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Everything posted by JC_AOR

  1. JC_AOR


    Have you heard the albums in question? How are they any different than any other Desmond Child-driven 80's hard rock albums? (BTW, I haven't see the main site but I assume her 3 melodic rock/AOR discs from the late 80's and early 90's are up now?) Geoff, you probally recall my sign on name as I have ruffled your feathers before in the comments box. My last ones about Cher where deleted. I can be very sarcastic and as you can see with my code name I don't take myself or comments too seriously. All in good fun as I have seen you go at it with your arch nemesis AOR freaky all over the HH website. One thing that stands out in my memory since your comments are inescapable on HH, are over and over about many AOR releases being to light weight for your taste. That's why it's hard to believe your postive comments on Cher's releases. I would rather endure days of terrorist torture before admitting I own,let own listen to Cher 80's albums. I went back and listened to "Heart of Stone' online and all I hear is big budget formula pop rock. Dan takes it a step further calling it "Monster melodic rock". I can respect women artists like Pat Benetar,Wilson Sisters who stick with what they do best, but Cher jumps on the flavor of the day band wagon all through her carreer and I think she is a mediorcre talent(voice). What happen to the old Geoff who talked about bands releases ripping your face apart, or blowing your balls off? Look down brother, it's time for a family jewel check. Yeah, I remember you, clown, but I thought you'd logged on before with that username and was surprised to see only two posts. I guess you must have got deleted when Dan deleted members with less than 5 posts or whatever. What you say there makes me vomit in my mouth. Did you read my comments to my good man Hardrock80srule?? Please explain to me step by step how Alice Cooper's 'Trash', Bon Jovi's 'New Jersey' or FM's 'Tough it out' are any "heavier" than Cher's 'Heart of Stone'. The albums like Beau Gueste, I-Ten etc. which I refer to being light, are musically worlds lighter than any of these three Cher albums. Just explain for us all here how these Cher CDs are any more lightweight than 50% of bands on the main site. Who gives a f*ck if she jumped on the bandwagon (didn't Alice Cooper and countless other artists of the era?), is an ugly whore, has since created hardcore dance music... what does any of that bullshit have to do with the fact that a good melodic rock album is a good melodic rock album? You're one of these clowns who is so wrapped up in being "cool" that you look to every reason aside from the music to make a musical decision. If your self-image is so important, why even come here? Don't you know it's not "cool" to like 80's hard rock? I've no time for posers, mate. Oh, and my balls are huge too. Didn't you already use that line on Jez? Take a hint, mate, no one wants to show you their balls so you can sneak in a cheap lick. It is worrying the continued concern from one person about the contents in everyone's under trousers. Geoff, do you find that one of your Spherical objects is slightly bigger than the other, or is that an English problem It's actually anatomically correct for the left to be slightly larger - fact!
  2. JC_AOR


    Have you heard the albums in question? How are they any different than any other Desmond Child-driven 80's hard rock albums? (BTW, I haven't see the main site but I assume her 3 melodic rock/AOR discs from the late 80's and early 90's are up now?) Geoff, you probally recall my sign on name as I have ruffled your feathers before in the comments box. My last ones about Cher where deleted. I can be very sarcastic and as you can see with my code name I don't take myself or comments too seriously. All in good fun as I have seen you go at it with your arch nemesis AOR freaky all over the HH website. One thing that stands out in my memory since your comments are inescapable on HH, are over and over about many AOR releases being to light weight for your taste. That's why it's hard to believe your postive comments on Cher's releases. I would rather endure days of terrorist torture before admitting I own,let own listen to Cher 80's albums. I went back and listened to "Heart of Stone' online and all I hear is big budget formula pop rock. Dan takes it a step further calling it "Monster melodic rock". I can respect women artists like Pat Benetar,Wilson Sisters who stick with what they do best, but Cher jumps on the flavor of the day band wagon all through her carreer and I think she is a mediorcre talent(voice). What happen to the old Geoff who talked about bands releases ripping your face apart, or blowing your balls off? Look down brother, it's time for a family jewel check. Yeah, I remember you, clown, but I thought you'd logged on before with that