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The F*%K Thread


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I have fucked talking rain before, and believe me she was fuckin' good.


Here's a little fucking rant:


I bought these 2 fucking tickets for Christmas for a fucking show for my girl. It's a musical for 'Priscilla the Queen of the fucking desert'. Obviously I'd rather die a slow torturous death than see this fucking thing, but I live to see my girl smile and her happiness is the world to me. So I buy these fucking tickets for a show on the 26th. Find out on Christmas day they're further back in the fuckin' arena than I thought so I email and call them and manage to get them exchanged to these fucking great seats. That was on the fucking 3rd of the month. Plenty of time to get the new fucking tickets. Well, 25th today and they never came. Public holiday tomorrow so they fucked up and I won't get them. Now I've got to pick them up at the fucking place on the day with all these fucking references. Hopefully it's all going to be okay, but why the fuck am I left hoping? Is it that fucking hard to send tickets with 23 days to spare? Fucking incompetent fuckers have really fucked me off. Fucking usless. FUCK!

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What's been the fucking hold up, Lisa? :wub: The whole thread's been a little fucking slow lately, so I guess no one's to blame... but if I were to point fucking fingers... well...




















Just fuckin' around with you mate.

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Fuckin board is fuckin messin with me.

What is Geoff making you fucking see?

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I never say fuck.




You need to watch your fucking mouth.


Sorry Wes





























No fucking problem Brother Jason.

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Haven't done this for a fucking while, as I wait to fucking become















































Like I thought, still as fucking hilarious as the first fuckin' time.

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You still need fucking help way beyond fucking Eric Brittingham...

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There is no "beyond Eric Brittingham." He's where it begins and fuckin' ends.

Fucking yeah OK whatever....You still need fucking help :screwy:

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Wasn't sure if I should put this in the fucking fuck thread or the fucking I like beer thread but whatfuckingever. Today at work as I'm getting ready to walk out the fucking door my boss fucking tells me that the weekend person can't show up until 7fucking30 tomorrow night. They were supposed to be there at 5fucking30. Since I'm the 5fucking30 guy tomorrow I have to fucking stay until they fucking decide to fucking show up! FUCK! I was supposed to be home by fucking 7pm to watch Beerfest and drink some fucking beer with the boys but now I won't even be home until past 9 fucking pm! What a bunch of fucking shit. I felt like the guy from Office Space trying to get the fuck out of work on Friday when the fucking boss comes over and goes "Umm yeah hi, guess what, you're fucking working Saturday." "Oh, I almost fucking forgot, get your ass in here on Sunday too." Fuckit, I'm getting fucking drunk tonight and I'm going to breathe my stinky fucking beer breath all over the boss tomorrow every fucking chance I get.


And I've got some fucking week old chili in the fridge, I should eat that fucking stuff and fart all fucking day as well. :headbanger:

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Just spent a good fucking half an hour looking for that fucking thread Jason started, telling the life story of Nick C as a fucking pirate. I couldn't find the fucking thing anywhere. I just wanted to make a fucking entry about Nick C's brief but noted absence. Is that too much to fucking ask?

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