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Everything posted by JC_AOR

  1. MediaMonkey is by far the best ou there - I've been using it for years. A more recent program which also looks quite good and is getting great reviews is MusicBee http://getmusicbee.com/. I've tried MusicBee very briefly and it is very good but I still think MediaMonkey is the best out there. I-Tunes and Windows Media Player are horrible. A good feature of MediaMonkey is the ability to right click on a song or selection of songs and click on "send to iPhone" (or any other device) - this copies the selected tracks to your iPhone in seconds and means you don't have to muck around with the shitty iTunes interface. Unfortunately you still need iTunes if you want to remove songs from your iPhone as I believe there is no other way of doing that as yet.
  2. Fuck! Terrible news! What a great singer & song writer he was. RIP
  3. With a title called Adriano and a subtitle called beware. Kinda hard to think someone is not trying to ruin someone elses reputation. If I see an album or movie review with a negative word to describe it in the title bar, I'm sure not going to read the article hoping to find the positives. It might have been better to focus on the cd in question and not the seller. I agree. This topic comes across as an attempt to defame someone - that is clear from the very start.
  4. I have traded with Adriano twice in the past. I can only report that he is a respectable and reliable trader who has helped me out with some very tough to find discs. Yes, it sometimes takes a bit of negotiating to strike a deal, but that is the joy of trading really. I have always found his communication to be excellent, and have always been very happy with the CD's that I received. Personally, I wouldn't hesitate to trade with Adriano again.
  5. I would not be one bit surprised if it got cancalled, the way things have been lately with international tours.
  6. Here it is: (well I'm not sure, is this the same one?) http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/7-S-T-CD-super-rare-1988-AOR-indie-collectable-/380360172242?pt=Music_CDs&hash=item588f3ba2d2"] super rare 1988 AOR indie bliss! "Here's your chance to get an original CD called 7 - S/T. This super rare 4 track CD was released in 1988 on a US indie label. This band is totally awesome and features very catchy, melodic AOR with superb vocals and big keys. Take YES (Trevor Rabin period) mixed with SILENT KNIGHT and FX...and that's what best describes this fantastic release. Brilliantly produced and played to perfection, this rarity is near impossible to find. Check out the tasty MP3 song sample below. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it. The CD and inserts are in near mint condition." Will be interesting to see how close this gets to $1000
  7. It doesn't make sense why an un-announced co-headliner would cause the entire festival to be called off. Just continue without Aerosmith? Even if Van Halen pulled out as well, why not go ahead without Aerosmith and Van Halen, and offer refunds to those who want them.
  8. Really? Can't see any mention of this by anyone including fans on the facebook page.
  9. Midnight Eve Cool glam/sleaze band from Sweden. http://www.facebook.com/MidniteEve?sk=app_178091127385 http://www.myspace.com/MIDNITEEVE In Vaïn Also from Sweden, a bit more Hard Rock and less glam than Midnight Eve. http://www.facebook.com/pages/In-Va%C3%AFn/114210608598128#!/pages/In-Va%C3%AFn/114210608598128?sk=info http://www.myspace.com/thebandinvain Siphon Fuel Again, from Sweden. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Siphon-Fuel/137811671134#!/pages/Siphon-Fuel/137811671134?sk=app_178091127385 http://www.myspace.com/siphonfuel
  10. Dynazty - Hunger For Love Dynazty - Throne of China
  11. Still Echo http://www.facebook.com/stillecho?sk=app_178091127385 http://www.myspace.com/stillechoofficial These dudes are heavy, very heavy at times. A mix of clean vocals and lots of screaming as well. Not usually my thing but I am enjoying this a lot. Really good stuff and worth checking out for sure.
  12. Midnight Eve Cool glam/sleaze band from Sweden. http://www.facebook.com/MidniteEve?sk=app_178091127385 http://www.myspace.com/MIDNITEEVE In Vaïn Also from Sweden, a bit more Hard Rock and less glam than Midnight Eve. http://www.facebook.com/pages/In-Va%C3%AFn/114210608598128#!/pages/In-Va%C3%AFn/114210608598128?sk=info http://www.myspace.com/thebandinvain Siphon Fuel Again, from Sweden. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Siphon-Fuel/137811671134#!/pages/Siphon-Fuel/137811671134?sk=app_178091127385 http://www.myspace.com/siphonfuel
  13. Good stuff, I love all his albums. Still need his first one on CD though.
  14. I like the previews so far, should be much better than Tinnitus Sanctus.
  15. I picked up that new There for Tomorrow disc as well and yeah I thought it was pretty good. I'll probably give We the Kings new disc a go as well but only when I can pick up a cheap copy. Yesterday in the mail I got Go Radio - Lucky Street and All Time Low - Dirty Work as well - playing them now.
  16. So I went to see them live last night. Their lead singer had laryngitis but decided they would still play anyway, with him on keyboards and one of the guitarists taking over most of the vocals. Unfortunately, this guitarist didn't have a very powerful voice and on top of that, I think his mic was turned down really low. But vocalist issues aside, I found that musically, the band wasn't able to take the excellent sound of their album and reproduce it live. I'm sure with time and experience they will get better as all bands do, though my first impression is that they are a band with a wonderful debut album, but at this stage an inability to do their music justice on the stage.
  17. Cool, thanks for the recommendations. I've tracked down most of these now and will let you know what I think. You're right though, only three of these I could find on CD, the rest downloads only. With the band Sve Your Breath, I found a 2011 release called 'Vices' with 11 tracks. Playing it now. Nice, thanks mate. That was a great EP. Will check out the album too. Hey Justin, what did you think of 'Vices?' I have to admit, I was very pleasantly surprised. It's not perfect the whole way through and bits of the 2nd half, whilst not being bad, are a little unmemorable. But wow, is it just me or does this band sound more like Cauterize than any I've heard? I was hearing a huge Cauterize vibe on a few of these songs. Yeah, I definitely like this one. One more good 'un I'm listening to the CD of: Schoolboy Humor - s/t (2009) ; this one is quite nice indeed. A few songs did end up leaving me hanging, waiting for that killer hook that was promised by the rest of the song, so it's not flawless by any means. But thesed guys have a really cool sound. If you like Mayday Parade / Go Radio and Houston Calls, then you should certainly check these guys out. Yeah 'Vices' had some great songs on it. 'The Lost Boys' is my favourite and 'Vices', 'Stay Young' and 'You're a Rebel, Alright' are pretty cool tracks too. Just been playing 'Racing Kites' and 'Parade the Day' - both very cool bands. I'm really liking 'My Girl Friday' too, but only have a 4 track EP.
  18. There was a topic started a few years back about "Country AOR" bands - these guys were mentioned along with Restless Heart, Rascal Flatts and heaps of others. I'd love to find it again but it doesn't turn up in any searches.
  19. Yeah, Perris aren't known for having classy packaging and inserts, that's for sure.
  20. I guess if most of the songs were written in 1998, I won't be expecting this to be that great...but I'm keen to check this out anyway. I didn't know they were called Overdrive originally.
  21. Your language isn't offensive mate, I'm just saying you could relax a little. The forum is supposed to be fun.
  22. Haha! If I'd ever let that stop me I'd have literally seen maybe 5 concerts in my life! Yeah I agree, don't let that stop you. If you like the band, go see 'em.
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