username and was surprised to see only two posts. I guess you must have got deleted when Dan deleted members with less than 5 posts or whatever. What you say there makes me vomit in my mouth. Did you read my comments to my good man Hardrock80srule?? Please explain to me step by step how Alice Cooper's 'Trash', Bon Jovi's 'New Jersey' or FM's 'Tough it out' are any "heavier" than Cher's 'Heart of Stone'. The albums like Beau Gueste, I-Ten etc. which I refer to being light, are musically worlds lighter than any of these three Cher albums. Just explain for us all here how these Cher CDs are any more lightweight than 50% of bands on the main site. Who gives a f*ck if she jumped on the bandwagon (didn't Alice Cooper and countless other artists of the era?), is an ugly whore, has since created hardcore dance music... what does any of that bullshit have to do with the fact that a good melodic rock album is a good melodic rock album? You're one of these clowns who is so wrapped up in being "cool" that you look to every reason aside from the music to make a musical decision. If your self-image is so important, why even come here? Don't you know it's not "cool" to like 80's hard rock? I've no time for posers, mate. Oh, and my balls are huge too. Didn't you already use that line on Jez? Take a hint, mate, no one wants to show you their balls so you can sneak in a cheap lick. Well said mate, very good points
  3. Yeah it won't blow anyone away but just really nice songs, would have loved to hear more. Geoff I was going to ask if you'd sell it but you probably want to hang on to it...check out this copy on E-Bay - Crush Auction. It's a Buy It Now and I have doubts that the seller will get that much for it, but still it might be worth a bit.
  4. Track Listing: 1. Crush Intro 2. Do You Feel What I Feel? 3. You Are the One 4. Bad Girl 5. Bad Girl (Acoustic) Band: Joao Campos (Vocals) Samuel Lopes (Acoustic Guitar) Migueel Mascarenhas (Lead Guitar) Alexandre Tocha (Lead Guitar) Joao Lopes (Bass) Rui Bagulho (Keyboards) Caio Marcelo (Drums) Has anyone heard this EP? It's some really nice Melodic Rock/AOR from Portugal. It's really only three tracks as track one is an intro and track 5 is an acoustic verison of track four, but the other three tracks are really nice. 'Do You Feel What I Feel' is a cool melodic rocker; 'You Are The One' slows it down a notch while 'Bad Girl' is more of a ballad (the acoustic version is quite nice too). Who can tell me more about this band? Did they release anything else?
  5. Man you're right, I had about five goes at trying to work it out and honestly the only part I thought I had right was the first 'L' which I thought was a 'V'.
  6. So are these Eonian Records CD's going to be quality packages, with nice colour booklets, band info, photos etc? If so I'm going to buy most of them. The whole reason I don't buy from labels like Retrospect is the packaging is so cheap and in many cases worse than what I could do making my own CDR. The Retrospect titles I have (approx 12 titles) consist of a single glossy front insert, no booklet, no band info, no photos, not even credits, just a crappy flimsy insert with the album cover printed on it. At least that's been my experience with them...hopefuly they have improved over time. But yeah, as for the Eonian releases, they look really cool and I'm really looking forward to hearing them, I just hope the packaging and presentation is worth the price.
  7. JC_AOR


    Wow man, you're going down a whole other route. The way I read what you said, if a band sold more than 1 million albums they're classified as pop and are then not hard rock anymore? I can see what you're saying, and hate to say it mate but I disagree 100% x 100. To me the popularity of a band/artist has absolutely 0 bearing on what type of music they are. If Cannibal Corpse sold 4 billion albums they would still be heavy metal... not pop. You seem to be confusing the terms 'pop' and 'popular'. Regardless of what Cher was/is/will be, those albums are melodic rock / AOR. Popular melodic rock / AOR? Yes. And so were Bon Jovi and Survivor. But what kind of site would this be without Bon Jovi or Survivor? The fact is that 'Heart of stone' by Cher is a million times the CD a rare "gem" like Spiced Ice is. But just because Spiced Ice are a rare melodic rock band (who suck), they deserve a place here more than Cher's 'Heart of stone', which is a popular melodic rock abum (that does not suck)? I don't know those other two artists you mention, but I've never known of The Hooters making a melodic/hard rock/AOR CD. Agree 100% with Geoff's comments there.... Oh and The Hooters are cool, I'd have no objection to their albums being on HH's
  8. I read this somewhere, do you think it's true?: "Keiley was an absolute mad man on stage (and off), and yes, he really did eat live crickets on stage at the Channel, and spit them out on the crowd."
