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Fuckin' A Wes, how the fuck ya doin' on this lovely fuckin' Spring day?

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Fuckin' A Wes, how the fuck ya doin' on this lovely fuckin' Spring day?


Spring? It's a hot fucking summer morning here.


Fuckin' A, for real? Kinda fuckin' mild up in this piece.


If it gets too fuckin' hot for ya just throw on Cinderella's Long Cold Winter and the power of Brittingham will cool the fuckin' air for ya ;)

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Fuckin' A Wes, how the fuck ya doin' on this lovely fuckin' Spring day?


Spring? It's a hot fucking summer morning here.


Fuckin' A, for real? Kinda fuckin' mild up in this piece.


If it gets too fuckin' hot for ya just throw on Cinderella's Long Cold Winter and the power of Brittingham will cool the fuckin' air for ya ;)



Will Jeff fucking Lebar still be on it? Or has Eric kicked him out of that band too?

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Will Jeff fucking Lebar still be on it? Or has Eric kicked him out of that band too?


I'm sure he would still be on the fucking album... unless Eric Brittingham is powerful enough to kick Jeff Fuckin' LaBar off of each and every single CD of that album!! :blink:

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I tripped over a fuckin furniture dolley this weekend. thought i broke my fuckin knee. not fun.

That fucking sucks. So fucking sorry to hear it. Fucking get well soon.

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So they rebroke my fuckin' hand yesterday. After 2 weeks I didn't have enough use of my pinky and if I let it heal the fucker would have never straighten again. So I had my first surgical operation yesterday. Sliced the right side of my fuckin' hand open, rebroke the little fuckin' knuckle and hopefully re-placed the fucker in a position to heal properly... plus they put some fuckin' wires in there too. Hurt like fuckin' hell all afternoon after I woke up. A heap more than the first break. So now I'm back to where I started. One handed for 6 more fuckin' weeks. :( Had to cancel a long weekend away today. Fuckin' choice.

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Two words Geoff:


Fuckin' OUCH!!!!! :yikes:

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So they rebroke my fuckin' hand yesterday. After 2 weeks I didn't have enough use of my pinky and if I let it heal the fucker would have never straighten again. So I had my first surgical operation yesterday. Sliced the right side of my fuckin' hand open, rebroke the little fuckin' knuckle and hopefully re-placed the fucker in a position to heal properly... plus they put some fuckin' wires in there too. Hurt like fuckin' hell all afternoon after I woke up. A heap more than the first break. So now I'm back to where I started. One handed for 6 more fuckin' weeks. :( Had to cancel a long weekend away today. Fuckin' choice.



That fucking sucks Geoff. I hope it heals right for you.

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Had my fuckin' hair cut,come fuckin' home,3 fuckin' cds fuckin' came through the fuckin' post and she fuckin' goes into one... :angry: So fuckin' what !!!!



Make sure you order 4 fucking cd's next fucking time!! :lol:

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Had my fuckin' hair cut,come fuckin' home,3 fuckin' cds fuckin' came through the fuckin' post and she fuckin' goes into one... :angry: So fuckin' what !!!!



Make sure you order 4 fucking cd's next fucking time!! :lol:

Then you'd have the whole fucking Wham! collection... ;)

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Had my fuckin' hair cut,come fuckin' home,3 fuckin' cds fuckin' came through the fuckin' post and she fuckin' goes into one... :angry: So fuckin' what !!!!



Make sure you order 4 fucking cd's next fucking time!! :lol:

Then you'd have the whole fucking Wham! collection... ;)

Oh Pete.You said you wouldn't fuckin' tell... :angry:

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Fuck!! I feel like I just fucking got home now it's almost time for sleepy fucking time... :doh:

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Going back to the fuckin' office tomorrow after three fuckin' days off, and four hundred fuckin' movies watched. Not looking forward to it.

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I went to work for a few fuckin' hours today... off until Tuesday next fuckin' week. Awesome, I can't wait to do all the fuckin' stuff you can do with an arm in plaster. I don't mind it's 27 fuckin' degrees celcius and sunny outside and the fuckin' surf is 4-6 foot and being called fuckin' perfect. I'm fuckin' fine with that. *neck twitches so hard head looks like flinging off it*

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I have had a splittin' fuckin' headache for most of the day and had no fuckin' idea why... then it hit me: I didn't have ANY fuckin' coffee this morning!! Could this be a fuckin' sign of caffeine withdrawal? Someone get me a fuckin' Jolt Cola, fuckin' STAT! :yikes:

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