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The F*%K Thread


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it's nothing juicy, you gossip whores :P


Reader's Digest version = Dude was too fuckin full of himself <_< As much as I tried to fuckin chime in on the "conversation," he'd just keep going on & on about himself. About his fuckin cars, his house, the trips he goes on and the gifts he's given people..... on & on. When he started telling me what a sexual dynamo he was (his fuckin words, not mine), I got up and left. :blink:


I think I know this guy too........whatta fuckin' putz. :lol:

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it's nothing juicy, you gossip whores :P


Reader's Digest version = Dude was too fuckin full of himself <_< As much as I tried to fuckin chime in on the "conversation," he'd just keep going on & on about himself. About his fuckin cars, his house, the trips he goes on and the gifts he's given people..... on & on. When he started telling me what a sexual dynamo he was (his fuckin words, not mine), I got up and left. :blink:


(SIGH) I fuckin' apologize for your fuckin' shitty date on behalf of the male half of the fuckin' species. Geez, some fuckin' dudes just don't get it. Did this fuckwit actually think you were gonna go "Take me, you fuckin' stallion!" when he dropped the "sexual dynamo" reference? Fuckin' dork....

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What you need is a nice fuckin' guy who talks about norks non-stop and pretty much has nothing the fuck else to say. Doesn't that sound like the epitome of fuckin' heaven? :wub:
heaven, fuckin personified, would you say? :wub:


I think I know this guy too........whatta fuckin' putz. :lol:
haha 'Putz' with a capital fuckin 'P' :lol: ...and for some reason, I just kept kept picturing him just a couple years down the fuckin road... wearing a leisure suit, white patent fuckin leather shoes, a couple gold chains and sportin' a fuckin comb-over. :rolleyes:


(SIGH) I fuckin' apologize for your fuckin' shitty date on behalf of the male half of the fuckin' species. Geez, some fuckin' dudes just don't get it. Did this fuckwit actually think you were gonna go "Take me, you fuckin' stallion!" when he dropped the "sexual dynamo" reference? Fuckin' dork....


Thanks Keef :) There world is full of wonderful, awesome men... and somewhere, is the perfect l'il ditz just waiting for that fuckin *gem* :lol:

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I think I know this guy too........whatta fuckin' putz. :lol:

haha 'Putz' with a capital fuckin 'P' :lol: ...and for some reason, I just kept kept picturing him just a couple years down the fuckin road... wearing a leisure suit, white patent fuckin leather shoes, a couple gold chains and sportin' a fuckin comb-over. :rolleyes:


I'm sorry, and the fuckin' problem with that is??? :P


Seriously, as the mighty Keef mentioned, there are a lot of dumb fuckin' assholes out there pretending to represent the gender. :anon:

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Seriously, as the mighty Keef mentioned, there are a lot of dumb fuckin' assholes out there pretending to represent the gender. :anon:


I think men are fuckin awesome :), and I don't let putzs like that sway me from thinking anything else. I try to interact with someone as a person, not as a gender.... if that makes fuckin sense?



There's a lady here at work.... sometimes, when you walk by her fuckin cubie, her head will be down - and she's been asleep long enough that her fuckin screensaver has kicked in. One time I, uh, accidentally fuckin dropped a ream of paper at the printer station which is about 10 feet behind her. She jumped awake & nonchalantly got back to fuckin work.


I really really really want to take a road trip & get the fuck away from *everything* for a bit. I won a fuckin weekend at a condo in Carmel... but that's not till fuckin November. <_< So me thinks I need to plan out a fuckin mini-trip real fuckin quick.

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Seriously, as the mighty Keef mentioned, there are a lot of dumb fuckin' assholes out there pretending to represent the gender. :anon:


I think men are fuckin awesome :), and I don't let putzs like that sway me from thinking anything else. I try to interact with someone as a person, not as a gender.... if that makes fuckin sense?



There's a lady here at work.... sometimes, when you walk by her fuckin cubie, her head will be down - and she's been asleep long enough that her fuckin screensaver has kicked in. One time I, uh, accidentally fuckin dropped a ream of paper at the printer station which is about 10 feet behind her. She jumped awake & nonchalantly got back to fuckin work.


I really really really want to take a road trip & get the fuck away from *everything* for a bit. I won a fuckin weekend at a condo in Carmel... but that's not till fuckin November. <_< So me thinks I need to plan out a fuckin mini-trip real fuckin quick.


Mendocino's fuckin' sweet IMHO.

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Mendocino's fuckin' sweet IMHO.

Mendocino is fuckin hella sweet! About 2 or 3 hours north.


That's pretty fuckin' far but probably a nice ride as long as you don't get stuck behind too many of those fuckin' RV's... not that there's anything wrong with RV's Keef, they just move really fuckin' slow on Rt. 1...


...for good fuckin' reason... ;)

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That's pretty fuckin' far but probably a nice ride as long as you don't get stuck behind too many of those fuckin' RV's... not that there's anything wrong with RV's Keef, they just move really fuckin' slow on Rt. 1...


Well you will never be stuck behind my fuckin' RV brother, cuz we keep that fucker at an even 55 all the way! :tumbsup:

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That's pretty fuckin' far but probably a nice ride as long as you don't get stuck behind too many of those fuckin' RV's... not that there's anything wrong with RV's Keef, they just move really fuckin' slow on Rt. 1...


