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The F*%K Thread


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I still see Randy Fuckin' Rhoads, though I saw the fuckin' legs earlier.


Where'd the legs go? Bring'em the fuck back??


And by the way, YES, fuck everybody at my workplace. Especially the self important stuttering prick who fuckin' talked down to me like I was a fuckin two year old before my previous fuckin post. Yes, he really DOES fuckin stutter. Not that I would hold that against him in and of it-fuckin-self, but he's a fuckin' prick too. Fuck him and the horse he fuckin rode in on.

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is that fuckin better Keef? and Jez you are so naughty, you are so gonna get it for that one.


I still see Randy. Where the fuck are the legs? Were they YOUR legs?

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is that fuckin better Keef? and Jez you are so naughty, you are so gonna get it for that one.


I still see Randy. Where the fuck are the legs? Were they YOUR legs?

Keith while you're on this page...refresh. The fuckin legs should appear.

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I see the fuckin legs! I see the fuckin' legs! Halle-fuckin'-lujah! :bowdown:

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I do not fuckin know. but when i fuckin find em. I am gonna own their fuckin nuts. :lol:

What the fuck are you talking about? :blink:

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I do not fuckin know. but when i fuckin find em. I am gonna own their fuckin nuts. :lol:

What the fuck are you talking about? :blink:




i had a different avatar back the fuck up earlier. which I was fucking talked into putting up.


I like the legs better anyway.

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I do not fuckin know. but when i fuckin find em. I am gonna own their fuckin nuts. :lol:

What the fuck are you talking about? :blink:




i had a different avatar back the fuck up earlier. which I was fucking talked into putting up.


I like the legs better anyway.

Oh NOW it makes perfect fucking sense... :wacko:

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I do not fuckin know. but when i fuckin find em. I am gonna own their fuckin nuts. :lol:

What the fuck are you talking about? :blink:




i had a different avatar back the fuck up earlier. which I was fucking talked into putting up.


I like the legs better anyway.

Oh NOW it makes perfect fucking sense... :wacko:



Women - No fucking clue what planet they are fucking on sometimes!

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I do not fuckin know. but when i fuckin find em. I am gonna own their fuckin nuts. :lol:

What the fuck are you talking about? :blink:




i had a different avatar back the fuck up earlier. which I was fucking talked into putting up.


I like the legs better anyway.

Oh NOW it makes perfect fucking sense... :wacko:



Women - No fucking clue what planet they are fucking on sometimes!

Pretty sure they're not even in the same fucking galaxy as us.

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I do not fuckin know. but when i fuckin find em. I am gonna own their fuckin nuts. :lol:

What the fuck are you talking about? :blink:




i had a different avatar back the fuck up earlier. which I was fucking talked into putting up.


I like the legs better anyway.

Oh NOW it makes perfect fucking sense... :wacko:



Women - No fucking clue what planet they are fucking on sometimes!

Pretty sure they're not even in the same fucking galaxy as us.

Sometimes I think they float on their own cloud of fuckin' pixie dust.

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BT fuckin' cut off our fuckin' broadband connection yet again on Monday fuckin' evening,citing there was a fuck-up at the exchange again !! So yesterday we fuckin' rang them and fuckin' threatened to fuckin' go fuckin' elsewhere,and if by fuckin' magic we're fuckin' connected again..


It's a fuckin' mystery why the fuckin' call-center is in fuckin' India.How are they supposed to fuckin' know where fuckin' Thetford is when people in fuckin' England don't fuckin' know.... :angry::angry::angry:

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Even I'm lost - what the fuck just happened here? Anyone wanna cuddle me to get me through this?



I was talked into putting up lacy covered semi norkage and promptly took it down after a couple posts. I am sorry you missed the fuck out. maybe I will fuckin put it up again before the X mas season is fuckin over.

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