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Everything posted by JC_AOR

  1. He's the punk looking dude that was on Oz Idol some time ago right? I haven't heard that name for a while... Let me know if there's anything good on that disc, I won't tell anyone!
  2. Was listening to this just a few days ago. Great album.
  3. Why do I always spend more time reading your posts? They're somewhat distracting...
  4. Cool band, very upbeat and catchy. I quite like 'The Way She Moves' and 'She's A Lady'. But my fav songs are 'Breakdown' and 'Whoa Oh!'. I'm not sure what it is but there's something very similar about these two songs - they're both full of "Whoa Oh's". Only problem - the songs are a bit short with a few at under 3 mins.
  5. S/T for sure...I guess because I heard it first. Had STTG been the debut I'd probably go with that one.
  6. Good stuff. I kinda hear a bit of Daughtry there as well The Calling. 'Paper Dolls' is great, I also like Broken Wings.
  7. 'Days Are Numbered' is my fav track so far...only played it a couple of times though.
  8. Well as expected it's tracks 3-8 from the S/T and 'Straight To Your Heart' from Backlash that are getting most votes. I'll have to go back and listen to 'Don't Walk Away', admitedly I can't even re-call what that song sounds like. I'm suprised at the number of votes for 'So This Is Eden' and so few votes for 'Rebel Say A Prayer' - a kick ass rocker and one of fav songs of all time.
  9. Time for a big Bad English poll. Questions:- 1. What are your fav songs from their S/T album (you may pick more than one)? 2. What are your fav songs from their Backlash album (you may pick more than one)? 3. Which is your fav Bad English album overall? 4. What is your fav John Waite material - The Baby's, Bad English or his solo stuff? 5. Who is your fav Bad English band member (not including John Waite)? 6. Are you looking forward to some new John Waite material? Would you prefer solo material or a band effort? 1. From the S/T album: *Possession *Price Of Love *Tough Times Don't Last *Ghost In Your Heart *When I See You Smile 2. From the Backlash album: *Straight To Your Heart *Rebel Say A Prayer 3. My fav Bad English album is Backlash as it has two of the most killer songs ever on it. 4. For me, I love John Waite on his solo albums the best. 5. Neal Schon as he's been involved in so many cool projects (without even considering Journey) 6. Yes, a band effort would be awesome. And fingers crossd that this rumored new band goes ahead with John Waite, Audley Freed, Simon Kirke, Tim Hogan and Ian Maclaglan. I haven't heard of a name for the band as yet but have heard that 2008 is the year.
  10. I noticed in the latest issue of Classic Rock they've rated Led Zep as the greatest live band of all time and The Who were rated 2nd. Man that magazine really needs to stop going on about Led Zep...it's starting to piss me off. If it wasn't for a few select articles I wouldn't bother with the magazine at all. Most of the album reviews are shit. The main article I enjoy is a tiny column early on in each issue called Lost Souls, were they give a cool rundown a band from the past - usually a rare sleaze/glam band.
  11. I don't know where you found their MySpace site - I searched for ages and couldn't find a thing about them... Anyhow, those are some great songs. I especially love 'Goodbye'. Is this EP something you can still buy or is it already obscure? Yeah, nice work, Glen. I couldn't for the life of me track down the myspace page. You should be a detective. As for the names of the guys in the band, I was merely pointing out that they're probably the lamest "stage names" I have ever seen. The names match the lame photo portraits on their MySpace site
  12. I don't know where you found their MySpace site - I searched for ages and couldn't find a thing about them... Anyhow, those are some great songs. I especially love 'Goodbye'. Is this EP something you can still buy or is it already obscure?
  13. The Galvatrons are an 80's sounding band from Melbourne, Australia and are set to support Def Leppard on their upcoming OZ tour and looks like they're doing some shows in the UK as well. I find their songs a bit too synth/electronic/disco like for my likings but I highly recommend checking out the awesome song 'When We Were Kids' which has been geting a bit of radio play here in Australia. Based on their list of musical influences and this one cool song I'm keen to hear some more from them. I know that song was released as an EP but not sure if there is an album? Maybe I'll just pick up the EP and leave it at that. Anyone else heard this song? If not I highly recommend you hear it. Galvatrons - MySpace
  14. O... M... G. I just noticed the names of these guys. O... M... G! are you trying to tell me you've discovered these guys are actualy from Melbourne Australia & few of the guys are HH members? eh? Yeah, eh? what?
