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If this President Fucking Bush speech causes me to miss any of my fucking shows I'm gonna be fucking pissed.


My wife just watched the series fucking finale of "7th Fucking Heaven" even though she'd already seen it a fucking week ago, just because that fucking channel wasn't carrying the fucking President Bush speech. I can't say I fucking blame her


Fuckin' A Geoff, that fuckin' sucks. Hope your fuckin' cat is OK. Mine had fuckin' dental surgery a couple of fuckin' weeks ago and he's fuckin' fine now, but I slept with one fuckin' eye open for a week or so after he returned home for fear that he was going to exact some major fuckin' kitty revenge on me in the middle of the fuckin' night...


:lol: Yeah, I was thinking of you as I typed my fuckin' story because I remembered your poor little kitty. Our kitty's too trusting and friendly to hold a fuckin' grudge - that's why I love him. He's such a friendly little fucker, to us at least, which is why I hate doing shit like that to him. He'll be fine. A little woozy when we get him back, but he's too fuckin' hungry to let this get him down. :) Cute little fucker.


Geoff, you'll be glad to fucking know that me and the fucking kitty are back to fucking normal... he seems much fucking happier since his fucking surgery although he was pretty fuckin' cranky the first couple of days home from the fucking vet. Then again, if I had seven teeth yanked out of my fuckin' head in one shot I'd be fucking pissed off too! Now he's his usual fuzzy fucking self, sits on my fuckin' lap and purrs his fucking head off. The only one who feels his wrath is the fucking dog, but that's been going on ever since the dog came into the fucking house. That's nothing fucking new. The dog is such a fucking wuss...

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If this President Fucking Bush speech causes me to miss any of my fucking shows I'm gonna be fucking pissed.


My wife just watched the series fucking finale of "7th Fucking Heaven" even though she'd already seen it a fucking week ago, just because that fucking channel wasn't carrying the fucking President Bush speech. I can't say I fucking blame her


Fuckin' A Geoff, that fuckin' sucks. Hope your fuckin' cat is OK. Mine had fuckin' dental surgery a couple of fuckin' weeks ago and he's fuckin' fine now, but I slept with one fuckin' eye open for a week or so after he returned home for fear that he was going to exact some major fuckin' kitty revenge on me in the middle of the fuckin' night...


:lol: Yeah, I was thinking of you as I typed my fuckin' story because I remembered your poor little kitty. Our kitty's too trusting and friendly to hold a fuckin' grudge - that's why I love him. He's such a friendly little fucker, to us at least, which is why I hate doing shit like that to him. He'll be fine. A little woozy when we get him back, but he's too fuckin' hungry to let this get him down. :) Cute little fucker.


Geoff, you'll be glad to fucking know that me and the fucking kitty are back to fucking normal... he seems much fucking happier since his fucking surgery although he was pretty fuckin' cranky the first couple of days home from the fucking vet. Then again, if I had seven teeth yanked out of my fuckin' head in one shot I'd be fucking pissed off too! Now he's his usual fuzzy fucking self, sits on my fuckin' lap and purrs his fucking head off. The only one who feels his wrath is the fucking dog, but that's been going on ever since the dog came into the fucking house. That's nothing fucking new. The dog is such a fucking wuss...


:lol: Gald to hear it Freddy. Our kitty came back last fuckin' night too. He has a little shaved patch on his litte fuckin' leg and a big fuck-off patch under his neck. Poor kitty. It'll grow back soon though. He was tired and weezy last night. He was sleeping in the bed with us and it sounded like he was fucking snoring. It was cute, sad and amusing all at once. he looked so fucking drowsy, even though he'd been sleeping all day apparently. LOL about the dog thing too. We're minding my fiance's parent's dog (which is technically my fiance's) for a month and they're not getting on too well. They're both so stupid and it's funny to see them together. Fuckin' animals. I fuckin' love 'em.


What the fuck happened at the end of 7th heaven? I used to watch that about 5 years ago. What's the story with everyone? Is Lucy still in it? Fucking 'great norks. Has Ruthie grown up? What about Simon and the older fuckin' son. Does the mum still piss you off immensly? What's the fuckin' goss? Seriously.

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Hahaha, you gotta love cats and fuckin' dogs, eh Geoff? The minute we brought the fuckin' dog home from the shelter and he met the fuckin' cat for the first time, the cat went into full hiss-and-swat mode and we were like "Awwww, he's so fuckin' cute when he's fuckin' territorial." We figured that fuckin' nonsense would only last a couple of fuckin' weeks but it's been six months now and he still beats on that fuckin' dog like he's a fuckin' drum. Mind you this is a fifteen pound fuckin' cat versus an 80 pound Golden Fucking Retriever, yet the fuckin' dog bows to him like "Yes, my Lord and Master, I will obey thy fuckin' boundaries. Please don't fuckin' hit me anymore. My fuckin' head hurts." It's hilarious.


