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Everything posted by JC_AOR

  1. Seems to be very mixed reults on this one - I went with Kix - they're a just a good fun rock band. Keel 2nd as I love their first two albums and Helix last mainly because I haven't heard much from them but that's not to say their bad.
  2. Love that Heir Apparent album. It's been re-mastered I think. They would probably have been my pick as a Geoff Tate clone, but I guess there are probably dozens of bands out there who sound similar.
  3. The cheapest I can find is on E-Bay from the AOR Blvd Records seller. It's about Au$11 but I'm not sure what they want for postage. Wishing Well has it for $15.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFWYtp8pfas&feature=related
  5. City Of Angels Let Your Spirit Soar Hands To Heaven Give It All In Our Dreams Mystery Girl Inside Love Think Of What Your Thinking I Don't Want To Wait Anymore Where Do We Go From Here Just listening to this for the first time. For those who don't know of David A Saylor, he is best known as a member of Push (UK), the band who released 'Strange World' back in 2010. He also contributed backing vocals on Atlantic - Power. City of Angels is his first solo album, and I have to say it contains some very nice songs that will definitely appeal to the AOR fans out there. The song 'Inside Love' is amazing!! Here's a couple of exerts from other reviews: "...his first solo album… which is a pure AOR, with lots of Westcoast & pop elements, release. How pure huh? Well, just bring artists like: Jimi Jamison, Steve Perry, Richard Marx, Tim Feehan, John Farnham, Stan Bush & Bob Halligan among others on your mind… and you’ve got the picture of how this album sounds like." - from Grande Rock "His first solo album is a gem for classic 80s AOR lover, cause it is pure 80s AOR sound from the likes of Bob Halligan, Robert Tepper and Steve Perry. Keyboards all over the place should give AOR fans a run for their money and his voice is simply stunning" - from NEH Records
  6. Cool song!!! Hey Nick, what was the name of the book about this band?
  7. Sounds good, nice find.
  8. Cool songs, will definitely look into picking up their first album. "Joan Red guitarist Shawn Morgan has posted an update on Facebook which states that Joan Red are not over and will continue after the death of vocalist Anthony Basurto in 2011. He has also stated that he has come across previously unreleased material that will now be released to fans."
  9. Wow, really cool song, would love to hear more.
  10. I use a program called CDex for ripping from CD's. It's an older program (2009) though you can easily update to the latest version of the lame encoder. It's simple to use and very customisable in terms of rip quality and file/tag naming conventions. I rip everything at CBR 320 kbps. With the size of storage devices these days I don't see any reason to rip at lower quality. I know a lot of people are now ripping to FLAC but I think these files are too big. Other programs I use are MP3-Tag Studio 3 to sort out all my tags and MediaMonkey Gold to organise and play my music. The combination of these 3 programs is all I need. I think Windows Media Player and I-Tunes are terrible programs. They're good in that they take away a lot of the manual work in sorting out a music collection, but they are sometimes a little too clever for their own good.
  11. Wouldn't that kind of be like endorsing bootlegs then? no, not at all. we have a bootlegs thread on here, and does that endorse bootlegs? definitely not. i think it does almost the opposite,... it makes people aware of what has been bootlegged so they are informed on what they are buying. people who buy bootlegs are gonna by them anyway. It's the unaware that would benefit. the listing could even point out how to spot the bootleg compared to an original. Good idea, I like it!
  12. Does anyone remember these magazines from the 90's. Not sure when they started exactly but they have lots of cool bands in them. I just picked up issue 17 with bands like Hardline, 21 Guns, BB Steal and Giant. Would be interested in buying more of these if anyone wants to sell them. Just shoot me a PM.
  13. I have to admit to owning the Taylor Swift album- sorry
  14. Yeah, a pretty cool band. They've already been mentioned a couple of times on these forums. I'd have to say that they don't do the album justice when they play live. http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=27301&st=0&p=612030&hl=syndicate&fromsearch=1entry612030 http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=26897&st=0&p=611366&hl=syndicate&fromsearch=1entry611366
  15. Excellent track, can't wait for the album!
  16. Saw this one just sold for a very ridiculous $430 with comparisons to Jagged Edge, Von Groove, Blue Murder, Riverdogs, Voodoo X, Silent Rage and Lion. Any thoughts on this one from people here?
  17. Wow, that's the best news I ever heard in my life! Should be a great show, hope I can make it.
  18. Cool, didn't know about this. Are they playing all cities?
  19. Say hi to Jesus for me. Christian creep.
  20. Yeah, seriously, I'd be telling this guy to get fucked as well.
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