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66 mustang

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Two Super Hero movies for Super Bowl Sunday:


"Batman" (1966) with Adam West and Burt Ward as the dynamic duo


"Superman IV: The Quest For Peace" - -yea, this one sucks. But my son gets a kick out of Nuclear Man blowing up the Great Wall of China and dropping the Statue of Liberty into Midtown, and I get a kick out of Mariel Hemingway's legs.

Mariel's legs were the best part of that movie. The rest was a borefest.

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Three Burials of........the movie with Tommy Lee Jones in it. Hated this movie

I've seen that one too... and yeah, it's pretty damn shit.


'I, Robot' - Finally saw this one and to be honest, it was okay. I didn't mind it. I seem to enjoy anything Will Smith is in.

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"Superman IV: The Quest For Peace" - -yea, this one sucks. But my son gets a kick out of Nuclear Man blowing up the Great Wall of China and dropping the Statue of Liberty into Midtown, and I get a kick out of Mariel Hemingway's legs.

Mariel's legs were the best part of that movie. The rest was a borefest.


I had honestly forgotten how much "Superman IV" sucked. But my son's only five and he thought it was the cat's ass. He's not old enough to know any better at this point. I enjoyed watching him enjoy it more than I enjoyed the movie, if that makes any sense.

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If you're gonna blow me kisses at least do it on a PM rather than on full public show... :whistle:


I saw CLOVERFIELD. The opening 20 minutes is awesome & it could've been a really good movie, but bland characters & a lack of too much action through the middle means all the momentum is killed. Wait for the rental of this one, if you decide to bother at all...

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Saw IV


I was impressed with this one. This franchise has morphed to where the story arc carries over from one movie to the next. This one filled in plot holes from II and III while also setting up more question for the contracted V and VI sequels.

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