  9. I only just noticed 'Take my life' is not on the CD I'm listening to. Maybe they were a heavier band before and that's from the other disc Dave is speaking of, 'cause even though I'm only halfway through I strongly doubt there will be any screaming on this one. Just hard rock. Yeah I think your right, that was the only track I heard the screaming on...
  10. I just thought this was funny and had to share, from my local gig guide: I'm keen to check out the first of the special guests, 'Yellow Paint' I think they're called.
  11. Not bad at all. Though the singer screams, rather than sings at times, particularly on 'Take My Life'. Some nice guitar work too from what I've heard.
  12. JC_AOR


    Yep, Cher has some very HH's suitable material from the late 80's and early 90's.
  13. You could pick problems with this list all day. Here's a few points from me: -As already mentioned - no Lillian Axe??? -I don't believe Scorpions should be on here (not because they're bad but because they don't fit the genre all that well). -Extreme should be much lower in the list IMO -Zodiac Mindwarp??? -Candy Harlots??? I like 'em cus they're Aussie but I can't say they have earned a spot in the top 100 hair bands poll. -Danger Danger at 62 ??
  14. Yes you're right! They were formed by Punky & Ronny and later changed their name to AWOL. Heres some info: Formed: mid 1990 Founding Members: Punky & Ronny Other Members: Billy Thomas (bass); Alex Leo (Vocals) Location: Played in California, mostly SF Notes: Punky didn't like Leo's vocals and instead hired his old friend Art Deresh, formerly of SIN. Sometime in 1990, Fire Water changed their name to AWOL (this was with Art in the band). Later that year, Punky, Ronny & Billy went on a radio show called "Tawn Mastrey's Christmas Party" which was broadcast in Japan. Click on this link for the full reference.
  15. No idea but I've found reference to a band by this name releasing an album in 1991 called 'Make Love, Not War'. BTW...Rob I'm really enjoying your "who the hell are these guys?" posts, keep 'em comin'
  16. That's immediately what I thought of when I saw that album cover. But Justin's description is interesting. Do these guys have any balls? How hi-tech are we talking? I hate hi-tech AOR. Really hate it... Yeah, I know what your saying...I'm not usually a big fan of Hi-Tech stuff either. Whilst there's a few more straight up melodic rocks songs on here, it tends to become more Hi-Tech sounding later in the album. 'Hangin On Your String' is still a really great track and overall I actually really enjoy this album a lot. There's a sample of 'Hangin On Your String' here at AOR FM
  17. Well done! One of E-Bay's finest sellers without a doubt!
  18. There's a cool website dedicated to bands from Detroit, and has heaps of Hair Metal/Glam bands on there. At present there is 1009 Detroit bands listed and a huge number of them seem to be of the Hard Rock variety. I guess Detroit must have had a pretty big Hair Metal scene in the 80's? Check it out: Motor City Rock
  19. This might be a dumb topic but here goes... We all know and love music from the "L.A./Sunset Strip" Hair Metal/Glam scene, but are there (were there) other well known and no so well known Hair Metal/Glam "scenes" in the US and other parts of the world?? For example, I've heard of the "Tulsa Glam Scene" and I vaguely remember reading something about a "tri-state" scene in the US (which states?). And what about Tampa, Florida and Bay Area SF, California? I know they were famous for Thrash Metal but did those areas have much of a Hair Metal/Glam scene as well? What other "scenes" do you know of? Not just in the US but the rest of the world too.
  20. The-Innocent - The Only Answer (1989) CBS Track Listing: 1.The only answer 2.Hangin on your string 3.Day by day 4.Kicking out the ghosts 5.Don't steal mt heart away 6.Concrete jungle 7.Rain child 8.Dream dream dream 9.Extraordinary day 10. Missing you Line-up: Dieter Siemens - Vocals Michael Buchholz - Keys Testa Maikowski - Drums Biene Flender - Bass Has anyone else heard this album?? I'm playing it for the first time as I write this...so far really high quality MR/AOR. 'Hangin On Your String' is awesome. NB: these guys are not to be confused with at least two other bands of the same name, this band is from Germany.
