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Everything posted by JC_AOR

  1. Another one I would like to download (had it but seem to have lost it). Anyone know where I can download it from or if they ever did release this on CD?
  2. Where can I download their stuff from, seeing as they didn't release any CD's. I can't download from Amazon as I'm a non US customer. I-tunes pisses me off as I have to convert everything I download to MP3. Any other good options for downloading these digital only releases?
  3. This band now has two CD's available from CD Baby. Will check em out. http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/withouttomorrow2
  4. I picked up tons of modern rock albums recently. Included among them is three albums by these guys. I haven't got them yet but from what I've heard I'm really looking forward to their latest album.
  5. Hey Geoff, Do you know where I can buy these from: both sound really cool. Chemical Vocation - Write this moment The Friday Night Boys - Everything you ever wanted: The B-sides
  6. JC_AOR


    Hellfire Club is the bands best album - totally essential IMO and better than Rocket Ride which is also very good.
  7. "now will anyone please fucking upload it" You should really re think the way you word your requests, maybe you don't mean to, but to me you are coming across as being quite aggressive and rude.
  8. I just saw that Victory s/t debut has been re-issued, available May 16. "Yesterrock/ Sony will re-issue the ultra-rare German Hard Rock classic "Victory" by Hanover based band VICTORY on May16th, 2011". http://www.yesterrock.com/news Back on topic though, I am certainly looking forward to their new album. I didn't start getting into Victory until a couple of years ago but have all their albums now and love them.
  9. Surely our christian buddies would have known about this one, no? Sadly, unless tickets were about $10 I don't think I'd have made that one. They played a massive 3 day festival at Toowoomba called Easterfest, some good bands in the line-up, most though, I've never heard of. Would have been cool just to walk around and check out some random bands, I'm sure there would have been some good ones. http://www.easterfest.com/programme/artists/
  10. Apparantly Petra played 2 shows in Australia last month. One of them wasn't far from here so probably would have gone just out of interest.
  11. Starlight Theatre: A Brisbane band. Never heard of them before now but came across these two songs which are really very very good. http://www.facebook.com/StarlightTheatre#!/StarlightTheatre?sk=info How Long: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN5zk0orsBA And if you like that one, this one is even better... Clear View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGYJ35GA3RU Syndicate: A Sydney band with an album due out in July. This is their single 'Shout' which I can highly recommend. Excellent stuff. http://www.facebook.com/myfuturelies?ref=sgm#!/syndicateofficial http://www.syndicateofficial.com/ Shout: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF_OoLnLlAA My Future Lies: Cool band from Castle Hill, Australia. http://www.facebook.com/myfuturelies?ref=sgm#!/myfuturelies http://www.myfuturelies.com/ Chasing the Moon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQad76-QGq0 More Than Your Name: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u5odM4hpYA&feature=relmfu Luke Lukess: Guitarist & vocalist for 'My Future Lies'. http://www.facebook.com/lukelukess?ref=sgm http://www.lukelukess.com/ EP Sampler: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QTwL5OmRWc Drifting Away: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWa5AqJObHc&feature=relmfu
  12. Yep, North Carolina band. 4 of the 5 members shared the same last name, "Peralta" (I'm guessing a mixture of brothers & cousins). They recorded their 5 song demo at Reflection Studios in Charlotte, NC. They had a song (the power ballad "Someday We'll Fly Away" which is pretty darn good) on the Metal Mythos Volume 1 compilation: http://www.heavyharm...Mythos+Volume+1 The lead singer was a mere 17 years old when they recorded the demo. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on that Metal Mythos compilation CD. Do you know if it shows up much these days or is it pretty hard to find?
  13. Mark, another cool review there. You seem to have a natural talent for writing them. Sounds like a great album anyway. I've only heard a few tracks so far but I'm very impressed. As you say - a good mix of "heaviness and melody". Looking forward to finally having the disc.
  14. Wow, very nice tune. To be honest I probably would have skipped over this album all together, but now I'm thinking I should give it a chance. I'm hearing a mix of Journey/U2/Bruce Springsteen. Kind of a strange way to describe it but that's what I'm hearing.
  15. I'm really loving what I've heard so far...now looking for somewhere to buy it from. I missed their first album completely.
  16. Very nice songs, I'm really looking forward to this one. You can't go wrong with the people involved in this project.
  17. I heard they were re-issuing some of their other albums too, anyone know if this is true?
  18. Having the same problem as Izzy, when I change my Avatar, it displays the old one but changes the size (pixels) to that of the new one. Tried clearing the cookies etc and restarting but still it won't work. Anyone else had trouble with this?
  19. Aussie band PROJECT X who released the album 'The Mirror' back in 1995 have a new album on the way soon. Personally, I'm not all that excited but still..some others might be.
  20. New FaceBook page for Sex Action 2011 Tour http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=213464262016241&index=1 They still haven't announced the special guests (other than Defryme which I could honestly do without). Though just recently this was posted by the promoter: "Here's our shortlist of special guests so you fans can encourage one of these bands via the internet, their websites, facebook etc to move quicker onto this tour: Noiseworks, The Baby Animals, The Angels, Rose Tattoo, The Screaming Jetts… Who do youse want???" For me, all of those bands together can't make up for the loss of Warrant, though if I had to pick I'd probably want to see Noiseworks again. Oh and every ticket holder can now bring along a friend for free.
  21. Not bad at all, I haven't heard of this before now, will check it out.
  22. Sounds really good, I'll try to pick this one up
  23. Cool, if it is true I'd would love to hear a demo with that verse in it.
  24. Has anyone else checked out the Dreams songs available from Amazon and I-Tunes? Excellent stuff IMO. The band is now on FaceBook too so make sure you "like" them if you like them. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dreams/136322829774282
  25. Can't recall sorry Justin but I would say that those bands have a bigger fan base down here than Crown Of Thorns etc. But who knows if this was a success financially or not? Last year a well known band came out to play Bris/Syd/Melb....great crowds everywhere but the promoter still lost money. I can only speak for myself, but all the praise from concert goers ain't gonna make me sleep better at night knowing I lost 10K and spent 3 months of my life getting band <ABC> to Australia. That's true. Maybe if one of these bigger name/experienced promotors took on the job of bringing out some of these "lesser known" bands they might actually be able to do it without making a loss.
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