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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Disney's Earth (on Blue Ray) - amazing footage
  2. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    Maybe I'm reading something wrong on their myspace page but it lists songs of Take It Sleazy as coming on the new cd Sept. 17? Unless Take It Sleazy was released in Sept. 2007 and they need to update their page. But then the new song is listed the same I think. I dunno, Myspace pages are mostly a cluster f mess anyway.
  3. Great song. Never saw a video for it...until now. Something about the Winger guitar sound...love it.
  4. Cold Is The Heart - Lynch Mob
  5. Her hair will normal from behind while pulling on it so it's all good.
  6. On a somewhat funny sidenote, this seller has accidently listed the Crashdiet CD as "Rust" In Sleaze and interestingly enough a few people have found it. (probably have their search set for those kind of mistakes) Shortened Ebay listing: http://tinyurl.com/kuudce
  7. You've been spinnin' that one like crazy lately...I might have to dig it out and spin it myself and remember what I forgot. So much music so little time. Delain - April Rain
  8. Jeff

    Babylon Bombs

    I'm at work so i can't hear the samples yet, but in your opinion who would you compare them to?
  9. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    I like to hear that because the debut is absolutely killer IMO. Great sing along sleaze: "I'm on a midnight ride!" "Vendetta! Vendetta! Vendetta!"
  10. I had not heard of that site but will wait and keep checking, thanks! I did go out to Amazon too and was thinking about that import for $23, no OBI (not that I need the OBI anyway). With Amazon sellers I usually like to shoot them a question first just to see if they respond. For some reason I just don't trust buying from private sellers on Amazon...I have no basis to back that feeling up either way though. I did go out to their record labels website as well but they didn't have much of anything.
  11. I'll post back on the cd I get once I receive it. The sample he sent me was pretty decent.
  12. Anyone able to hook me up with some of their previous CD's (no cutouts or punchholes)? Maybe via trade or maybe some of you European ladies or gents have access to them at a better price than $35 that Ebay has them for? If not a trade I could Paypal ya.....anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
  13. Jeff


    This is more a question than a statement because I dont get enough time to listen to all the newer bands...but from what I've heard...don't a lot of them write these "oh how I miss you" "the memory of you" "our relationship is over" "goodbye makes me cry" type of songs? When I do turn on the local rock channel (and I don't do it that often) it seems there a ton of Nickeback clone melodic "lost my girlfriend" songs....sort of like the country equivalent of the dog died or the pickup truck got stolen. And for you Nickleback fans, I am not ripping them, I like some of their stuff. How You Remind Me is a great tune...but like I said above. Thoughts?
  14. I will be waiting for your review of "Now That's What I Call Music Vol 80"
  15. I don't think you could sound that bad if you tried.
  16. I like the comment: Depresijus "screw you for making fun one of the best songs of iron maiden!" This Depresijus would probably kick his ass until his foot came out the dudes mouth if he could find the guy.
  17. I wasn't trying to sway you in any way. What you miss out on is your business. After reading your last post, is it the gimmick storyline that you can't stand, their music, or both? If it's their music, did you give them a chance on All That Remains? Sure, it's nothing groundbreaking but rarely anything is. But IMO it is very well done set of hard rockin' tunes. At the very least, if you could find it in your fingers to Google "Enemy" and watch the video (there is a story to the song/video)...IF you do that and can forgive them for playing cover tunes, being a wrestler, playing in another band before Fozzy, or starting out with a cheesy gimmick to get going then you might find something you could enjoy. For my attempt to persuade you, just bring up Enemy, crank it, close your eyes, forget the gimmick from years ago, forget one of them is a wrestler, pretend it is a new band that someone just found as happens so often on this board, and see what you think. If you cannot do that, then what can I say, no biggie.
  18. Backed as well. And I didn't mind the fake names and story lines either. Why not have some fun. Spinal Tap, Steel Panther do it in their own way. "Enemy" is a "favorite song" of mine not only by Fozzy but in general. The video is oddly appealing as well.
  19. Christmas songs? Eh, I don't think so. If they were new Christmas related metal songs, like "Heavy Christmas", then maybe. You guys mention so much cool, new and obscure music that me thinks my time and money is better spent on.
  20. Decided to check out somewhat modern stuff basically because they were 3 for $5: Hoobastank - The Reason (not sure what to expect here, might know a tune or two) Disturbed - The Sickness (not really anything new to me, I like Disturbed, now I have this CD Gravity Kills - S/T (don't know these guys too well; just the song Guilty off this one, I think)
  21. W.A.S.P. - Unholy Terror "The mad eyes of your lover In through your soul I see No you'll never run I know you hate to love me, love me"
  22. But the way I always understood it is if you're not saved then you don't go to Heaven. Am I wrong or was all the preachers I had throughout my youth preaching the gospel wrong? I always felt like if you were a good person it shouldn't matter if I got my head dunked in a pool of water in front of a bunch of people waving their hands in the air and saying amen. My good friend, who is atheist says that I am agnostic. I looked that up way back when he told me...I guess it fits. Either way I agree with Wes's point that what does it matter if I was at church every Sunday or not...if I am a good person do I not get into heaven? From a slightly different angle...what makes a good person? These children that walk into a cafe in the middle east strapped with bombs and kill a hundred people....they were born, raised and taught that THAT is what their god wants them to do. Are they a good or a bad person? They don't know any better do they, so where do they deserve to go? (Now the pricks that do know better but teach them...well that is a whole 'nother topic that was covered recently)
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