  15. Some cool recommendations Geoff. I'd listen to any of these bands but I'm really liking Ivoryline the best. They remind me of WA band Gyroscope is some ways. Signal The Escape are very good also. I'm not sure what to think about Cute Is What We Aim For. They sound like they have lots of potential but the songs seem to stay a bit flat and never take off. The Almost are good too. That song 'Amazing Because It Is' is an intersting one with that choir that starts up half way through the song - it actually sounds really nice. Are these all Christian bands?
  16. You know that guy that wears sunglasses at night...been listening to some of his stuff lately. I must admit that despite all of his albums have a substantial amount of utter crap on them, there are among them some very very good rock/AOR songs. His 1985 album Boy In The Box is probably the best album I've heard from him with great songs like 'Never Surrender', 'Eurasian Eyes' and 'Waiting For You'. Does anyone else like any of Corey Hart's music? What other songs of his are good?
  17. Yeah great sounding stuff. There is a fairly strong Nickelback vibe at times but mainly in the vocal department. Some cool guitar solos in there as well. I'm sure we'll be seeing an album from these guys in no time.
  18. Really good stuff, I'm definately interested in these guys. I found a copy on E-Bay from Germany but it was fairly expensive. Let me know if you find somewhere affordable to buy it from.
  19. Well I actually found Noveaux to be quite over-rated. Not bad by any means but it certainly didn't stick with me. I guess if you don't like the Christian lyrics there might be a few songs you'll have to skip over but all of the songs sound great and there's nothing too over "preachy". Many of the songs to me just sound like another pop/rock tune. Including postage it worked out to US$27.49 for me - I good price I say!
  20. I just commented on this one in the Christian Rock section. I actually thought the opposite to you. I found Drive It Home to be the stronger of the two albums and thought it was slightly rockier and "fuller" sounding than Falling Awake. I've only played them a couple of times but that's my initial feeling. None the less, both albums are very good and worth checking out for those who like nice smooth sounding soft/pop/rock tunes. And as you say both can be purchased quite cheap at the moment.
  21. I've just recently received both Paul Alan solo albums in the mail. I'd have to say that whilst both albums are very good I prefer his new one 'Drive It Home' which just has a much "fuller" sound and maybe rocks a bit more. It's a funny thing cus I'm not a real religious person but I have no trouble listening to contemporary Christian albums and as long as the lyrics aren't over empowering (eg. repeating the word hallelujah over and over) I can quite enjoy them. There are a few fairly empowering tunes on these albums but mostly the messages are suttle. Lately I've been tuning into a local Brisbane radio station which is family/Christian orientated (96.5 FM) and I've got to say that there are some damn cool sounding Pop/Rock songs being released by Christian artists. I'd have to say that this radio station is my favourite one in Brisbane which isn't hard as all the big stations are complete utter shit. So yeah, if you like a good soft rock / pop/rock tune and don't mind some contemporary Christian lyrics I'd recommend checking these out. Very cheap @ $19 for the 2 albums.
  22. Well Geoff (and others) I FINALLY got to hear some tunes by Cauterize. I've been playing 'So Far From Real' the past 2 days. I've gotta say it's really melodic stuff and definately stands out above many similar bands. But what suprised me most was the lyrics - they don't suck like SOME other modern band lyrics do - they're actually kinda meaningful. A fairly fast paced album and maybe just a tad short at 41 mins but overall a pretty killer disc. Geoff I'm interested to know what your fav tracks are and how you rank their albums? Fav tracks of mine after just a few listens in order are: 1. Something Beautiful 2. My Everything 3. Still Breathing 4. Killing Me 5. Shine 6. Promise Me On another topic, has anyone checked out a band called Stereoside? I've only heard a little bit but they're sounding like a band worth checking out. They remind me a bit of Audioslave - same heavyness and similar vocals. Stereoside - MySpace
  23. Yeah great song. I'm not sure I like the older songs they have on their MySpace site but definately keen to hear some newer stuff.
  24. To be honest, I haven't ever heard their music but have known of the band for a long time. Here is link to a out of print Australian music blog. If you scroll down to the entries made on April 1st, you can download their 5 track EP. Also worth checking this blog out for other cool aussie hard rock/AOR stuff. Much of what is found on this blog is old and long out of print and hard to find. Recently there has been some stuff by Blackjack posted on there as well. Ausrock Blog
  25. I was drawn to this album by the cool cover art. These guys are a bit more punk influenced than many but still a cool glam/sleaze effort and worth a listen. On their MySpace Page the band states they sound like "A -70 Ford Mustang with four strippers hitting a truck full of Budweiser in central Stockholm 2.30 a friday night." Man there's a ton of these bands coming out of Sweden lately.
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