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The F*%K Thread


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I cannot believe this thread was started less than 4 fucking months ago and already it has over 1000 fucking replies. Fuck!


Well, fuckin'A, there are a lot of foul mouthed mutherfuckers on this board who need to get their fuckin' frustrations out SOME fuckin' where...


Seriously, I love this fuckin' thread cuz I have to watch my fuckin' mouth at home due to having a 3 year old who repeats every fuckin' thing I say, so at least I can fuckin' come here and be as fuckin' brutal as I fuckin' need to be!!


Ain't that the fuckin' truth and nothin' but.

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Fuck FUCK fuckity Fuck Fuck Mothertruckers :screwy:

Thank You

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And I just fuckin noticed right fuckin now that I got coffee on my white fuckin blouse - right dead fuckin center between the :tits: . uh-huh.. nobody's gonna fuckin notice it ------> :norks: <---------there :rolleyes:




:poke: ........fuckin' coffee.......has a mind of its fucking own..... :popcorn:

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Well, now I don't feel so fuckin' bad...one of my co-workers got nailed at the same traffic stop I did and she got fuckin' busted cuz she had an previously unpaid fuckin' traffic ticket and actually had to go to the fuckin' police station to unravel the fuckin' situation! Anybody who's driving in Jersey today, all I can say is WATCH THE FUCK OUT!!

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Well, now I don't feel so fuckin' bad...one of my co-workers got nailed at the same traffic stop I did and she got fuckin' busted cuz she had an previously unpaid fuckin' traffic ticket and actually had to go to the fuckin' police station to unravel the fuckin' situation! Anybody who's driving in Jersey today, all I can say is WATCH THE FUCK OUT!!


I'm stayin' the fuck in the office. With the fuckin' luck I've had lately I'd probably spend a night in jail if I try to fuckin' drive anywhere... <_<

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That would be the fuckin' smart play Blue. I'm afraid to drive the fuck home tonight cuz I might get fuckin' busted again in a different fucking town than the one I got fuckin' nailed in this morning...I wonder if I leave the fuckin ticket on my dashboard while I drive, would that be a fuckin' signal to the fuckin' cops, "Leave me the fuck alone, you fuckers already got me once today?"

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:poke: ........fuckin' coffee.......has a mind of its fucking own..... :popcorn:


yeah... un-huh... I got a fuckin picture for ya! :P


For a short fuckin week this week... it sure is taking a long fuckin time to get to Friday. I can't fuckin wait for the week of July 3rd. Since Tuesday the fuckin 4th is a holiday, I cleared out the fuckin production schedules for the whole fuckin plant so that we could give everyone the 3rd off as well. Four-day fuckin weekend! :bananamac: I'm 422 people's bestest fuckin friend right now :)

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Fuckin'A, that sucks. Are you feelin' any fuckin' better or are you gonna stay the fuck home tomorrow too?



I back at work today and I feel fucking better. I would still rather be at fucking home. Maybe I should act like I'm still fucking sick.

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That would be the fuckin' smart play Blue. I'm afraid to drive the fuck home tonight cuz I might get fuckin' busted again in a different fucking town than the one I got fuckin' nailed in this morning...I wonder if I leave the fuckin ticket on my dashboard while I drive, would that be a fuckin' signal to the fuckin' cops, "Leave me the fuck alone, you fuckers already got me once today?"


Yes I'm sure they would think "that poor fucker's already got a ticket, we should give him a fuckin' break"... or fuckin' not... :banana:

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The Fucking Saga continues...


I went to the nearest fucking DMV (Division of Motor Vehicles) inspection station on my fucking lunch hour just cuz I was afraid of getting fucking busted a second time on my fucking way home tonight for having a fucking out of date fucking sticker. Sat in fucking line for a while and got pissed off at myself for leaving the majority of my CDs back at my desk so all I fuckin had to listen to was Kiss' UNMASKED, which I'm sorry, STILL fucking sucks (see the "Kiss Unmasked" poll thread for my take on that fucking CD). Eventually I get to the front of the fucking line, car gets fucking inspected... and I fuckin failed because my fucking windshield wipers are "worn out." You gotta be fucking kidding me. At least it's a cheap fucking thing to fix, but now I gotta get new fucking blades and go thru this fucking rigamarole again within 45 fucking days.

So kids, Fat Freddy's fucking motto for today is:


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The Fucking Saga continues...


I went to the nearest fucking DMV (Division of Motor Vehicles) inspection station on my fucking lunch hour just cuz I was afraid of getting fucking busted a second time on my fucking way home tonight for having a fucking out of date fucking sticker. Sat in fucking line for a while and got pissed off at myself for leaving the majority of my CDs back at my desk so all I fuckin had to listen to was Kiss' UNMASKED, which I'm sorry, STILL fucking sucks (see the "Kiss Unmasked" poll thread for my take on that fucking CD). Eventually I get to the front of the fucking line, car gets fucking inspected... and I fuckin failed because my fucking windshield wipers are "worn out." You gotta be fucking kidding me. At least it's a cheap fucking thing to fix, but now I gotta get new fucking blades and go thru this fucking rigamarole again within 45 fucking days.

So kids, Fat Freddy's fucking motto for today is:



Dude, I'm fuckin' there right with ya. You are preachin' to the fuckin' choir my friend... :axe:


Fuckin' DMV... <_<

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The Fucking Saga continues...