  21. And here I was thinking, "here we go, I bet postage will be $12-14 os something ridiculous like that"
  22. Wow! that's geting close to $60AUD for the English version. Oh well, you only paid $8.50, could've been much worse.
  23. Hansel - Mission To Rock EP (2008) Pussycat Records Track Listing: 01. Murder 101 02. Mission To Rock 03. Shot Down For Love 04. Wildcat I recently picked up this EP from the bands website. For those who haven't heard of them, they're a four piece band from Australia playing some high quality 80's sounding Hard Rock/Glam. The vocals sound great and musically they're very good. There's plenty of guitar solos and even some keyboards on the first track. Of the four tracks on this EP I really like three of them - Murder 101, Mission To Rock and Wildcat. You can pick up this EP from The Hansel Website for $10 MySpace Here's a review from Sleaze Roxx Here's a review from Heavy Metal Time Machine
  24. Yeah that NZ festival had an awesome line-up and yes its a real shame Poison didn't come visit us too. I think we can admit though that the number and quality of hard rock/metal acts touring Australia has increased substantially over recent years. I mean we've had bands like: ratt/winger/whitesnake/motley/def lep/eric martin/saxon/tesla/la guns/bon jovi/fasterpussycat/lynch mob/jss/glen hughes/paul stanley/seb bach/satriani/malmsteen/vai/alice cooper/motorhead/deep purple/toto/foreigner/cheap trick/w.a.s.p./gnr/him/testament/kreator/judas priest/iron maiden/bruce kulick/kiss/helloween/ozzy/nightwish/arch enemy/dragonforce/velvet revolver/dream theatre/queensryche/the darkness/plus shit loads more heavier stuff and lets not forgot all the modern rock bands that have toured here as well. Note I'm not trying to say all those bands are high quality but they are mostly big name hard rock and metal bands. Seriously, I think we need to see this Rock Out Australia festival as a positive step to bringing more big name hard rock and metal acts to Australia. I know it's hard to imagine and I might be just a little bit wishful in my thinking, but the way things are going I bet it won't be too long before we see another onslaught of "real hair metal" playing here as well.
  25. Rock music will never die.... and finally Aussie fans will have their appetites for hard-hitting, uncompromising, unrelenting Hard Rock and Heavy Metal satisfied on a scale never seen before on the East Coast of Australia. For three days fans can live and breathe their passion for blistering guitars, pounding drum rhythms, and intense screaming vocals. Acts include Twisted Sister, Girlschool, Diamond Head, Black Majesty, Scarlet Sins, Fixer, Crossbreed, Rose Tattoo, Mortal Sin, Eyefear, Crimsonfire, Five Star Prison Cell, Double Dragon, Earth, The Amenta, Sakkuth, The Radiators, The Vandolls, State of Integrity plus more international and local acts to be announced shortly. Due to unforseen circumstances LORDI have been taken off the Rock Out festival, we hope to see them here in the future. For a list of the bands and a description of them, visit Rock Out Australia Festival 2009 - Bands The Brisbane and Melbourne venues will have camping facilities on-site - including 3 day festival passes – so fans can experience a European style musical journey without leaving the heart of the action. Brisbane: 10th – 12th April 2009 – Queensland Raceway, Ipswich, Queensland, Australia Sydney: 17th – 19th April 2009 – Eastern Creek Raceway, NSW, Australia Melbourne: 24th – 26th April 2009 – Calder Park Raceway, Victoria, Australia $121 - $286 ------------------------------------------------------------ So who's going?? I'ts definately not cheap but I'm not going to pass on the opportunity to see Twisted Sister and Girlschool. I'm not a diehard fan of either of those bands but I reckon they'd be great fun to see. Diamond Head too. As for the other bands, most I'm not familiar with and most are probably too heavy for my usual liking but there are a few that I'm semi interested in seeing, including Eyefear and Crimsonfire. I don't mind Black Majesty either, I've seen them a few times including once at Hungry Jacks after a Saxon gig in Melbourne last year - filling up on Whoppers. I know everyone hangs shit on Lordi, but they would've been a drawing card for me just to see those monsters on stage. What about Mortal Sin, does anyone know what they're like?
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