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I caught a lovely little fuckin' head cold from my son over the weekend. Gotta love kids and their fuckin' adorable little germs. Ah-fuckin'-CHOO!

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Is it still fucking cold where you're at?



It was 30 fucking degrees this morning but it warmed up to somewhere in the 50's.


Fucking same here as well, all my fucking spring flowers are wilting or fucking deed.

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Is it still fucking cold where you're at?



It was 30 fucking degrees this morning but it warmed up to somewhere in the 50's.


Fucking same here as well, all my fucking spring flowers are wilting or fucking deed.



I didn't fucking plant yet. I'm gonna wait for a couple more weeks.

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Is it still fucking cold where you're at?



It was 30 fucking degrees this morning but it warmed up to somewhere in the 50's.


Fucking same here as well, all my fucking spring flowers are wilting or fucking deed.



I didn't fucking plant yet. I'm gonna wait for a couple more weeks.


I didn't either it was the fucking perenials.

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Is it still fucking cold where you're at?



It was 30 fucking degrees this morning but it warmed up to somewhere in the 50's.


Fucking same here as well, all my fucking spring flowers are wilting or fucking deed.



I didn't fucking plant yet. I'm gonna wait for a couple more weeks.

Fucking plants down here are dying from no water. It hasn't fucking rained a decent amoutn in WEEKS!!

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Is it still fucking cold where you're at?



It was 30 fucking degrees this morning but it warmed up to somewhere in the 50's.


Fucking same here as well, all my fucking spring flowers are wilting or fucking deed.



I didn't fucking plant yet. I'm gonna wait for a couple more weeks.

Fucking plants down here are dying from no water. It hasn't fucking rained a decent amoutn in WEEKS!!



Do you want me to fucking mail you a bucket of water?

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Is it still fucking cold where you're at?



It was 30 fucking degrees this morning but it warmed up to somewhere in the 50's.


Fucking same here as well, all my fucking spring flowers are wilting or fucking deed.



I didn't fucking plant yet. I'm gonna wait for a couple more weeks.

Fucking plants down here are dying from no water. It hasn't fucking rained a decent amoutn in WEEKS!!



Do you want me to fucking mail you a bucket of water?

Not a bad idea but its so fucking dry here it'll evaporate before I can get a drop on the fucking plants.

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Hey guys, don't you have a fuckin' Easter Monday in the US??? In Australia we have a fucking 4 day long weekend - Friday to Monday. This is my first fucked up day back at work this week (Tuesday).

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Hey guys, don't you have a fuckin' Easter Monday in the US??? In Australia we have a fucking 4 day long weekend - Friday to Monday. This is my first fucked up day back at work this week (Tuesday).



I think I'm gonna fucking move to Australia.

Do you got an extra room for me Cousin?

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Hey guys, don't you have a fuckin' Easter Monday in the US??? In Australia we have a fucking 4 day long weekend - Friday to Monday. This is my first fucked up day back at work this week (Tuesday).



I think I'm gonna fucking move to Australia.

Do you got an extra room for me Cousin?

Yeah cousin, always got a spare room for you. It looks a lot like the back of a fuckin' station wagon at the moment and it might be a bit fuckin' squishy for a while. But we're cousins, so it shouldn't be too fuckin' awkward.

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Hey guys, don't you have a fuckin' Easter Monday in the US??? In Australia we have a fucking 4 day long weekend - Friday to Monday. This is my first fucked up day back at work this week (Tuesday).


Must be muthafuckin' nice.

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Hey guys, don't you have a fuckin' Easter Monday in the US??? In Australia we have a fucking 4 day long weekend - Friday to Monday. This is my first fucked up day back at work this week (Tuesday).


Must be muthafuckin' nice.



Yes it Fucking well is!!

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