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Geoff Tate - S/T

Good Lord, this is dull. If Richie Sambora's disc is a "12 Track Sleeping Pill," then Geoff Tate's solo debut is an Instant Coma. I couldn't even make it all the way through this one. Boooooooring. Zzzzzzz.



I absolutely can't f*ckin' stand "To Be With You" but the rest is not bad. Poppy, sorta Van Halenish radio friendly rock. Compared to the rest of the swill that I picked up at that yard sale this weekend, this one may end up being the only keeper out of the batch.

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One mo' time:


Dull as dishwater Modern Rock. Ugh. Couldn't even make it all the way thru this one. I gotta say, the stack I bought at this garage sale turned out to be the least satisfying buck and a quarter I've spent in a while. Is this what I get for trying to broaden my musical horizons? Feh. To hell widd'it.

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Yeah, I know, you're probably all like "what the f*ck is the Metal Eater doing listening to Nelson?" Well, I found it at a yard sale for a quarter over the weekend, it was in mint shape, and I always did kinda like that title track so I figured "Ehhh, what the hell." One spin thru and I'm like "Ehhh, why did I bother?" Not my sorta meat at all. Way too many keys, too smooth, too gooey. This makes Trixter sound like Grindcore by comparison. I'd rather listen to Ricky Nelson.



heathen ;-)

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I absolutely can't f*ckin' stand "To Be With You" but the rest is not bad. Poppy, sorta Van Halenish radio friendly rock. Compared to the rest of the swill that I picked up at that yard sale this weekend, this one may end up being the only keeper out of the batch.

:lol: Nice to see some thoughts on some non-FF regular spins. I agree that out of that lot the Mr Big disc is by far the highlight. Good disc, as you say, aside from 'To be with you'. I personally don't mind the Fuel disc and there are a couple of cool tunes on the Nelson disc, but I agree the Sambora one is one of the worst I've heard. Velvet Revolver is weak as hell too and I never ever plan to hear the Geoff Tate disc. :)

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Yeah, I know, you're probably all like "what the f*ck is the Metal Eater doing listening to Nelson?" Well, I found it at a yard sale for a quarter over the weekend, it was in mint shape, and I always did kinda like that title track so I figured "Ehhh, what the hell." One spin thru and I'm like "Ehhh, why did I bother?" Not my sorta meat at all. Way too many keys, too smooth, too gooey. This makes Trixter sound like Grindcore by comparison. I'd rather listen to Ricky Nelson.



heathen ;-)


Nelson? Aren't they a pop group? :whistle:

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Yeah, I know, you're probably all like "what the f*ck is the Metal Eater doing listening to Nelson?" Well, I found it at a yard sale for a quarter over the weekend, it was in mint shape, and I always did kinda like that title track so I figured "Ehhh, what the hell." One spin thru and I'm like "Ehhh, why did I bother?" Not my sorta meat at all. Way too many keys, too smooth, too gooey. This makes Trixter sound like Grindcore by comparison. I'd rather listen to Ricky Nelson.



heathen ;-)


Nelson? Aren't they a pop group? :whistle:


They're more like a nice, safe, wholesome "My First Rock Group" kit for ten year old girls. :lol:

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Yeah, I know, you're probably all like "what the f*ck is the Metal Eater doing listening to Nelson?" Well, I found it at a yard sale for a quarter over the weekend, it was in mint shape, and I always did kinda like that title track so I figured "Ehhh, what the hell." One spin thru and I'm like "Ehhh, why did I bother?" Not my sorta meat at all. Way too many keys, too smooth, too gooey. This makes Trixter sound like Grindcore by comparison. I'd rather listen to Ricky Nelson.



heathen ;-)


Nelson? Aren't they a pop group? :whistle:


They're more like a nice, safe, wholesome "My First Rock Group" kit for ten year old girls. :lol:


well if songs like 'Fill You Up', 'Desire', 'After The Rain', 'More Than Ever' etc qualify as pop music, I must be a fan of pop music then! Awesome songs in my book.

