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66 mustang

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Stag Night of the Living Dead


Yes it is as bad as it sounds Keith you will live it.

I'll add it to my list. :D

And just how many films are already on it?

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Stag Night of the Living Dead


Yes it is as bad as it sounds Keith you will live it.

I'll add it to my list. :D

And just how many films are already on it?

Enough that I can watch a different movie every night for the rest of my life - with no repeats - and still never be able to watch them all in my lifetime. Endless cinematic possibilities! ! :popcorn:

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Stag Night of the Living Dead


Yes it is as bad as it sounds Keith you will live it.

I'll add it to my list. :D

And just how many films are already on it?

Enough that I can watch a different movie every night for the rest of my life - with no repeats - and still never be able to watch them all in my lifetime. Endless cinematic possibilities! ! :popcorn:


In case you needed it:



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Focus ; Margot Robbie... end review.


Seriously, though, yum. My wife has a massive lust for Will Smith and probably every dude on the planet does for Margot Robbie, so the movie worked out well for us. Plus, I liked it anyway. It's rare Will Smith makes a movie I dislike.

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"Planet of the Vampires" (1965)

A crew of space explorers follow a mysterious distress beacon to a seemingly-dead planet. Eventually they encounter its disembodied inhabitants, who need to take over the newcomers' corpses in order to survive.
This stylish sixties sci-fi from Italy's Mario Bava is no great shakes in the story or acting departments but the cool set designs and colorful, comic-strip styled lighting and fog effects keep it watchable in spite of its obvious low budget. Legend has it that this flick was a major influence on the original "Alien."
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A double shot of late '80s action cheez:

"Robowar" (1988)

A squad of commandos are sent into the South American jungle on a rescue mission and get hunted down one by one by a rogue military android.
...if that plot description sounds vaguely familiar, that's because this is an absolutely shameless Italian rip-off of "Predator." Replace Schwarzenegger with Reb Brown and the alien with a robot and it's pretty much the same damn movie, except "Robowar" was made on 1/100th of the budget and has 10x the suck. Hilariously awful Eurotrash!!

"Shakedown" (aka "Blue Jean Cop," 1988)

A public defender (Peter "RoboCop" Weller) and a burnt out NYPD detective (Sam Elliott) tangle with a crew of murderous, crooked NYC cops. An underrated-as-hell action flick/courtroom drama hybrid with great performances and some insanely cool shoot'em up bits. This one's worth watching just for the action scenes shot in the late '80s Times Square/42nd Street "grindhouse" district -- they're a snapshot of an era in New York that's long gone.
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Edward Norton's acting is superb here and nice thriller too

This was my favourite film for most of my childhood. I still enjoy it.

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"Treasure of the Four Crowns" (1983)

I hadn't seen this ultra cheesy Spanish/Italian "Raiders of the Lost Ark" knock-off flick since I was in seventh grade and yup, it's just as bad as I remembered. American bit player Tony Anthony stars as "J.T. Stryker," an Indiana Jones-esque treasure hunter. He's hired to recover some priceless ancient crowns from a castle fortress run by a murderous religious cult, so he recruits a team of expert climbers and acrobats (?) to help him pull off the heist.
The ultra-cheap special effects and near constant 3-D gimmicks (EVERYTHING flies towards the viewer's face in this movie - flames, arrows, fingers, tambourines, blades, and on and on and on!) provided tons of unintentional humor.
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Deadpool (at long last!) Possibly even better than I hoped it would be :)

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Rocky with my wife.

She said at the end "is Rocky II better?"
We're gonna do them all.

I think she enjoyed Rocky, just didn't set the world alight for her.

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Star Wars The Force Awakens


As everyone knows this movie is excellent. My third favorite installment.


Wait... which, of the Holy Trilogy, do you prefer this over?

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Star Wars The Force Awakens


As everyone knows this movie is excellent. My third favorite installment.

Wait... which, of the Holy Trilogy, do you prefer this over?

Funny how you immediately go to the holy trilogy. Why can't the later 3 installments be my faves. Ok who am I kidding I barely could type that without puking a bit in my mouth.


Truth be told ROTJ is the weakest of the trilogy. Courtesy of George and his fuzzy lil friends. A solid beginning and climax but a weak third act. Hell the ending was pretty shady too. And be damned if changing the name cause Revenge won't sell toys and appease middle America. So the new installment in my opinion and of course courtesy of a stand out performance by Harrison Ford is a better film than ROTJ.

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The Force Awakens was basically A New Hope remade.

Still a great movie though.

Will progress from here.


Last night we did Rocky II
I actually prefer this to I, so did my wife.

Amazing what a successful movie and 3 years can do in presenting a more 'traditional' Hollywood movie at the time

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Star Wars The Force Awakens


As everyone knows this movie is excellent. My third favorite installment.

Wait... which, of the Holy Trilogy, do you prefer this over?

Funny how you immediately go to the holy trilogy. Why can't the later 3 installments be my faves. Ok who am I kidding I barely could type that without puking a bit in my mouth.


Because I have too much respect for you to assume that.

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Interview With The Vampire

Haven't seen this for a while, and I think I enjoyed it most this time.

Seems to get better with age.


I just can't take Tom Cruise seriously as Lestat ...

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"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" (2015)

30 years after "Jedi," Luke Skywalker is M.I.A. and a new evil has risen from the ashes of the Empire. Some of our old friends team up with some new ones (a scavenger and a defecting Stormtrooper) to kick some serious bad-guy ass and to find Luke's super-secret hidden location.

Nevermind the sh*tty prequels, this is the first real "Star Wars" movie in 30+ years. Thank you, J.J. Abrams! You've made this old fanboy very happy.
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Interview With The Vampire

Haven't seen this for a while, and I think I enjoyed it most this time.

Seems to get better with age.


I just can't take Tom Cruise seriously as Lestat ...



I remember Anne Rice was completely opposed to him and then after she saw him in it changed her mind.

I think he works out ok.

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"Hell Fire" (2015)

Four prostitutes attempt to double cross their pimp by kidnapping his newest business associate -- who turns out to be the Anti-Christ. What are the odds? Eventually the prisoner starts using his Satanic powers to turn his captors against one another in various gory, ultra-violent ways.
The plot description sounded promising but this was nothin' but cheap, loud, irritating shot on video crap. AVOID.
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