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Everything posted by Studboy

  1. Decided it was time to catch up on buying the Suncity and Eonian releases (plus a few indies too) Androids - Let It All Out Antix - Take It Off Bad Attitude - Prisoners Of Rock Cruella D'Ville - Showdown In Tinsel Town Crush - S/T EP Fatal Charm - Looks Like Trouble Flash Addict - Live Fast Die Pretty Gynger Lynn- S/T High Noon - No Turning Back Joker - S/T (from Brazil) Kidd Havok - Roll The Dice Masque - Face First Pistol Dawn - Conversation Piece Rock Dogs - S/T Schoolboy Crush - Good Times Bad Boys Shake City - S/T Taupier - That Was Then UZI - Madhouse Victory - Liveline (2 CD Set) Worlds Apart - S/T
  2. I got tired of reading all the posts a while back on this topic, but I gotta agree with Geoff. I've been listening to hair metal since it's birth back in the day, and when a band has got it, it's got it. I've listened to the Steel Panther CD at least 10 times now. I loved them when they were Danger Kitty, Metal Shop & Metal Skool. Of course they are a spoof of what hair metal was, but damn, there songs got some killer hooks. Their new album just flat out kicks ass. Can't wait to see them live in August here in Kansas City.
  3. Someone must have got some sand stuck in their vagina
  4. Yeah, but he's right, it's just EZO's first CD basically.
  5. The Panther is coming to Kansas City again in a month, I couldn't make the first show this summer, but I just bought tickets for the upcoming show, can't wait to see them should be a hell of a good time.
  6. He pulled the exact same crap on my a few years ago with a Hotboy CD. Once I found out who he was I sold it to the next highest bidder and just cut him completely loose.
  7. Nice pickup, some real good titles in there. I'm still on a bit of a Johnny Lima kick. Thanks Pete, I figured you'd be partial to the Rockarma
  8. Babylon Bombs - Doin' The Nasty Bombay Black - Psycho Magnet Chris Laney - Pure Heavy Pettin' - Lettin' Loose Johnny Lima - Version 1.2 Johnny Lima - Livin' Out Loud Marchello-Vestry - S/T Mr. Meana - Social Elite Rockarma - Bring It! Steel Panther - Feel The Steel Ted Poley - Collateral Damage TKO - Below The Belt The Poodles - Sweet Trade The Poodles - Metal Will Stand Tragic Nancy - The Long Road To Paradise Victory - Don't Get Mad - Get Even
  9. Over the past month or so, a few are still in transit... Big Rat - S/T Blaz-On - All In Bad Taste Blue Tears - The Innocent Ones Boulevard - What's Up Cain's Alibi - Sanctified Charlemagne - S/T Charm City Devils - Let's Rock-n-Roll Dying Breed - First Light Eden's Curse - S/T Faith Circus - S/T FarCry - High Gear Heavy Pettin - Prodigal Songs Hostage - Poor And Famous Ice Tiger - Love n' Crime (original pressing) Karo - Heavy Birthday (Reissue) Kid Sin - S/T Lix - S/T Ma Kelley - Banned In America Mirror Mirror - Kick It! Odin - Fight For Your Life (Jap Import with OBI) Smash Alley - Too Late To Say No
  10. Damn, I voted like 15 minutes ago and can't remember what songs I picked, so that should tell ya how good all their albums are. Let me just say buy them all, you won't be disappointed!
  11. I'm sure I'll be in the minority, but my favorite has always been the title track "The Last Command" with "Blind In Texas" coming in a close second.
  12. Are you wanting someone to scan the artwork and email it to you so you can print it, or are you looking for the actual original artwork?
  13. My wife is my age (late 30's) so she went to high school in the metal hey day like me. She likes the basic metal bands that were popular back then, especially the bands that targeted chicks back then like White Lion, Winger, etc. But she really gets pissed whenever I spend any significant amount of money on CDs (which is really easy to do). Anything other than the mainstream hair metal bands she knows of is crap to her. We have been married for 15 years so she has learned to put up with my collecting, but if it were up to her, she would sell them all off for pennies on the dollar just to get rid of them. I've told her if I ever croak before she does to not just go hock them cuz a LOT of CDs I have are worth a good chunk of change.
  14. Back in high school about 20+ years ago, my buddy and I found a sack full of Playboy's at the dump. We thought that was pretty kick ass since porn was harder to come by back then
  15. I just saw Burn Halo live a few weeks ago, great band!
  16. SUS I believe, very AIC like... And as Danny mentions and as the rumor goes if you want one of these bad enough get with Skotty and he will get one to you at a premium. Apparently they pressed 3,000 of these Ep's, that's right 3,000! So getting one should be pretty easy. Of note obtaining the 2 cassette only releases would be an amazing feet. And no I don't have them, but will soon have cdr's and J cards... I'm not sure how many were pressed, but the bass player himself told me he threw away an entire shitload of them before moving a long time ago. So they may have pressed 3000, but a LOT of them were thrown in the crapper many years ago. And all this talk about the Dancyr CD, I found it for 99 cents about 3 years ago and traded it away without a second thought. It was one of the most God awful CDs I've heard in my life! If anyone wants to hear it I'll gladly send them a copy. It has to be one of the worse high priced indies out there!!!!!!!!
  17. SUS I believe, very AIC like... And as Danny mentions and as the rumor goes if you want one of these bad enough get with Skotty and he will get one to you at a premium. Apparently they pressed 3,000 of these Ep's, that's right 3,000! So getting one should be pretty easy. Of note obtaining the 2 cassette only releases would be an amazing feet. And no I don't have them, but will soon have cdr's and J cards... I'm not sure how many were pressed, but the bass player himself told me he threw away an entire shitload of them before moving a long time ago. So they may have pressed 3000, but a LOT of them were thrown in the crapper many years ago.
  18. Man, I was the same age as you when this type of music was in it's hey day! Not many kids your age are into music like this, so welcome and congrats for having such good taste in music!
  19. Aahhh the good ole days. Wasn't I the won who corrupted you by introducing you to Evilbay?
  20. I found Heavy Harmonies one night while I was taking night classes back around the year 2000-2001, can't remember the exact date. I was killing time between a few classes in the library and there was a very small article about Heavy Harmonies in Rolling Stone magazine. I went to a computer, typed in the URL and was hooked ever since. This was also about the same time I discovered Ebay and bought the first of many CDs on Ebay. It was also around the same time I discovered Napster and actually met T-Bone there years before the messageboard even existed. I can't believe that was almost a decade ago!
  21. Morally you are completely correct, any type of bootleg is wrong if the band isn't making money off of their material. However, if I find a nice bootleg of a live KISS show in a used CD store, will I shun it because the band didn't officially release it or will I buy it because I'm a fan of the band? Personally I'm buying it. Usually I've supported the band in the past by buying there CDs, going to their shows and buying there swag at the shows. I found a silver pressed boot of a live Bon Jovi show from 1987 about 10 years ago. It was at a show that I bought tickets for and saw like 3 days before the boot was actually recorded in another town. I paid to see the show, I had bought all of their albums up to that point. I bought a shirt at the concert. So 10 years later when I found the bootleg live CD, did I have a problem buying it. No, I've supported the band up to that point and me buying that CD wouldn't have hurt the band at all. Now there are all kinds of other bootlegs out there and I'm definitely against people who make them specifically to fool people and rip them off. Any type of bootleg is a very grey area and I think anyone who buys them needs to let there conscious be there guide.
  22. I've run across many a live bootleg when CD hunting. They are few and far between but it cool when you do find them, especially if they are cheap.
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