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I absolutely can't f*ckin' stand "To Be With You" but the rest is not bad. Poppy, sorta Van Halenish radio friendly rock. Compared to the rest of the swill that I picked up at that yard sale this weekend, this one may end up being the only keeper out of the batch.


For me it's a perfect melodic hard rock disc. I even like 'To Be With You' for some reasons... Oh, I know, because of the solo! No, really. :tumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

HELLYEAH! - "Stampede"


Seriously, 3 years to come up with this? At Download they plodded-along with some decent grooves but no real tunes, and this new disc is really like a third-rate version of the Damageplan disc. And like a fith-rate version of Lamb of God or Five Finger Death Punch. Oh and the ballad is fucking horrible. AVOID.

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Wow, big surprise this. Springsteen-ish stuff from a band rising in popularity, and pretty awesome stuff it is too. Great live act (saw them support Pearl Jam at Hyde Park last Friday) and well worth picking this up if you like ultra-catchy soulful Rock...

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Wow, big surprise this. Springsteen-ish stuff from a band rising in popularity, and pretty awesome stuff it is too. Great live act (saw them support Pearl Jam at Hyde Park last Friday) and well worth picking this up if you like ultra-catchy soulful Rock...



check out the last album as well, awesome, and I may like that one more then the new one, althought that is great!!!

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Terra Nova - Come Alive


The return of the Dutch band and their first album in 5 years. Terra Nova have always been a bit patchy with their releases for me. 'Livin' It Up' was a really great album back in '97, and since then a whole lot of mediocrity until 2005's really quite good 'Escape' album. The new 'Come Alive' record is pretty good in spots. Uptempo Opener 'Come Alive' tries to ape 'Livin' It Up' and succeeds pretty well (some lovely bouncy keys all over this one)and the rest is a mixture of the usual style rockers like ‘My Own Way’ or ‘Do Or Die’ and the ballads ‘The Final Curtain’ or ‘Those Eyes’ - 'Under Pressure' is pretty damned decent aswell. There are fillers on here, so it isn't perfect by a long way, but if you have enjoyed the band in the past, there is definitely stuff on here you will enjoy. One to check out.


State Cows - S/T


The first thing that strikes you about this album is that, yet again, our Swedish cousins have nailed the pure Westcoast sound down to a tee and they sound more American than a very American thing - Pure Westcoast Nirvana (errr...maybe not Nirvana, you'll get the wrong idea)) is what's on show here and quite brilliant it is in places. Superbly played, lovely warm production and everything on here that a westcoast fan could want in 50 odd minutes. If Airplay, Steeley Dan and smooth Westcoast in general is your thing, then this is a must check out disc and probably THE best Avenue Of Allies label has put it's name to so far. Lovely stuff



Negative - Neon


5th Studio album (6th if you count the 'God Likes Your Style compilation) and probably the most complete album yet. I have liked all of their previous albums alot (although 'Anorectic' proved a little hard work if truth be told) but have always thought that they just missed out on being overall killers. 'Neon' maybe the one to change all that - excellent songs in 'No One Can Save Me Tonight', 'End Of The Line', 'Love That I Lost','Blood On Blood' and ' Kiss Of Hope' and that's just for starters. Only 2 spins in so far, and I have a sneaky feeling other aural delights are to follow.

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Drive She Said - 'Dreams will come' ; well, I'll be totally honest. I could pick the songs from the first two albums easily, but other than that I didn't know what was new and what was off the album I sold; 'Road to paradise.' If this is a musically solid band, I commend them. But I have to say that to these ears they do not sound it. In fact, they sound like shit. Musically they are weak and the vocals sound strained. I like the "hits" from the first two albums; they're okay by me. But the rest? Even though a couple of melodies are okay, it just sounds like poor, poor music to me.


Shel Shoc - 'Rocked and reloaded' ; rough, sleazy kind of 80's metal. Should have left these guys on the cutting room floor where they belonged.


Snew- 'We do what we want' ; absolute f*cking garbage. Screechy, shithouse rock/metal. If I see a thread erected on this forum for these guys I will vomit on it. Not at home, but here at work on their computer.


