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Everything posted by JC_AOR

  1. Not sure how many of these will deliver but I'm looking forward to...in order Bon Jovi Blanc Faces On The Rise Goo Goo Dolls Danger Danger Tall Stories Stan Bush Foreigner and KISS are rumoured to have a new one in the pipe line, that'd be cool too. and I'm really hoping John Waite has another solo CD on the way... that's about all I can think of right now...
  2. I just had a listen to this track - and I really don't think it's Freddy Curci singing but a great song anyway! I wish Freddy would release something new, I love everything he's done except his Zion CD which was shit in terms of production, but some of those songs could have been awesome if they were recorded right.
  3. you must really miss Euphoria... definately, some amazing tracks on that one! including Goodbye... Oh yeah, I see what your on about now...got to excuse me I just finished night shift...what I meant to say was especially 'Tomorrow'. But 'Goodbye' is equally as good.
  4. you must really miss Euphoria... definately, some amazing tracks on that one!
  5. Here's my list, with a few personal comments, keeping in mind there's plenty of releases I still haven't heard including Valentine, TNT, Lost Weekend, Talon, Dirty Looks, Dokken, House Of Lords, Khymera, M.ILL.ION, Axel Rudi Pell, Bonfire, Hope and Honeymoon Suite. TOP 10 1. Whitesnake - Good To Be Bad 2. Journey - Revelation 3. Eclipse - Are You Ready To Rock 4. Jeff Scott Soto - Beautiful Mess 5. Harem Scarem - Hope 6. Jimi Jamison - Crossroads Moment 7. Tesla - Forever More 8. 7th Heaven - USA-UK 9. Work Of Art - Artwork 10. Faith Circus - Faith Circus (Under rated) RUNNERS UP: 11. Rockarma - Bring It! 12. H.E.A.T. - S/T 13. Richard Marx - Emotional Remains 14. Brother Firetribe - Heart Full Of Fire 15. Hinder - Take It To The Limit 16. Silence - Open Road 17. Elevener - When Kaleidoscopes Collide 18. ACDC - Black Ice (A bit too long) 19. Saint Deamon - In Shadows Lost From The Brave (under rated) 20. Nickelback - Dark Horse 21. Blind - Blind (I still don't own this one - can't seem to get it anywhere except as expensive import from Germany on E-Bay) 22. Rick Springfield - Venus In Overdrive 23. Ramos/Hugo - The Dream (Under rated) 24. Alice Cooper - Along Came A Spider 25. Paul Alan - Drive It Home 26. Edguy - Tinnitus Sanctus (Good album but disappointing as I was expecting it to be their best album) 27. Def Leppard - Songs From The Sparkle Lounge (Some really great tracks, especially Goodbye, but some very average tracks as well) 28. Motley Crue - Saints Of L.A. (A bit disappointing overall) 29. Overland - Break Away (I like Steve Overland, but had difficulty geting in to this one) 30. Guns N' Roses - Chinese Democracy (Bollocks)
  6. I saw one of his movies recently (can't think of the title off the top of my head) but Segal was listed in the credits as having written/played a lot of the music for the film.
  7. I haven't played my Kooga CD yet, it's now packed in a box I'll have a listen as soon as possible and tell you what I think
  8. That's screwed up! If they're gonna do shit like that I'll pass and keep my CDR
  9. All great bands and I'm looking forward to hearing all of those releases. You're right about Jorn though, seems like he's trying to set a record for the most albums in the shortest time period.
  10. The latest news on Beatiful Mess is that it will be released in Europe by Frontiers Records on February 20th 2009 w/ bonus tracks. So the track listing will be: 21st Century Cry Me A River Gin & Tonic Sky Hey Broken Man Mountain Our Song Eye Bring It Home Testify Wherever You Wanna Go Kick It Heart Starts Healing (Bonus Track) Take U Over With Me (Bonus Track) 21st Century and Gin & Tonic Sky (videos - iPod ready versions) There will also be a DVD included with videos for '21st Century', 'Gin And Tonic Sky', 'Hey', and a piano version of '21st Century'. There will also be some footage from Firefest in October 2008. Apparantly there is a bootleg floating around on E-Bay with a different track listing and doesn't include the DVD so be careful. I'm still loving this album and 'Our Song' is right up there as probably my fav song of the year.
  11. I played the Faith Circus disc a few times over in the car the other night. I was actually really impressed. On the plus side, the songs were excellent and they had a great feel to them but it did sound like the singer was holding back a little...maybe that's just the way it was mixed or somehting I'm not sure...But overall it's a disc I'll play many more times and one to keep in the collection. What do others think...this thread is 3 pages long and very little has been said about it...
  12. Jez, I'm just playing Emotional Remains as I write this. Really wonderful stuff and as I said earlier, it's definately in a similar vein as his last two incredible albums. A few slower songs and some more upbeat ones; all having a fresh modern edge and really nice production. Very highly recommended to all Richard Marx fans and especially those who enjoyed My Own Best Enemy. I've not yet played the new duets album. Unfortunately his website is asking US$46/AUD$70 to have his two albums posted to Australia...I'll stick with my download for now thanks.
