for my tastes, I am enjoying what I'm hearing. And no, you are not wrong--Colton is Christian and has made no effort to hide the fact that he intends to write music for the CCM market.
  5. Hmmmmm...and here I was thinking I had cut them quite a bit of slack. I gave them a 7.5 rating, called it a solid hard rock album, and pointed out several classic Crashdiet tunes. But having spun this a half-dozen times or so now, I stand by my opinion--and it's only that, my opinion--that this is a disappointment compared to other Crashdiet albums. Spinning an album 6 times is really not much to review an album. Nothing will change the production but these tracks are really good Crasdiet songs IMO. Massive growers - apart the last 2 which are a huge mistake - one being too long and the bonus track is pants. The main 12 tracks though are all goodies in my book :-) As you say though it's all opinions. I doubt I'll be laying a rating on this until the summer though - I know u have pressure to get the review out so I fully understand that. Honestly, I rarely get a chance to spin an album more than 3 or 4 times before writing a review; that just comes with the territory when writing reviews for a website, where you have time demands for publication. I gave Crashdiet more spins than most simply because I am a HUGE fan and wanted to make sure I did them justice while also honoring my responsibility to truthfully judge an album. Just the fact that everyone is talking about how much of a grower this album indicates to me that "The Savage Playground" is subpar to earlier Crashdiet efforts, because "Rest in Sleaze" and "Generation Wild" didn't need to grow on you at all--they were immediately kickass.
  6. Hmmmmm...and here I was thinking I had cut them quite a bit of slack. I gave them a 7.5 rating, called it a solid hard rock album, and pointed out several classic Crashdiet tunes. But having spun this a half-dozen times or so now, I stand by my opinion--and it's only that, my opinion--that this is a disappointment compared to other Crashdiet albums.
  7. Crashdiet: "The Savage Playground" was easily one of my most anticipated releases of 2013. Did the boys knock it out of the park yet again...or is it a bitter disappointment? To check out my review, click the link below to head over to Hardrock Haven. http://hardrockhaven.net/online/2013/02/crashdiet-the-savage-playground-cd-review/ I'll say this much...it's no "Rest in Sleaze" or "Generation Wild."
  8. Have you heard the riff on 'More Than a Man?' I could seriously pick an EP of good songs off those first three CDs personally. Riff or not, that 'More Than a Man' is still a very poor song, imo. Geoff, we so often agree on music--and norks--but this time I'm calling foul. "More Than a Man" is one of my all-time favorite Stryper tracks. As Mr. Mullethead has rightfully pointed out, the riff on that track is fantastic and the chorus just soars. I can understand why it's not one of your personal faves, but calling it "very poor" is just...wrong. As for those 3 newly-recorded tracks...I think they sound great. Frankly, better than I was expecting. Sounds like the tunes have been given a very nice sonic upgrade.
  9. THE LAST STAND Auh-nold's comeback movie might have bombed at the box office, but I'll be damned if I understand why, because this was a hoot an' a half of an action movie. It's an all-guns-a-blazin' action-fest like they rarely make anymore, and it's actually smart enough to acknowledge that Arnold is a geriatric hero. A few chuckles, high-speed car chases, evil villains, lots of bloody shootouts...what's not to like?
  10. I've got it taped (or DVR'd, I guess would be the proper term), but I haven't had a chance to sit down and watch it yet. Still catching up on the last couple episodes of "Justified," which seems way more important to me right now.
  11. "Welcome to the Jungle" ~ Guns N' Roses
  12. I know some motherfuckers that I really wish would get gored up the ass by a fucking bull.
  13. "Flesh & Bone" by Jonathan Maberry Third book in Maberry's surprisingly-violent Young Adult zombie apocalypse series. Don't be fooled by the Young Adult tag...this sucker has plenty of action & bloodshed to go along with the teen angst. Yes, there is some romance, but it's not overdone or overwrought like, say, "Twilight." Maberry chooses to divide his focus between zombie action and relationship pathos in equal measures. My favorite (OK, only) Young Adult series and one of my favorite entries in the zombie genre.
  14. Sturm Und Drang: "Graduation Day" (on the stereo) Crashdiet: "The Savage Playground" (on the computer) Million: "Sane and Insanity" (in the truck)
  15. CRASHDIET: "The Savage Playground" One of those albums that manages to be both a crash-and-burn disappointment and yet a solid effort at the same time. Over the years the band has fed us a steady diet of awesome sleaze-rock so expectations were extremely high for this album and it simply doesn't live up to those standards. But taken on its own terms, it's a fairly decent hard rock release, with some truly great songs that are brought down several notches by the piss-poor production which replaces the band's earlier crisp, clean sonics with something much more sloppy and sludgy. Songs like "Anarchy," "Circus," and "Got a Reason" make this one worth playing from time to time, but when you want to hear the best of Crashdiet, this won't be the album you reach for.
  16. One of my most-anticipated modern hard rock/metal releases of 2013. I know a lot of people slag on BFMV, but I really enjoy their heavy-but-commercial style. Both singles they've released thus far have sounded good to my ears, so I'm more than ready for the album to drop.
  17. Picked this up based solely on your recommendation. Pretty good stuff. Hardly the saviors of modern rock--Disciple does this sound much better--but yeah, a nice addition to the collection.
  18. I know I'm in the minority here, but I'm actually looking forward to hearing some of these "old" Stryper tunes given an modern-day upgrade, especially since Michael Sweet is on record as saying they now sound heavier, because in my book, heavier is usually better...unless we're talking about women.
  19. While I like the actual music on Venom's "Resurrection," I simply cannot tolerate their lyrics. You can say they weren't serious or tongue-in-cheek or just for shock, but the reality is they're usually praising Satan and blaspheming God/Christ, and as a Christian (liberal, yes, but still a Christian), I simply cannot justify listening to that kind of message. But yeah, the music is good and I think the bigger production actually works well for the band. Let me know if they ever stop praising the Prince of Darkness and/or cursing the name of Christ I'll be happy to give 'em a go, because, yeah, I hear a lot of similarities to what Metallica did with "The Black Album" and for me, that's a good thing.
  20. Always gotta check out whatever Lordi is cranking out. Their horror shlock wears a bit thin at times and those lead vocals leave something to be desired (like talent), but they know their way around a good, anthemic, oldschool metal chorus hook.
  21. I always thought Legs Up was fairly stereotypical sleaze-rock with little to make them stand out from the crowd. I thought they got much better when they went for the heavier style they adopted with Sledgehammer Ledge. The Sledgehammer Ledge album still to this day gets frequent spins in my stereo but I couldn't tell you the last time I listened to Legs Up. To each their own, but from what I remember, they just sounded so run of the mill to me. Maybe it's time to dig them out and give them a fresh listen, as I've been on a bit of an oldschool kick lately.
  22. Just checked out those samples and while I would be lying if I said I wasn't hoping for better, they're OK, and Keifer definitely sounds good. Might pick this one up...but probably won't be in a rush.
  23. Yeah, how is it in a desensitized, sick and twisted generation "R" rated films don't do so well? To be honest, I still haven't seen this. All my friends are broke, and I don't care to sit in a theatre alone. I actually love going to the movies solo. I don't do it much anymore due to family responsibilities and the fact that I now live 45 minutes from the nearest theater, but from time to time I still enjoy catching an afternoon matinee by myself. There is rarely anyone else in the theater with me, meaning I typically have the place to myself. Might have to occasionally share with a couple other people, but no biggie. Just grab a big ol' bag of extra-butter popcorn, large Coke, sit back, and have a good time. Pants optional.
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