Wicked Temptation - 'Seein' ain't believin' ;




Hans in't Zandt (VENGEANCE, ANGEL DUST) - Drums

Peter Wagner (ex-POWERGOD) - Guitar

Marc Hermann (ex-JO HARTMANN BAND) - Bass

Dirk Hackenberg (ex-SALVAGE, ESSEX) - Vocals




It isn't a bad album and just copying and pasting it I finally recognise the guy's voice! I was listening to this thinking who the f*ck is this guy? He was so familiar. But of course, it's the guy from that rather impressive Essex album, from forever ago. Well, sadly Wicked Temptation is not as good as Essex but I guess it's okay. It's got a few nice riff friendly tunes but really, as a whole, there's just not much going on here at all. Infinitely unoriginal and uninspired, and to be honest I'm not sure why the guys involved bothered with something this mediocre.


Grand Prix - 'The first album' ; well, it was predicted and the predictions were right. This is just not for me at all. Ended up skipping through pretty much every song. Sooner I got through it the sooner I could throw it onto my trade list. ;)

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Drive She Said - 'Dreams will come' ; well, I'll be totally honest. I could pick the songs from the first two albums easily, but other than that I didn't know what was new and what was off the album I sold; 'Road to paradise.' If this is a musically solid band, I commend them. But I have to say that to these ears they do not sound it. In fact, they sound like shit. Musically they are weak and the vocals sound strained. I like the "hits" from the first two albums; they're okay by me. But the rest? Even though a couple of melodies are okay, it just sounds like poor, poor music to me.



The four new track on the D,SS are pretty poor. 'Fools Game' and 'I Found Someone' are brilliant tracks in their original form, but Mr. Mangold and co. have managed to pretty much screw them up with a production I could honestly have done better myself. After the debacle of the Firefest gig last year and these new recordings, all is obviously not well with a once great band. Evidentally a new album may be on the way aswell, so lessons will hopefully be learned from this.

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Bradford Youth Gang - s/t ; not sure about this one. Pretty cool and super rare 80's hard rock. It's got potential come chorus time, but otherwise it's pretty average and sometimes poor throughout the verses. Some cool, catchy choruses but on the whole I'd have to pass. Never heard of this one before at all...


Baby Blu - 'Can't stop rock n'roll' ; wow, this is great. In a casual PM conversation with Jules from White Widdow recently he mentioned a bunch of bands and I knew them all but this one. And since then it's stuck in my head. Stumbled upon a blog download for this yesterday and jumped at it. What a sweet EP this is! Very nice, big 80's AOR/melodic hard rock. Good keys for AOR fans, but a nice melodic hard rock edge too. The second song of this five song EP is a dud, but the other four are excellent. Especially loved the closer, 'Fool for you'. I'd love to know how/why these guys missed out on label support back in the day. Good stuff for fans of Blue Tears, Attraction etc.


Action! - 'Dou' ; Ah, what a shame. All the song titles were in English so I thought the lyrics would be in English too... but they're not. Musically this is awesome and if it were understandable I'm sure this would be an excellent CD. If you can get past the Japanese lyrics, give this a go. I can't. :(


Aces Wild - 'Deal us in' ; another cool indie EP. The last two songs are duds, but the first 3 are all very nice little slabs of melodic/commercial rock. I can see why this one has a bit of a reputation out there. I'd buy it for cheap. :)


Savannah - 'Underworld Underground' ; terrible, terrible stuff. I gave it a go because although it didn't appear to be the band I know and love, I had to make sure. But I warn you now - don't make the same mistake I did. If you love the melodic rock band with the Ted Poley style vocals who released a brilliant debut, 'Forever's come and gone' and the live disc, 'Salem's Lot' - this is NOT the same band. This is a horrible hard rock / metal band with an unbearable vocalist. I guess the songs are pretty standard hard rock/metal tracks - not offensively bad... but the vocalist is. Awful.

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Jailhouse - s/t


Quite enjoyed this, some nice songs, especially the first 4 tracks. A special mention to track 8 though ('Love Spins the World Around') which has to be one of the lamest songs I have heard for ages! Just my opinion, but I thought it was terrible!