  13. Not bad, I'll check em out eventually. Shit band name though, apparantly they used to be called Unseen which sounds a lot better. Don't know too many other Polish bands.
  14. Just packed my bag, confirmed my ride for tomorrow and confirmed my flight. Looking forward to Deadthings and Fasterpussycat, but don't know much of Lynch Mob. (BTW, Geoff....did you realise that you were going to get to see the deadthings again?!?!?!) Wow, are you serious? Are they honestly coming up to Sydney too??? Man did that just give this price new justification. Seriously, had no idea but I will be very pleased with that - THREE bands I love now, for that price. The funny thing is, the posers I'm going with will HATE Deadthings and Faster Pussycat! Good times. Can't wait. I can't see any reason you wouldn't dig the Deadthings. Almost like a slightly "more mature" version of prime 'New Jersey' / 'Keep the faith' Bon Jovi. Almost. Oh man, that's no good. What kind of work do you do? Do you think it could seriously be that big an issue to get the time off? Serve it to 'em mate. Tell them how it's going to be. I'm a nurse in an accident/emergency centre, Fridays being a very busy night. I would just take it as sick leave but had to use all my sick leave up recently with a genuine illness. Best I can do is try and get someone to swap a shift...I've asked a couple of people with no luck but I'll keep trying.
  15. I've got my ticket for Friday night but unfortunately I managed to fuck up and didn't request the night off work. Going to have to work something out with work, swap a shift (or try to) or worst case find someone to take my ticket.
  16. I love this album, one of my fav metal releases this year.
  17. Run For Cover is may fav Gary Moore album, however, my fav song is 'Empty Rooms' which I think was released a few years earlier. 'Empty Rooms' its one of the best rock ballads ever. For those new to Gary Moore, you should pick up his best of album called 'Out In The Fields' - it covers his 80's stuff quite well and is a nice package.
  18. Just listened to both albums again...I still think Daily Battle is much better. Does anyone know if Peter Strykes is in another band now?
  19. I have to disagree...I love 1st Avenue and both of their albums but for me Daily Battle is the stronger album. Maybe it's because I heard Daily Battle long before I ever heard Tears And Triumph? From Tears And Triumph my fav tracks are: Heaven In Your Arms Once In A Million years Hurt Before From Daily Battle my picks are: Feel Love Over and Done Maybe Tomorrow Never Comes Time After Time Can't Take My Heart Away Call Me
  20. Yeah it's all a bit of a mystery this one. There is almost nothing to be said of it anywhere on the internet. I get the feeling the band may have split and there will be no 2nd album. I've sent an E-Mail to the producer and I'll let you know what he has to say. I'd certainly love to hear more from these guys. Love that debut album.
  21. Yes there is a "viking metal" genre listed but it's hilarious to read some of the other "genres" in the list. Some of my favourites: eerie hardcore fun-grind harsh noise powerviolence semi-chaotic splatter / splatternoise / splattercore tough guy hardcore unblack metal Man, how can you have a "Christian/positive influence" website with genres like that in there. "Splattercore"and "Powerviolence"! Not just any old violence - "Powerviolence". C'mon, tell me where the "positive influence" comes from in those genres. Those labels (or genres, if you prefer) are referring to the sound of the music; the lyrics are what would determine if the band is Christian in nature. And yes, even Christian lyrics can be violent; remember, the Bible is a pretty violent book. Heck, just singing the book of Revelations could keep a "Christian powerviolence" band with enough disturbing, bloody lyrics for at least 5 albums!! Yeah that's very true about the bible...it's a sometimes violent book which many people see a positive influence...I still find that very strange
  22. You dont find this a classic.. yet youll buy it twice? If you own the reborn classics cd pressing I can't see how you'd not agree that the sound quality leaves alot to be desired. The source for the cd came from a lp which I believe was not in mint condition. I hope the reissue contains those 2 tracks on their single from 1988. I'm pretty sure the single was pressed on cd but I have never seen it. Unfortunately the re-issue does not contain the two tracks from that single...it's an unchanged track list.
  23. Heh, I just had a look at that website and they have a genres/styles section. Yes there is a "viking metal" genre listed but it's hilarious to read some of the other so "genres" in the list. Some of my favourites: bagpipeage crustcore eerie hardcore fun-grind harsh noise powerviolence semi-chaotic splatter / spletternoise / splattercore tough guy hardcore unblack metal youth crew hardcore Man, how can you have a "Christian/positive influence" website with genres like that in there. "Splattercore"and "Powerviolence"! Not just any old violence - "Powerviolence". C'mon, tell me where the "positive influence" comes from in those genres.
  24. Actually, I have to move 'call of the wild' up much higher - that's one great song!
  25. Finally got this one and I'm loving it. Probably my 2nd fav disc of the year. Whilst some of the songs are a bit standard, been done before type of thing, there's not a single track I feel inclined to skip. And there are plenty of killers! I've only given it a few spins so far but this is how I'd rate the tracks in order best to worst: a million miles away to mend a broken heart unbreakable wylde one under the gun young guns 2 souls call of the wild breaking my heart again hometown calling hard time loving you
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