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What's a spinnin' in your CD player?

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Golden Farm - Angel's Tears

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Tonight I have played a varied selection from numerous albums while sipping wine and conversing with my better half. The general mood has been relaxed and the music played followed a similar feel.

Let me loosen my cravat and take out my monocle and give you a list of albums and indeed in some cases specific songs that were played.


Kansas - Leftoverture in particular the track Cheyanne Anthem seemed to fit the feel.


Chris Squire - Fish Out of Water ...the track Safe (Canon Song) was played not once but twice this evening, I would have played the album but I feared that my female companion (the missus) might have looked on disapprovingly.


Jon Anderson - Olias of Sunhillow (side 1)...I had to resort to vinyl as I didn't have this on CD ... I'm afraid it's lengthy passages and obscure lyrics had my female companion a little at odds....I quickly put away Tales From Topographic Oceans in an attempt to placate her.


Counting Crows - August and Everything After (various tracks)


Toto - IV ...various track again, a popular album with the ladies.


John Waite - Temple Bar ... selected tracks, a soothing..in fact sublime album but some tracks can be a little depressing and as my tears started to fall I pretended the snuff was to blame and quickly took the disc off.


Dan Reed Network - Almost the full album...sometimes ladies like to get FUNKAYYY...and this did the trick also the guitar with its hard rock shredding satisfied the beast in me.


Red Rider - Neruda ... the track Napoleon Sheds His Skin was put into play to bring the firey almost seductive atmosphere, which threatened to boil over into naughtiness brought on by Mr. Reeds jungle rhythms, back to normality ...that special reserve of an English home....it was also next to Dan Reed in the racking.


Toy Matinee - s/t ...sublime album that the whole family can learn to enjoy...and love.


Brad Love - Colours ... a strange album but mesmerizing in the right environment...one of my fave albums ever and as the trails of incense smoke rose towards the ceiling a satisfied smile could be seen on my face.


Kraftwerk - Autobahn to finish the evening...my female companion pretended to be a robot as it played ...oh how we laughed.


I think that was about it there may have been some I missed but well I'm sure the reader will forgive my shortcomings.




Ponsonby Muggerwump III

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Steelwind - Jawhook



AWESOME stuff !!! :)

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AS I LAY DYING - An Ocean Between Us



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Had some friends over last night to drink and listen to music on the deck.....here is some of the playlist...the ones I can remember anyhow.......



The Clarks-Another Happy Ending

Brian Lisik-Happiness Is Boring

Cross Canadian Ragwed-Garage

CSNY-Graetest Hits

Wasp -Dominator

Joe Bonamassa-A New Day Yesterday

Rory Gallagher-Deuce


Now listeneing to my head pound and TNT-Transistor

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