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Jailhouse - s/t


Quite enjoyed this, some nice songs, especially the first 4 tracks. A special mention to track 8 though ('Love Spins the World Around') which has to be one of the lamest songs I have heard for ages! Just my opinion, but I thought it was terrible!

Yeah, some definite fillers on that but the highlights like 'Love me' and 'Please come back' for example, far overshadow them. Always loved that CD.


Diamond Rexx - 'Rated Rexx' ; for whatever reason I had just never heard these guys. Really not sure why. So I finally sat down and had a sneaky listen. Got to say, this one had it's good points. For one, the simple 80's hard rock riffs are delicious. They're a very simple band, but they were simple times when this was recorded too. Good sort of early Motley Crue/WASP styled hard rock/metal. The problem? The sound quality. It seemed to be up and down and all over the place, varying from track to track. Is that how this CD sounds, or did I get a poor rip? Some was produced okay but other tracks just sounded like demos. Overall, though, I kind of enjoyed this one.


Diamond Rexx - 'Land of the damned' ; Not as good as 'Rated Rexx' and the first few tracks are all clunkers. But somewhere close to halfway they deliver a few, again, simple hard rockers. This one isn't a great CD at all, but it's much better produced and it is decent. The songs just don't exceed being "okay", though. I wouldn't buy it, though.


Diamond Rexx - 'Golden gates' ; easily the best produced and best sound of these three discs, but totally crap songs. Not one of these appealed to me at all. Again, super basic hard rock but just no good tunes at all. Shame. This one is a dud.


Dirty Looks - 'In your face' ; it's weird hearing Dirty Looks without the nice production behind them. Good almost demo quality recording. The thing about Dirty Looks, though, is they always have the songs behind them so this just sounds good anyway. Good to hear where it all started.


Dirty Looks - 'I want more' ; Am I going to be labelled a jester if I say this might end up being my favourite Dirty Looks album? It's got a few songs that ended up on the Atlantic debut, but those mixed with the ones that didn't make it (about half/half)... I freakin' loved this. I've always liked Dirty Looks, but I think this might just be the best, most consistent set of songs I've heard from them. Big label production job too. Great stuff.


Easy Rider - 'Back to old road' ; shithouse, in a word. A couple of okay tunes, but otherwise a pretty mixed bag ranging from AOR to straight rock. But not good at either end of the spectrum. It just did not gel for me at all. One for the recycling bin for sure.


Export - 'Contraband' ; another one for the recycling bin, but only after snatching a couple of tracks for the Ipod. 'Spotlight' and 'Rough diamonds' (reminded me of Y&T!) were both good enough, more melodic tunes. The other tunes were very, very average straight up hard rockers. Very boring. Plus, the production job on this is awful, even if the actual recording is adequate. Thumbs down.


Dianno - s/t ; will need to hear this again properly. Again, very poorly produced but is that just the rip I got? The songs actually seem to be okay, but it is very safe AOR. Long songs and the hooks are just weak. Nothing to really get excited about. I took this off the Ipod and put it on a CDR to listen to properly at a later date as it was boring me shitless. :lol:

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Jailhouse - s/t


Quite enjoyed this, some nice songs, especially the first 4 tracks. A special mention to track 8 though ('Love Spins the World Around') which has to be one of the lamest songs I have heard for ages! Just my opinion, but I thought it was terrible!


Export - 'Contraband' ; another one for the recycling bin, but only after snatching a couple of tracks for the Ipod. 'Spotlight' and 'Rough diamonds' (reminded me of Y&T!) were both good enough, more melodic tunes. The other tunes were very, very average straight up hard rockers. Very boring. Plus, the production job on this is awful, even if the actual recording is adequate. Thumbs down.





Try their next album 'Living In The Fear Of The Private Eye' Geoff - much much better album, with some great songs with a much bigger production.

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Jailhouse - s/t


Quite enjoyed this, some nice songs, especially the first 4 tracks. A special mention to track 8 though ('Love Spins the World Around') which has to be one of the lamest songs I have heard for ages! Just my opinion, but I thought it was terrible!


