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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Fuck judgemental, hypocritical assholes. Fuck 'em in the eye with fucking jackhammer.
  2. Act of Valor Action film starring active duty Navy SEALS on a series of mission to rescue a hostage and then stop a terrorist plot. Acting leaves a little bit to be desired--these guys are soliders, after all, not actors--but the action, tactics, weapons, etc. are excellent. Want to know how to shoot an enemy on a dock and have him fall in the water without splashing? You will after watching this movie.
  3. "No Flesh Shall Be Spared" by Carnall Hyped as "Gladiator meets Dawn of the Dead," the novel takes place in a post-zombie apocalypse world in which warriors fight hordes of zombies in pits while the world watches on TV. A little slow in the beginning, but it gets better as you go along, with most of the zombie pitfighting action taking place in the second half.
  4. Stryper: "Against the Law" In my younger days, "To Hell With the Devil" was my Stryper album of choice, but the older I get, the more I like "Against the Law," and it may soon surpass "THWTD" as my favorite.
  5. This band has been knocking it outta the park on the last few albums, so I'm stoked to hear this newie. That first single sounds totally kickass!
  6. Despite having a strong affection for most modern hard rock/metal, I simply cannot get into this band. Something about it just fails to grab my ears. I don't change the station when they come on, but they're certainly not a band I pay any attention to. For the record, the same sentiments apply to Dead By Sunrise as well. To each their own, I guess...
  7. For those who just can't get enough of that retro melodic rock/hair metal sound, check out my review of Slippery: "First Blow" over at Hardrock Haven. Here's the link: http://hardrockhaven...ery-first-blow/ Nothing terrible, and their hearts are certainly in the right place, but aside from a couple of cool songs, this falls too close to the blah, boring, and banal end of the spectrum.
  8. With perhaps the singular exception of Tim, I highly doubt anyone is going to care about this review, but here it is anyway: my review for Hardrock Haven of Wolves At The Gate: "Captors," the sophomore CD from this Christian metalcore band. Here's the link for anyone interested: http://hardrockhaven...e-gate-captors/ It's solid stuff for the genre, but its appeal 'round these parts will be extremely limited.
  9. Harsh, dude. Just because people aren't ranting & raving over a heavy metal CD that you're in love with hardly merits that kind of insult. I mean, really? Duran Duran? Spandau Ballet? That's just hitting way below the belt. Everybody on these boards are badass rockers who only enjoy the hard stuff like Toto, Asia, and Rick Springfield. If it makes you feel better, I haven't picked up the new Herman Frank yet, but I do like the samples I've heard, so I will eventually get it.
  10. Managed to give it a listen before it got yanked and...yeah, not too shabby.
  11. Jim, from my understanding talking to the band, the CD is currently available only in Norway and can be purchased here directly from their label: http://www.hellishrecords.no/index.php/hellish-shop/products/hr005-valerie-valerie-detail?showall=1 However, they said they expected to have it available on iTunes and Amazon by the end of the month.
  12. Nice to hear some youngsters (these guys are all in their teens) playing some oldschool glam/hair rock. Check out my review of Valerie's debut album over at Hardrock Haven. Here's the link: http://hardrockhaven...alerie-valerie/ Simple, retro, catchy, and fun...good stuff.
  13. Looking for a badass dose of Swedish sleaze metal that emphasizes the metal and brings it hard 'n' heavy? Check out my review of Fatal Smile: "21st Century Freaks," now available over at Hardrock Haven: http://hardrockhaven...century-freaks/ Loud guitars, rockin' attitude, gang vocal choruses...this one will put a smile on your face. Also, if you're looking for a chuckle, check out the comments below the review; apparently one person thinks I'm the greatest reviewer ever and another thinks I suck. (Hopefully the truth is somewhere between those two extremes.)
  14. I think this one is a long way from average and another damn good entry in the Swedish Sleaze Metal Movement. I'm really digging the band's blend of attitude, heaviness, melody, and sleaze. For me, "Raising Hell in Heaven" is one of the best songs of the year, yet you label it filler...just goes to show you how different ears enjoy different sounds. I think anyone who enjoys cranking guitars, big hooks, sleazy attitude, and gang vocal choruses needs to at least give this album a shot. More than once I thought this sounded a bit like Lordi without the gutteral vocals, and maybe that's all you need to know in order to determine if this will be your cup of metal tea or not. Currently sitting at 85% for me.
  15. This one will probably only appeal to maybe Tim, but for what it's worth, my review of "Find Your Worth, Come Home," the new album from Christian metalcore band To Speak of Wolves, is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: http://hardrockhaven...orth-come-home/ Solid but nothing special metalcore with limited clean vocals, meaning you get all screams, all growls, all aggression, all the time. Do with that what thou will...and what most of you will do with it is completely ignore it.
  16. Jaded Heart return with a new album and attempt to marry the melodic roots of their past with the aggressive metal of their present. Did they succeed? Click the link below to read my review for Hardrock Haven and find out: http://hardrockhaven...common-destiny/ I'll tell you this much--it won't make my Top Ten of 2012 List, but it sure isn't going in the trade pile either.
  17. Just in time to further fuel the conversation, here's my official Hardrock Haven review of the new Jaded Heart: http://hardrockhaven...common-destiny/ Not a masterpiece, but sounds pretty good to these ears.
  18. I wouldn't bother Really not understanding the dislike for this album. Yes, there is some filler ("Higher," "Buried Alive") but there are also some excellent melodic metal songs like "Saints Denied" and "Run & HIde." I think the band did a nice job of combining melody with metal. No, it's not the Bormann era, and it's never going to be again, but this is definitely my favorite of the post-Bormann albums.
  19. Yeah, I'm really digging this one. Industrial-edged sleaze-rock...sounds like it shouldn't work, but it does. I don't know of anywhere to hear the album in its entirety; they just released the "Generation Fuck Star" single last month, and they've been pushing the hell out of it. I don't think the album even has a scheduled release date yet. Even on the press/media site I accessed to download it, the label only lists it as "coming soon." But I can assure you, if you liked "Generation Fuck Star," you'll like the rest of the album as well.
  20. Anyone who appreciated the hair-metal-meets-industrial sound that Shotgun Messiah attempted on "Violent New Breed" should definitely check out this debut album from Davey Suicide. Click the link below to check out my review over at Hardrock Haven: http://hardrockhaven...-davey-suicide/ It's not going to be for everyone, but I enjoyed the hell out of this CD. Kind of a catchier, more anthemic Rob Zombie.
  21. Lookin' for some great melodic sleaze rock? Check out my review of Kissin' Dynamite: "Money, Sex & Power" over at Hardrock Haven: http://hardrockhaven...oney-sex-power/ Simply put, I loved this album.
  22. Nice summary of the band right there. Not a terrible band by any means, just so utterly generic.
  23. My review of the sophomore album from Modern Day Escape, "Under the Gun," is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: http://hardrockhaven...-under-the-gun/ Basically this is fairly standard-issue modern hard rock/post-metalcore stuff in the Black Veil Brides vein, albeit with a better vocalist and without the glam gimmick.
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