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If ya worked In a Crackhead area there would probably be somebody

with a few cheeseburgers to sell ya..LOL..( A reference to a Classic

Blaxploitation movie)...Sorry to hear about the dead battery though...


If I worked in a fuckin crackhead area maybe I could slip one of'em a couple of bucks and they could steal someone else's fuckin battery for me!! :rofl2:


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So anyway, here I fuckin' sit, waiting for the fuckin AAA truck to come and hopefully jump start my car so I can go the fuck home... :taz:

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Motherfucking Friday!!! Lets fucking party, guys!!!

Fucking speak for yourself!!

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Only about three hours left in this working week. I am pretty motherfuckin' excited. Been a pretty productive day too, so I hope I get out at a decent fuckin' hour.

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Have to drive over to my ma's house tonight so the fucking beer will have to wait till I get back. Looking forward to eating some fucking real food, though.



yay for Richie's Mama and her fuckin rockin food :)

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Have to drive over to my ma's house tonight so the fucking beer will have to wait till I get back. Looking forward to eating some fucking real food, though.



yay for Richie's Mama and her fuckin rockin food :)

Real fuckin' food???????? What's that ?? :unsure::unsure:

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Whew.... am I fucking glad it's Friday!! Fucking fuck yeah!! I mean fuck. What a fucking fucked up fucking fucked fuck of a fucking day. :doh:


Now it's time to fucking blare some kickass fucking metal and drink some cold fucking beer!! :beerbang:


Oh, and.....



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Went for a surf today, finished up, put my board on the grass as I dried off and got changed... left... and forgot the fucking board!!! I go and have lunch with my bro, drive all the way home, open up the boot of my car and HOLY FUCK!!! WHERE'S MY FUCKING SURFBOARD???!!!! So from the boot I slam my foot back on the accelerator and fly back to the beach at 100km an hour the whole way and you wouldn't guess it, but about one and a half hours later the fucking thing was still there, sitting in the grass, waiting for me. I pretty much jumped on it an embraced the fuck out of it. Losing that would really have fucked up my wallet, upcoming holiday and will to live.

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  • My Little Pony
Went for a surf today, finished up, put my board on the grass as I dried off and got changed... left... and forgot the fucking board!!! I go and have lunch with my bro, drive all the way home, open up the boot of my car and HOLY FUCK!!! WHERE'S MY FUCKING SURFBOARD???!!!! So from the boot I slam my foot back on the accelerator and fly back to the beach at 100km an hour the whole way and you wouldn't guess it, but about one and a half hours later the fucking thing was still there, sitting in the grass, waiting for me. I pretty much jumped on it an embraced the fuck out of it. Losing that would really have fucked up my wallet, upcoming holiday and will to live.

Aren't you one lucky bastard!

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Went for a surf today, finished up, put my board on the grass as I dried off and got changed... left... and forgot the fucking board!!! I go and have lunch with my bro, drive all the way home, open up the boot of my car and HOLY FUCK!!! WHERE'S MY FUCKING SURFBOARD???!!!! So from the boot I slam my foot back on the accelerator and fly back to the beach at 100km an hour the whole way and you wouldn't guess it, but about one and a half hours later the fucking thing was still there, sitting in the grass, waiting for me. I pretty much jumped on it an embraced the fuck out of it. Losing that would really have fucked up my wallet, upcoming holiday and will to live.

Aren't you one lucky bastard!

Ridiculously lucky. I was fucking sweating my balls off the whole drive back. Was fucking petrified of what I might find (or not find). For the record, a second hand board costs about $300. A lot of fucking coin for a fucker like me. Would have absolutely killed me to see it gone. I probably would just have walked into the ocean and drowned myself.

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Worked all day on the fucking money pit I call a house. Now the wife has me busting out the Christmas decor. Weekends aren't suppose to be this fucking hard.


Women are fuckin' good at doin' that :whistle:....Bustin' our chop's that is :christmas:

I spent nearly all day starting the big clean up inside and out before the good wife's side of the family come over for Chrissy lunch.

Lots to fuckin' do and not much fuckin' time to do it :yikes:

The other half an hour was a quick visit to JB HiFi and found Black Sabbath, The Dio Years for dirt fuckin' cheap then home for several cold ones before another shit of a week begins :christmas:

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The fuckin' enemy has a fuckin' bad hangover......... :rofl2::rofl2:



I will be right the fuck over with fuckin MASTER OF PUPPETS :banger:


I'll meet you with Kreator- Extreme Aggressions blasting at extreme fucking volumes. :tumbsup:

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The fuckin' enemy has a fuckin' bad hangover......... :rofl2::rofl2:



I will be right the fuck over with fuckin MASTER OF PUPPETS :banger:


I'll meet you with Kreator- Extreme Aggressions blasting at extreme fucking volumes. :tumbsup:



its a fuckin date :banger:

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