Export - 'Contraband' ; another one for the recycling bin, but only after snatching a couple of tracks for the Ipod. 'Spotlight' and 'Rough diamonds' (reminded me of Y&T!) were both good enough, more melodic tunes. The other tunes were very, very average straight up hard rockers. Very boring. Plus, the production job on this is awful, even if the actual recording is adequate. Thumbs down.





Try their next album 'Living In The Fear Of The Private Eye' Geoff - much much better album, with some great songs with a much bigger production.

Wow, wouldn't have expected these guys to have a second crack at it. Sweet action, I'll make a point of trying to track down this next one. Who'd have guessed this was actually a band people had heard of? :lol:

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Gatopardo - 'Prisoner' ; this one's a bit of a pity. Very good band musically, good production for an indie... but the songs are just bland duds. All of them. Not a good hook or half okay chorus in sight here. Shame. If they could have got together with a songwriter they may have had something.


Glamour Punks - 'Can't fake the punk' ; what the f*ck is this shit, seriously? Yes I hate punk, but what I hate more is dreadful, dreadful "music". And that's what this is. Yeah, it's kind of punky but the songs are soooo bad. it sounds like it was recorded using kitchenware for instruments and a tape recorded hooked up on the end of two cans held together by a piece of string. And somehow the quality of the songs matches the quality of the recording. Truly one of the worst things I've ever heard musically.


Heart Throb Mob - 'Eat your heart out' ; and here's the difference between a band like Glamour Punks and HTM. Give these guys a recording studio (I assume they've never seen one, and that this CD was recorded in their garage, on a tape recorder) and someone with a decent production record, and you'd have a great glam rock CD on your hands. As it is presented, it's hard to take seriously. It sounds so bad... but song-wise this is really good stuff. I could see these guys mixing it with the likes of Pretty Boy Floyd had they been given the financial backing. Good glam songs (love 'One shot') but a terrible recording.

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Got Me some new CDs today and gave a few a spin already so Here goes....


Gunfire 76 - "Casualties and Tragedies" For those that don't know?? This is another band fronted by Wednesday 13.. Not the Horror themed stuff, but it's pretty damn good sleaze Metal, pretty good stuff actually, Some filler, but really not much.. I dig it.... :tumbsup:


Raven "Walk Through Fire" What can I say?? I fucking LOVE this CD!!! Just good Raven!! They may be older, but DAMN they still sound fucking GOOD!!!! :beerbang:


Ozzy Osbourne "Scream" Well, ok first?? I like it.. However, the track order could have been better.. I mean the opener.. Let it Die?? Is good, but it doesn't reach out and GRAB you, ya know?? It's a mid paced song.. Shoulda put Let Me Hear You Scream as the opener.. All in all though?? It's alot better than Ozzmosis or the one that followed.... :tumbsup:


Warbeast "Krush the Enemy" Pretty decent thrash.. Featuring the former vocalist from Rigor Mortis?? Produced by Philip Anselmo and on His record label too... I give this about a 3.5-4 out of 5....


Ratt "Infestation" Honestly?? I wasn't expecting this to be as good as it is!! I have been slightly dissapointed with their last few albums.. But Infestation is a definite return to form!! 4/5 for Me.. .Really good stuff!!!


3 Inches of Blood "Here Waits Thy Doom" Only one vocalist this time out.. The guy that does the death metal growls and stuff isn't on this, so it's all the King Diamond/Rob Halford sounding guy, which I LIKE!! Defintely a kick ass CD!!! 4/5 I think.... :headbanger:



ALmost done with Wig Wam's Non Stop Rock and Roll?? So far?? I LOVE it!!! :beerbang:

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Nice pickups there DS... by the way??? has anyone?? ever told you??? that you use??? question marks??? WAY too much??

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Nice pickups there DS... by the way??? has anyone?? ever told you??? that you use??? question marks??? WAY too much??


Until you? Pointed that? Out? I? Had Never? Noticed that? Before?



But now?? It's going to bug?? The hell out of you?? Isn't it??

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Nice pickups there DS... by the way??? has anyone?? ever told you??? that you use??? question marks??? WAY too much??


Until you? Pointed that? Out? I? Had Never? Noticed that? Before?



But now?? It's going to bug?? The hell out of you?? Isn't it??



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