I went to the nearest fucking DMV (Division of Motor Vehicles) inspection station on my fucking lunch hour just cuz I was afraid of getting fucking busted a second time on my fucking way home tonight for having a fucking out of date fucking sticker. Sat in fucking line for a while and got pissed off at myself for leaving the majority of my CDs back at my desk so all I fuckin had to listen to was Kiss' UNMASKED, which I'm sorry, STILL fucking sucks (see the "Kiss Unmasked" poll thread for my take on that fucking CD). Eventually I get to the front of the fucking line, car gets fucking inspected... and I fuckin failed because my fucking windshield wipers are "worn out." You gotta be fucking kidding me. At least it's a cheap fucking thing to fix, but now I gotta get new fucking blades and go thru this fucking rigamarole again within 45 fucking days.

So kids, Fat Freddy's fucking motto for today is:



Dude, I'm fuckin' there right with ya. You are preachin' to the fuckin' choir my friend... :axe:


Fuckin' DMV... <_<





I'm with both of you. The DMV fucking sucks. Why is everyone that works there so fucking mean.

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Wow, Freddy... sorry to hear about your fuckin' day. Sounds fucked and fuckin' unlucky. Sounds like the cops are out on a fuckin' mission!


I got pulled over for speeding once and I hadn't changed by registration sticker (4 months overdue)... the fucker noticed and asked why and I said I'd paid, he checked and let me go on that issue. He told me that would usually incur a fine, but I guess he was already fucking happy enough, pulling me over on Easter, which means double demerits. I also didn't have my license (so the fucker had to ask my fiance my details after I'd told him, and she got my fucking birthday wrong! :lol:) and I wasn't wearing fucking shoes... the whole fucking shebang. But he was really nice. He only stole 6 fucking points from my license and handed me something like a $400 fucking fine. Fucker. Makes me fucking angry now, even though it was so long ago.


I'm losing my license now anyway, when I've paid my current fine and I blame it all on that fucker.


Hi Lisa, :wub: ... yowser, I hate wetsuits with a passion, and cold water. :( Even now it the midst of winter the water is still 20 degrees here... for now anyway. It's beautiful in there, it's the fucking wind and outside temp that gets you.


And yes, it is fucking Friday here.

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You were driving with no fucking shoes? Didn't that fucking hurt?

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You were driving with no fucking shoes? Didn't that fucking hurt?


:lol: Ah Freddy, my young American friend. A little fucking note about myself: I wear shoes from 9am-5pm five days a fuckin' week. The moment I get home they're gone until the next morning, and the moment 5pm hits on Friday they're gone until Monday... unless I fuckin' go out or something for dinner on the weekend. But I hate driving with fuckin' shoes on... really hate it, feels very uncomfortable. I feel I don't connect with my fucking machine. Because I go to the beach often, I'd feel a fool if I put shoes on before and after that too... just not a fuckin' thing I do. :)

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You were driving with no fucking shoes? Didn't that fucking hurt?


:lol: Ah Freddy, my young American friend. A little fucking note about myself: I wear shoes from 9am-5pm five days a fuckin' week. The moment I get home they're gone until the next morning, and the moment 5pm hits on Friday they're gone until Monday... unless I fuckin' go out or something for dinner on the weekend. But I hate driving with fuckin' shoes on... really hate it, feels very uncomfortable. I feel I don't connect with my fucking machine. Because I go to the beach often, I'd feel a fool if I put shoes on before and after that too... just not a fuckin' thing I do. :)


Oooo-kay. As long as the rest of you remains fuckin' clothed while you drive, I guess it's OK to drive without shoes. All I know is I tried that once and my feet hurt like fuckin' hell by the time I got where I was goin'.


Um... the rest of you remains fuckin' clothed while you drive, though, doesn't it? Never mind, I really don't fuckin' want to know. :)

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I gotta Fuckin' move tomorrow. A long Fuckin' day it will be.....


There will be beer at the end of the day tomorrow, yes there will be beer....and Ibuprofen. Damn, getting old sucks as much as moving.

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I gotta Fuckin' move tomorrow. A long Fuckin' day it will be.....


There will be beer at the end of the day tomorrow, yes there will be beer....and Ibuprofen. Damn, getting old sucks as much as moving.

I fuckin hate moving! Give yourself a fuckin headstart Chad, and take some ibuprofen before you start the fuckin grunt work. With a little food in your stomach, you can take up to 800 fuckin mg's at one time.



I can't fuckin sleep again -_- Much like Chad, this sh*t is gettin' fuckin old.

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Hey Freddy, I usually wear fuckin' clothes when I drive... but I'd be lying if I said I did every fuckin' time. Sometimes after the beach all I wear is a towel... if even that. :D I fuckin' love nakedness.

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Hey Freddy, I usually wear fuckin' clothes when I drive... but I'd be lying if I said I did every fuckin' time. Sometimes after the beach all I wear is a towel... if even that. :D I fuckin' love nakedness.


Fuck dude, I fuckin' TOLD you, I really didn't wanna fuckin' KNOW! Now I have a mental fuckin' picture that I really didn't fuckin' need....

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Hey Freddy, I usually wear fuckin' clothes when I drive... but I'd be lying if I said I did every fuckin' time. Sometimes after the beach all I wear is a towel... if even that. :D I fuckin' love nakedness.


Hope ya don't have fuckin' leather seats!!! :yikes:

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Hey Freddy, I usually wear fuckin' clothes when I drive... but I'd be lying if I said I did every fuckin' time. Sometimes after the beach all I wear is a towel... if even that. :D I fuckin' love nakedness.


Hope ya don't have fuckin' leather seats!!! :yikes:


What a fuckin' sight !!! :rofl2:

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There's just too much information being fucking shared on this thread.




Anyway good fucking morning everyone. I hope everyone has a great fucking day and no one gets any fucking tickets today ( that means you Freddy ).

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