Fuckin' 7th Heaven? Yea, Lucy's still around. Still has great fucking norks. Ruthie has grown up and is very fucking pretty as a matter of fact (I'm not sure if she's "of age" so I don't wanna say "she's fucking hot" and sound like a fuckin' perv). Simon was about to get married to some psycho fuckin' bitch in the finale but called it off at the very last moment, fuckin' A good for him! The older son (Matt) and older sister (Mary, who IS of age so I can say it, she's FUCKIN' HOT) all came back for the final episode. Although now rumor has it that the fuckin' show will not be ending after all, apparently the network that fuckin' runs it here (the WB) is consolidating with another fuckin' network that nobody watches (the UPN) this Fall to form one fuckin' new network (called the "CW" for whatever reason) and they may revive "7th Fucking Heaven." My wife will be fuckin' pleased cuz she's watched that show fuckin' religiously since the fuckin' beginning. As for me, I can fuckin' take it or fuckin' leave it. The Mom is still kinda fuckin' annoying but hey, when she played the Mom in the first "Child's Play" flick years and years ago, she was a fuckin' MILF so she still gets a free pass from me for that.

Fuckin' A, I think this is the longest fuckin' post I've ever made on this fuckin' thread! Time for a fuckin' beer! :)

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Good fuckin' Tuesday fuckin' morning all my fellow fuck sayers... a fucking repair man is FINALLY coming to fix my fucking washing machine today. He just fuckin' called and sez he'll be here within the fucking hour. Woo-fuckin' Hoo!

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Fuckin' washer is fixed!! Woo fuckin' hoo! That was a long fuckin' two weeks!!

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Fuckin' washer is fixed!! Woo fuckin' hoo! That was a long fuckin' two weeks!!


A fuckin' pretty ripe two weeks too I imagine... ;)


Fuckin' Tuesday... fucking OFF tomorrow! :woot:

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Fuckin' washer is fixed!! Woo fuckin' hoo! That was a long fuckin' two weeks!!


A fuckin' pretty ripe two weeks too I imagine... ;)


Fuckin' Tuesday... fucking OFF tomorrow! :woot:


Thankfully we still had our old fuckin' washer hooked up in the basement so laundry service was un-fucking-interrupted... but man, the wife was fuckin' pissed that her brand spankin' new heavy duty fuckin' machine crapped out on us after only a couple of fuckin' weeks. Especially since we went to all the fucking trouble of tearing the fuck out of the bathroom on the ground floor to get them in there... but all's fucking well that ends fucking well (I hope) ;)

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I have a fuckin' cowd id by dose.


My baby is fuckin' sick too.


Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :crying:


But hey......tomorrow's another day, huh? :bananamac: Gotta get better!!! :D



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fuckin awww... poor MJ!


Advil Cold & fuckin Sinus always fuckin clears up that code id da fuckin nose, for me!


thanks.....I'll give that a shot........cuz Benedryl and Actifed ain't doin' fuckin' shit for me...




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I heartily fuckin' recommend fuckin' DayQuil if you have a fuckin' cold. The tablets for during the day and then good old fashioned liquid fuckin' NyQuil at night... the GREEN fuckin' DEATH flavor. A day or two of that fuckin' regimen and you'll be right as fuckin' rain, MJ

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I heartily fuckin' recommend fuckin' DayQuil if you have a fuckin' cold. The tablets for during the day and then good old fashioned liquid fuckin' NyQuil at night... the GREEN fuckin' DEATH flavor. A day or two of that fuckin' regimen and you'll be right as fuckin' rain, MJ


Thanks Sweets.......I'll give that a try too. Even if it doesn't make me better.....I can get a good buzz on, eh? :lol:


I am SUCH a baby when I'm sick.........hahahahaha.



Oh....and fuck.

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"NyQuil, NyQuil, NyQuil, we love you, you giant fucking Q..."

-- Denis Leary

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haha same here!  me = whiney fuckin baby when I'm sick :rolleyes:


Don't take the fuckin Advil (red box) too late in the day.... it amp's ya up :lol:

Oh I totally fucking agree here....

