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The F*%K Thread


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Fucking grab those fucking ski's, Wes and carve the fucking snow up. Grab a snowboard, build a fucking snowman. Hey, why not fuck a snowman? Or snow-woman, if you want to be politically fucking correct. Throw snowballs at your fucking neighbours. Live it the fuck up, Wes!

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Fucking grab those fucking ski's, Wes and carve the fucking snow up. Grab a snowboard, build a fucking snowman. Hey, why not fuck a snowman? Or snow-woman, if you want to be politically fucking correct. Throw snowballs at your fucking neighbours. Live it the fuck up, Wes!


Snowman fucking, I've never heard that before...I should give it a try. After I have about 12 or so Miller Lites tonight.


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Snowman fucking, I've never heard that before...I should give it a try. After I have about 12 or so Miller Lites tonight.



You've already been to a goat fucking so why not? :drink:

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I Hate FUCKING Cats!!




Sorry to hear that.


My family lived on a farm in Indiana when I was 5 and 6 years old and we had 25 fucking cats.

So it's safte to say that I've always loved cats.

Our family cat we had for 12 years just fucking had to be put to sleep though so that fucking sucked.

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I Hate FUCKING Cats!!

Yeah me too. That fucking wailing noise they make when fucking. I usually try to throw some fucking water on those fucking cats!!!

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I got one of them Fuckers thats in Fucking Heat now. I wanna Fuckin Kill It. It wont fucking shut up!! :axe:

That fucking sucks!! Fucking pussies!!! :axe:

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I fucking love cats, so I'm going to pretend only Wes' post above ex-fucking-ists. Cute little fuckers... what's not to like about them?


Anyway, it was 40 degrees fucking celcius here in Sydney yesterday and we headed out to the fucking beach. My mate and I are walking down to the water, as you do, in fucking boardshorts and there's all these dudes walking up in full steamers (full-piece wetsuits) saying, 'You fuckers won't last a second.' We laughed them off, but as soon as I jumped in the water my testicles zoomed up into my fucking throat and I couldn't breath for about 5 minutes straight. I'd heard the water was freezing at 17 degrees celcius, but it was actually 14 degrees!!! FYI, it hovers around 18 degrees, 16 degrees bare minimum in WINTER, usually. It was fucking ridiculous. Coldest I've ever felt it. I was fucking numb all over... but we ended up staying out for an hour and a half because the surf was actually pretty fucking good, for once. Good fucking day, but that water... HOLY FUCK!

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I'm pretty fucking tired - been watching too much fucking tennis which goes so fucking late into the fucking night. Went for a little nap on a fucking bench at lunchtime. I'm fucking bored too. There's usually a pretty big fucking lull in the middle/end of fucking months and I'm struggling to look fucking busy. I also have a fucking heavy scrotum.

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Not one fucking post in this fucking fuck thread today.


What the fuck? Doesn't anyone have anything to fucking bitch about today?


I've been too fucking busy posting in other fucking threads but I'll gladly come back here for a fuckin' rant:


It's my fuckin' day off but despite that I have a feeling it's going to suck. Why? Because the man from the fuckin' septic tank repair service is coming today with a fuckin' machine to dig up my back fuckin' yard in hopes of finding the fuckin' source of the mysterious fuckin' leak (and fuckin' basement stench) that I've fuckin' dealing with for the last fuckin' week or ten fuckin' days. I am not a fuckin' happy camper about it (though my son is fuckin' ecstatic cuz he'll get to see a diggin' machine in action!) and I don't want to even fuckin'THINK about how much fucking money this is going to fuckin' cost me. So in short: Fat Freddy = NOT fuckin' happy today. Fuckin' fuckity fuck!

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Not one fucking post in this fucking fuck thread today.


What the fuck? Doesn't anyone have anything to fucking bitch about today?


I've been too fucking busy posting in other fucking threads but I'll gladly come back here for a fuckin' rant:


It's my fuckin' day off but despite that I have a feeling it's going to suck. Why? Because the man from the fuckin' septic tank repair service is coming today with a fuckin' machine to dig up my back fuckin' yard in hopes of finding the fuckin' source of the mysterious fuckin' leak (and fuckin' basement stench) that I've fuckin' dealing with for the last fuckin' week or ten fuckin' days. I am not a fuckin' happy camper about it (though my son is fuckin' ecstatic cuz he'll get to see a diggin' machine in action!) and I don't want to even fuckin'THINK about how much fucking money this is going to fuckin' cost me. So in short: Fat Freddy = NOT fuckin' happy today. Fuckin' fuckity fuck!



Now that's the fucking kind of rant I'd expect to fucking read in this thread on a regular basis.

By the way Keef that fucking sucks.

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Ooo-kay, now I am fucking OFFICIALLY pissed the fuck off. The fucking septic repair guys just fucking called and their machine is fucking stuck at their current work site so they can't fucking make it here today. They wanna know, can they come tomorrow. I sez FUCK no, I have to go to fucking work tomorrow, that's why I scheduled this fucking appointment for TODAY because it's my fuckin' day off, so today was fucking PERFECT, but now it's gonna have to get pushed off to another fucking day. So in other words, I've been sitting here with my fucking thumb in my ear all fucking day for NOTHING and now I have to fucking call these motherfuckers back and fucking re-schedule the whole fucking thing. Fuck me gently with a motherfucking chainsaw, I don't need this fuckin' crap!!! :angry:

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I'm fucking feeling Keith's fucking pain and experiencing some of my fuckin' own. Luckily, on the fuckin' upside, we have a 4 day week here. Australia Day on Friday, so we get a long fucking weekend, which I really need. I just hope the wife puckers the fuck up soon or it's going to be a fucking miserable weekend. I've got to see some fucking musical with her too on Friday, which I happily gave her tickets to at Christmas... but as I say, she better fuckin' get out of this shitty mood asap.

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Fuck sake Freddy your still fucking dealing with that fucking problem? I would have fucking lost it by now. You would have seen me on the fucking news "crazy dude killed septic tank repair guy". :bigboom:


Yea, you fuckin know it brother, this whole fucking affair has turned into a fucking clusterfuck of Biblical fucking proportions.

At least I stopped the fuckin flow of nasty water into my fuckin' basement on my own...dug a little fucking trench outside and sealed up the fucking hole in the wall, so the house dont' fuckin' stink anymore... but I STILL need to find out where the fuck it's COMING FROM IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE!!! Is that really so fuckin' hard? Fuck....!

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Fuck sake Freddy your still fucking dealing with that fucking problem? I would have fucking lost it by now. You would have seen me on the fucking news "crazy dude killed septic tank repair guy". :bigboom:


Yea, you fuckin know it brother, this whole fucking affair has turned into a fucking clusterfuck of Biblical fucking proportions.

At least I stopped the fuckin flow of nasty water into my fuckin' basement on my own...dug a little fucking trench outside and sealed up the fucking hole in the wall, so the house dont' fuckin' stink anymore... but I STILL need to find out where the fuck it's COMING FROM IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE!!! Is that really so fuckin' hard? Fuck....!


Waiting for the fucking delivery guy and the repair guy always suck fucking Kangaroo nuts. It's probably something really fucking simple to fix to, and the cock sucker will charge you up the "goat ass".

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I get so patriotically proud of all this fucking kangaroo talk. It makes me want to become a fucking cloud, so I can become
























































fuckin' water.

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