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The F*%K Thread


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It's been so fucking hot here to. I'm really fucking sick of the fucking heat already.


It's only the fucking end of May brother... the fucking worst is yet to come!!

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I'm fucking sick of the cold already! I love heat and summer. Fucking send the fucker here.

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Wow, H&H, you're a fucking regular ray of fucking sunshine today aren't ya?

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I'm fucking home sick today.


Ahh, I fucking see. Well, at least you're not at fucking work.

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I'm fucking home sick today.


Ahh, I fucking see. Well, at least you're not at fucking work.



While it's nice to not be working, I accidently took to much medication and it made me fucking fall asleep for 4 fucking hours. Now I feel like I've fucking been hit with a sledgehammer.

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Fuckin'A, that sucks. Are you feelin' any fuckin' better or are you gonna stay the fuck home tomorrow too?

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Fuckin', speaking of falling alseep... had a couple of pretty scary fuckin' afternoons this week. Because you fuckers (and I mean that as lovingly as possible) have stolen our summer, we're stuck with this fucking winter crap. So I'm driving home from work with the heater on in my car, and a big fuck-off jacket.


It gets so warm and cosy in there I've started dozing off at fuckin' red lights. Pretty fucked up, but I usually snap out of it before I take off, but on Tuesday night I deadset fell into a little kip, to the point where the poor fucker behind me had to beep me to get me going. Pretty fucking scary, better start sleeping more at home, or listening to music I am familiar with so I can sing the fuck along. I'm always listening to new stuff these days...

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...or you can just fuckin butch-up and roll the fuckin window down :P ( kidding ;) )


Be fuckin careful Geoff! :wub: How fuckin cold does it get there? Be thankful you don't wear a fuckin skirt & heels (I'm assuming you don't :unsure:). I'm half asleep & leave looooong before fuckin sunrise. I fuckin freeze my yah-yahs off every morning on the drive to work... crank the fuckin heater towards my legs, and roll down the fuckin window. Otherwise I too would be fuckin snoozin by about mile fuckin 22.

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...or you can just fuckin butch-up and roll the fuckin window down :P ( kidding ;) )


Be fuckin careful Geoff! :wub: How fuckin cold does it get there? Be thankful you don't wear a fuckin skirt & heels (I'm assuming you don't :unsure:). I'm half asleep & leave looooong before fuckin sunrise. I fuckin freeze my yah-yahs off every morning on the drive to work... crank the fuckin heater towards my legs, and roll down the fuckin window. Otherwise I too would be fuckin snoozin by about mile fuckin 22.


Hi Lisa :wub:


When I'm driving home it's about 14 degrees celcius... sorry, I have no fuckin idea how much that is in farrenheight (SP?????) and it's probably not very fucking cold in the scheme of things, but it's fucking cold for Australia. I fucking hate it.


I only wear a fuckin' skirt and heels on weekend and special occasions, but I'm pretty fucking grateful I don't wear them to work, except on Friday mufty days.


Yeah, if it keeps happening I'll have to take matters into my own fuckin' hands... do something drastic, but I'd had a pretty fucking late night the night before so I hope it was just a once-off... and yesterday was just bad fuckin' luck. :D

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good lawd.... that's 57 fuckin degrees fahrenheit. Not cold enough to warrant further fuckin sympathy from me :P


But keep safe, none-the-fuckin-less :wub:


No shit. That's fucking shorts weather here in Oklahoma.


:lol: I thought I might get that sort of fucking reception... but it's fucking cold for me. I still wear shorts and t-shirts on the fuckin' weekend because it it usually around 20-22 degrees (sorry, I can only do celcius) in the middle of the fuckin' day but at the end of the day when the sun goes down, yeah, it get's to about 12-14... and then down to single fuckin' digits in the middle of the night. I just fucking hate any bit of coldness... even if it is a lame 14 degrees. :)


I still don't need my full steamer when I surf yet, though, still using my fucking spring suit... which for those not in the know is short legged and with a singlet top, to show off my massive fuckin biceps. It keeps the cool wind off my fuckin' back out there. :)

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I got a fuckin' ticket on the way to work this fuckin' morning... I was supposed to get my fuckin' car inspected during the fuckin' month of May but didn't get to it, so I sez earlier to my fuckin' self this week "I gotta take care of that this fuckin Saturday." Guess what? The fuckin' cops were pulling people off the road with outdated fuckin' inspection stickers this morning cuz it's the first of fucking June and I was one of the lucky fuckers who got busted. Just my fuckin' luck, you'd think I'd be able to slide till fucking Saturday but no fucking dice. According to this fucking ticket I'm gonna be out $54 for this fucking crap. Fuck me gently with a fucking chainsaw!! My wife is gonna kick my fuckin' ass. I can fuckin' hear her already, "I Fuckin' TOLD you so!" So much for starting my fucking day off right!!!

