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What's a spinnin' in your CD player?

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On topic.....listening to here......my cat purring on my lap. :lol:  She won't get UP so I can go put anything on!!! :lol:

There is a really good joke in there but it is just too damn easy..... :drink:


I was thinking that myself when i read MJ's post and then i scrolled down a bit to see your post which made me :lol: .

If it was anyone other than my dear friend MJ , i would have shot the one liners of from all directions but the respect factor comes into it when it involves the Queen of Heavy Harmonies :bowdown::wub:;):lol:




Oh Gawd!!! Reading it again......yeah......I deserved that.


Honestly......my cat was on my lap.......I was FULLY DRESSED.......just had NO MUSIC on......and would've had to get up to get something.





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Girls Under Glass ~ "Zyklus" <-----excellent Goth-tinged tuneage

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Diorama ~ "amaroid"<-----another good synthy-goth tinged disc! Those Germans are excellent synth tunemasters!!

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Tommy Lee - Tommyland the Ride


What a awesome CD. I was surprised!




I agree, some pretty catchy tunes on this one!!!!!!!

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SR-71: Here We Go Again

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VICTORY - Temples of Gold


Can't remember who recommended this to me (might have been B.C - in which case I owe you a beer or 10 :drink: ), this is SENSATIONAL stuff. I only just bought the "Culture Killed the Native" & the DEADRINGER album, both of which I absolutely love, but this may just beat them both....

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Not Cocked & Loaded.....but still, it's damn good!!! :dance:


Almost bought that one at the FYE I was in yesterday. But the $18 price tag told me to get it somewhere else!! LOL Instead, I picked up the Hollywood Rocks Boxed Set....now THAT is a kickass Boxed Set!!!!!!!


To stay on topic:


On the way into the office today...had:


Jimmy Eat World ~ "s/t" <----- damn good modern rock

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Loveless :: Hello World

Before this album,one cd refused to leave my player :::


JLP,Elegant Machinery :: Yesterday Man is one of the best cds I've heard in years.Blinding !!!!!


It is Wot!!! Love that album!!! I am so glad you're enjoying those discs!!!

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I guess I need to get ahold of some of these mentioned synthpop bands. I have been in a sythpop mood as of late.


On topic, still listening to Hurricane.

Jay,I have to thank JLP for unleashing some major quality in my direction..


Playing now :: DeVision :: Antiquity

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I guess I need to get ahold of some of these mentioned synthpop bands. I have been in a sythpop mood as of late.


On topic, still listening to Hurricane.

Jay,I have to thank JLP for unleashing some major quality in my direction..


Playing now :: DeVision :: Antiquity



I will have to check into some of the bands listed.

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