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Thanks for the '7th Fucking Heaven' rundown, Freddy. Mary came back, hey? Yeah, she sure is of age and ripe for the plucking. Very fucking fine female, that one. So both her and fuckin' Matt weren't in it anymore, hey, until that last episode? Did the show actually get cancelled at it's current fucking network?


Wow, it'd be interesting to see it come back on some fucking network again. I wonder who'd still be in it? I wonder if Mary and Matt would stick around? I sort of wish I still watched the fuckin' thing. I never minded it that much, apart from an immense gayness factor, but even that didn't deter me too much. I just stopped watching it because. Will give it another fuckin' go if it returns to the screens at a decent time.

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No Fuckin' Problem on the 7th Heaven rundown... but yea, Matt and Mary both left years ago. Both have made a couple of movies since then (Mary was in the remake of the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" from a few fuckin' years back, as well as the famous fuckin' bomb "Stealth" from last summer).

The network that fuckin' carries the show right now in the US (the W.B.) is shutting down due to lack of viewer interest (cuz let's fucking face it there is only so much room on the dial for different fucking networks) and it's going to consolidate in the Fall with another little watched fucking network (the U.P.N.) under a new fucking name. My wife, the 7th Heaven faithful fuckin fan, has heard that "7th Heaven" will indeed be part of the new fuckin' network's lineup in the Fall cuz I guess they want some recognizable fucking names in the lineup of their new fucking venture.


Fuck me, I can't believe we're talking about fucking 7th Heaven in the fucking FUCK THREAD! It just seems so fucking WRONG! Somebody give us a nork picture to get us the fuck back on track, eh Geoff?

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No Fuckin' Problem on the 7th Heaven rundown... but yea, Matt and Mary both left years ago. Both have made a couple of movies since then (Mary was in the remake of the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" from a few fuckin' years back, as well as the famous fuckin' bomb "Stealth" from last summer).

The network that fuckin' carries the show right now in the US (the W.B.) is shutting down due to lack of viewer interest (cuz let's fucking face it there is only so much room on the dial for different fucking networks) and it's going to consolidate in the Fall with another little watched fucking network (the U.P.N.) under a new fucking name. My wife, the 7th Heaven faithful fuckin fan, has heard that "7th Heaven" will indeed be part of the new fuckin' network's lineup in the Fall cuz I guess they want some recognizable fucking names in the lineup of their new fucking venture.


Fuck me, I can't believe we're talking about fucking 7th Heaven in the fucking FUCK THREAD! It just seems so fucking WRONG! Somebody give us a nork picture to get us the fuck back on track, eh Geoff?


Fuck Freddy, I really didn't want to have to do this, but if you fuckin insist:



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No Fuckin' Problem on the 7th Heaven rundown... but yea, Matt and Mary both left years ago. Both have made a couple of movies since then (Mary was in the remake of the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" from a few fuckin' years back, as well as the famous fuckin' bomb "Stealth" from last summer).

The network that fuckin' carries the show right now in the US (the W.B.) is shutting down due to lack of viewer interest (cuz let's fucking face it there is only so much room on the dial for different fucking networks) and it's going to consolidate in the Fall with another little watched fucking network (the U.P.N.) under a new fucking name. My wife, the 7th Heaven faithful fuckin fan, has heard that "7th Heaven" will indeed be part of the new fuckin' network's lineup in the Fall cuz I guess they want some recognizable fucking names in the lineup of their new fucking venture.


Fuck me, I can't believe we're talking about fucking 7th Heaven in the fucking FUCK THREAD! It just seems so fucking WRONG! Somebody give us a nork picture to get us the fuck back on track, eh Geoff?


Fuck Freddy, I really didn't want to have to do this, but if you fuckin insist:






Many fucking Thanks Geoff, that is fucking perfection. :)

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I'm just fuckin' happy to help the fuck out where I can. I moderately enjoy that fuckin' picture too. drool.gif So everyone fuckin' wins.

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I'm just fuckin' happy to help the fuck out where I can. I moderately enjoy that fuckin' picture too. drool.gif So everyone fuckin' wins.



I enjoy every fucking picture of her but I much fucking prefer the ones where she isn't wearing any fucking clothes.

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I'm just fuckin' happy to help the fuck out where I can. I moderately enjoy that fuckin' picture too. drool.gif So everyone fuckin' wins.



I enjoy every fucking picture of her but I much fucking prefer the ones where she isn't wearing any fucking clothes.


Truer words have not been fucking spoken. As this forum is for families, though, I think we'll have to leave those sorts of pictures to our fucking selves. But yeah, clothes look better on her floor than on her body.

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