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I got a fuckin' ticket on the way to work this fuckin' morning... I was supposed to get my fuckin' car inspected during the fuckin' month of May but didn't get to it, so I sez earlier to my fuckin' self this week "I gotta take care of that this fuckin Saturday." Guess what? The fuckin' cops were pulling people off the road with outdated fuckin' inspection stickers this morning cuz it's the first of fucking June and I was one of the lucky fuckers who got busted. Just my fuckin' luck, you'd think I'd be able to slide till fucking Saturday but no fucking dice. According to this fucking ticket I'm gonna be out $54 for this fucking crap. Fuck me gently with a fucking chainsaw!! My wife is gonna kick my fuckin' ass. I can fuckin' hear her already, "I Fuckin' TOLD you so!" So much for starting my fucking day off right!!!


Welcome to fucking June.

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I cannot believe this thread was started less than 4 fucking months ago and already it has over 1000 fucking replies. Fuck!

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when you surf out here, you need your fuckin full suit year-round. Cold green fuckin water.


I'm tired as fuck right now... haven't been fuckin sleeping good all fuckin week. And I just fuckin noticed right fuckin now that I got coffee on my white fuckin blouse - right dead fuckin center between the norkage. uh-huh.. nobody's gonna fuckin notice it there :rolleyes:


Is it fuckin Friday yet? <_<






I got a fuckin' ticket on the way to work this fuckin' morning... I was supposed to get my fuckin' car inspected during the fuckin' month of May but didn't get to it, so I sez earlier to my fuckin' self this week "I gotta take care of that this fuckin Saturday." Guess what? The fuckin' cops were pulling people off the road with outdated fuckin' inspection stickers this morning cuz it's the first of fucking June and I was one of the lucky fuckers who got busted. Just my fuckin' luck, you'd think I'd be able to slide till fucking Saturday but no fucking dice. According to this fucking ticket I'm gonna be out $54 for this fucking crap. Fuck me gently with a fucking chainsaw!! My wife is gonna kick my fuckin' ass. I can fuckin' hear her already, "I Fuckin' TOLD you so!" So much for starting my fucking day off right!!!


...but I think I'd rather fuckin have coffee on me than a $54 'fuck you' bill and the fuckin razzing from the spouse.

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I got a fuckin' ticket on the way to work this fuckin' morning... I was supposed to get my fuckin' car inspected during the fuckin' month of May but didn't get to it, so I sez earlier to my fuckin' self this week "I gotta take care of that this fuckin Saturday." Guess what? The fuckin' cops were pulling people off the road with outdated fuckin' inspection stickers this morning cuz it's the first of fucking June and I was one of the lucky fuckers who got busted. Just my fuckin' luck, you'd think I'd be able to slide till fucking Saturday but no fucking dice. According to this fucking ticket I'm gonna be out $54 for this fucking crap. Fuck me gently with a fucking chainsaw!! My wife is gonna kick my fuckin' ass. I can fuckin' hear her already, "I Fuckin' TOLD you so!" So much for starting my fucking day off right!!!

Fuck, that sucks. That's why you need to move out of that fucking state and to a fucking state that doesn't have these fucking inspections like fucking South Dakota. If it makes you feel any better, That fucking cd went out today so you have a little fuckin' something to look forward to. :D

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I cannot believe this thread was started less than 4 fucking months ago and already it has over 1000 fucking replies. Fuck!


Well, fuckin'A, there are a lot of foul mouthed mutherfuckers on this board who need to get their fuckin' frustrations out SOME fuckin' where...


Seriously, I love this fuckin' thread cuz I have to watch my fuckin' mouth at home due to having a 3 year old who repeats every fuckin' thing I say, so at least I can fuckin' come here and be as fuckin' brutal as I fuckin' need to be!!

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