Well you will never be stuck behind my fuckin' RV brother, cuz we keep that fucker at an even 55 all the way! :tumbsup:

heh. I'd like to see ya fuckin try it on Hwy 1 :lol:

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Seriously, as the mighty Keef mentioned, there are a lot of dumb fuckin' assholes out there pretending to represent the gender. :anon:


"The Mighty Keef?" I like the fuckin' sound of that... I oughta get it printed on a fuckin' T-shirt... "KNEEL BEFORE THE MIGHTY KEEF!"

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Seriously, as the mighty Keef mentioned, there are a lot of dumb fuckin' assholes out there pretending to represent the gender. :anon:


"The Mighty Keef?" I like the fuckin' sound of that... I oughta get it printed on a fuckin' T-shirt... "KNEEL BEFORE THE MIGHTY KEEF!"


Sounds vaguely Monty Python in nature, fuckin' cool. :drink:


And yeah, I don't even go fuckin' 55 on Rt. 1 regardless of what I'm drivin' :lol:

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Sounds vaguely Monty Python in nature, fuckin' cool. :drink:


Actually it was a fuckin' "Superman II" reference ("Kneel before Zod") but as long as it gets a fuckin' laugh I'm fine with it :)

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I fuckin hate it when...


...I'm the only car on the fuckin road, and some dumbazz pulls out in front of me ....and then fuckin puttz's :angry:


...I get caught in the middle of a clusterfuck of cars that all seem to be tourists that don't know where the fuck they're going <_<


...someone in front of me is making a turn..... and............. they........ take......... 5 minutes....... to....... fuckin......... turn. :blink:


...someone in front of me on the fuckin freeway, wants the fuckin exit up ahead, but start slowing down now - or worse yet, braking - while they're still on the fuckin freeway.



Most days, none of it bothers me.... but today.. fuckin GRRR! :2up:

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I fuckin hate it when...


...I'm the only car on the fuckin road, and some dumbazz pulls out in front of me ....and then fuckin puttz's :angry:


...I get caught in the middle of a clusterfuck of cars that all seem to be tourists that don't know where the fuck they're going <_<


...someone in front of me is making a turn..... and............. they........ take......... 5 minutes....... to....... fuckin......... turn. :blink:


...someone in front of me on the fuckin freeway, wants the fuckin exit up ahead, but start slowing down now - or worse yet, braking - while they're still on the fuckin freeway.



Most days, none of it bothers me.... but today.. fuckin GRRR! :2up:




I've fucking been there many fucking times before Lisa. Take a deep fucking breath and don't let some stupid fucks ruin your fucking day.

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I fucking hate delays in the traffic, they fuckin' shit me to tears at the time, but it's not always fuckin' bad. Sometimes it means you get to prolong your rock n'roll listening time.


I broke the cruise control buttons on my fuckin' steering wheel the other day. I was trying to better a parking spot I had the other night, didn't, got caught in a fuckin' hoo-ha shamble of cars everywhere, got really pissed off and punched my fuckin' steering wheel. The fuckin' cruise control button snapped off the wheel. I was pretty fuckin' pissed off. :(

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Thanks, Wes :)


Actually didn't come close to ruining my fuckin day... just enough annoyance for the fuckin drive home - and I'm over it. My run tonight would fuckin shake it off anyway.



It's good to hear that your fucking day wasn't ruined Lisa. :)

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I just downloaded the coolest, stupidest fucking song I've ever heard off of the Screaming Ferret Wreckords web site... it's called "Built For Porn" by a band called Recognizer. Fucking hilarious. The chorus goes "Your parents must be proud, take your clothes off for a crowd, the most beautiful girl that's ever been born... the bitch is built for porn!" Now is that fuckin' sheer poetry or what? The band is actually pretty fucking terrible but this song fucking rules just because of that little fuckin' bit of lyrical genius.

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ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm SO fucking frustrated!!!


k.....so all my jeans are too big. Being the "ex-Domestic Goddess" that I am, I whip out the ol' handy dandy sewing machine to take them up....right?




It's hell getting fuckin' old.....

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ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm SO fucking frustrated!!!


k.....so all my jeans are too big. Being the "ex-Domestic Goddess" that I am, I whip out the ol' handy dandy sewing machine to take them up....right?




It's hell getting fuckin' old.....


Sounds like you're fucked........................might want to invest in a fuckin' belt... :lol:

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ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm SO fucking frustrated!!!


k.....so all my jeans are too big. Being the "ex-Domestic Goddess" that I am, I whip out the ol' handy dandy sewing machine to take them up....right?




It's hell getting fuckin' old.....


Sounds like you're fucked........................might want to invest in a fuckin' belt... :lol:


Haha.....yeah.......just until I can get a fuckin' magnifying glass..... :wacko:

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Fuck Freddy, sounds fuckin' awesome. Where would a brother find a link for that fuckin' download?


I believe the fuckin web address is http://www.screamingferret.com , and the Recognizer song was somewhere in the fucking "media" section. Be forewarned that the song is pretty fucking terrible and the band kinda sucks but that chorus is just too fucking funny.

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