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66 mustang

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A Million Way to Die in the West


Pass. This was terrible.


Rise of the Planet of the Apes


Getting myself re-familiar with the series before the new film hits. "Dawn" is gonna be so good.


Cuban Fury


Holy shit! Yes!! Nick Frost is brilliant. This film has so much heart.


The Class of '92


I'm no Man U supporter, but that was a great era, and this is a good documentary.

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"Doc of the Dead" (2014) - a fun documentary that traces the evolution of zombies from low budget grindhouse flicks to full on pop culture phenomena. Interviewees include George Romero (of course), Robert Kirkman of "The Walking Dead," gore guru Tom Savini and even adult film star Joanna Angel, who made a "Walking Dead" porn parody. No kiddin'.

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Slapshot - I must have watched it tons of times but I still find it hilarious

"The crowd are standing up to them.....the security guards are standing up to them.....the peanut vendors are standing up to them!"

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"Frankenstein's Army" (2013) a bizarre gore fest that can best be described as a combo of "Blair Witch," "Inglourious Bastards" and a heavy dose of "Hellraiser." In the waning days of WWII, a squad of Russian soldiers are sent into Germany and discover a secret lab where a descendent of Dr. Frankenstein is using parts of dead Nazis to create a horde of undead bio-mechanical soldiers. Some truly sick gore makes up for the occasionally irritating hand held "found footage" filming style (the movie is seen thru the eyes of one of the Russians, who's shooting a propaganda film).

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"Frankenstein's Army" (2013) a bizarre gore fest that can best be described as a combo of "Blair Witch," "Inglourious Bastards" and a heavy dose of "Hellraiser." In the waning days of WWII, a squad of Russian soldiers are sent into Germany and discover a secret lab where a descendent of Dr. Frankenstein is using parts of dead Nazis to create a horde of undead bio-mechanical soldiers. Some truly sick gore makes up for the occasionally irritating hand held "found footage" filming style (the movie is seen thru the eyes of one of the Russians, who's shooting a propaganda film).

Sounds pretty good. I like the raw feel at times of these hand held films, if done properly they are or can be quite suspenseful. I saw one a few years back that still haunts my memories entitled The Tape (shiver).


The fam, watched Parental Guidance, Billy Crystal is rather annoying at (most) times, but the movie had the wife and kids smiling so its all good.


tried to watch Hitchhikers Guide... and it was just not fr me, got about 45 in and let it go...

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@ Terry - sometimes the "found footage" gimmick works for me, sometimes it doesn't. (It was done well in "Cloverfield" and "Apollo 18' for example.) There was no real reason for it in "Frankenstein's Army," except as a way to cut budgetary corners (i.e. you only need to use one camera, and you can pass off any awkward/choppy editing by having a character say "I'm running out of film, time to change reels!").

Fortunately, the movie's kick-ass creature designs (think Nazi Cenobites!) and the off-the-chain gore (lotsa splatter, severed heads/limbs, etc.) made up for the use of the shaky cam gimmick. It was def the goriest movie I've seen since "Dead Snow" (which also had to do with undead Nazis, now that I think about it...must be a new trend!)

In other words... it's definitely worth a look for the FX work. The story/acting, ehhhh...not so much.

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@ Terry - sometimes the "found footage" gimmick works for me, sometimes it doesn't. (It was done well in "Cloverfield" and "Apollo 18' for example.) There was no real reason for it in "Frankenstein's Army," except as a way to cut budgetary corners (i.e. you only need to use one camera, and you can pass off any awkward/choppy editing by having a character say "I'm running out of film, time to change reels!").

Fortunately, the movie's kick-ass creature designs (think Nazi Cenobites!) and the off-the-chain gore (lotsa splatter, severed heads/limbs, etc.) made up for the use of the shaky cam gimmick. It was def the goriest movie I've seen since "Dead Snow" (which also had to do with undead Nazis, now that I think about it...must be a new trend!)

In other words... it's definitely worth a look for the FX work. The story/acting, ehhhh...not so much.

Appreciate the rundown. Gonna have to seek it out. Need to see that Dead Snow and revisit A18 too. The Mrs. doesn't appreciate a good q rated horror movie, go figure.


You should hunt down The Tapes, no gore per se, but CREEEEEPY as all get out, imho. One of Those "found footages" deals. Got paned on IMDB, but don't believe everything your read right?



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Never even heard of "The Tapes"... will have to look into it.


Tonight: "Invisible Invaders" (1959)

...charmingly silly atomic-age schlock about an attack on Earth by unseen alien enemies, who (for reasons that are never clearly explained) also have the ability to "possess" and reanimate dead bodies. The "walking dead" scenes in this flick were apparently a major influence on a young George A. Romero, thus cementing its rep as an early example of the "zombie movie" genre.

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"Holes"(2004) Quirky family-friendly adventure stars a young Shia LaBouef (sp?) as a Texas teen who's sent off to a peculiar juvenile detention camp where the boys have to dig holes out in the desert - all day, every day. Naturally the boys eventually figure out that the mysterious "Warden" (Sigourney Weaver!) has an ulterior motive for all that digging. Fun stuff, Disney safe for the young'ins but strange enough to keep grown ups interested too.

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300: Rise of an Empire




If you saw and enjoyed the movie 300, you know pretty much what you are gonna get with this sort of sequel.. I, personally, Really liked 300, and this was more of the same..Lots of blood and gore and stuff.. Probably not the most realistic Historical movie, but I don't think that's the point...It's not a sequel, exactly in that it takes place at the same time the events of the first movie do, but while the battles in the first 300 take place on land?? This movie concentrates more on the naval battles, which are really cool.. And at the end they both sort of come together....

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"C.H.O.M.P.S." (1979) Cartoony late 70s kid stuff about a young inventor whose lifelike, superpowered robot dog has the potential to revolutionize the home security industry. Of course, this means that lots of bumbling crooks want to steal it. Think "The Six Million Dollar Pooch."

I saw this oldschool cable fave a bunch of times when I was a kid (mainly because of my schoolboy crush on Valerie Bertinelli, who plays the boy genius' girlfriend) so when it turned up on Netflix I thought my kids might get a kick out of it. They did!

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"C.H.O.M.P.S." (1979) Cartoony late 70s kid stuff about a young inventor whose lifelike, superpowered robot dog has the potential to revolutionize the home security industry. Of course, this means that lots of bumbling crooks want to steal it. Think "The Six Million Dollar Pooch."

I saw this oldschool cable fave a bunch of times when I was a kid (mainly because of my schoolboy crush on Valerie Bertinelli, who plays the boy genius' girlfriend) so when it turned up on Netflix I thought my kids might get a kick out of it. They did!

I THINK I Saw this movie.. Sure sounds familiar..... :D

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^^ it's total kid stuff so if you don't have young'ins there's no need to bother...unless you just wanna go down memory lane with the bad 70s fashions and disco- influenced musical score...Haha

...or to perv on the teenage Valerie Bertinelli. :D

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'Nother vintage goody on Netflix with the young'ins:


"Short Circuit 2" (1986) Jive talkin' sentient robot "Johnny 5" moves to the big city, where he tangles with diamond thieves and helps his Indian buddy (Fisher Stevens) romance a hot toy store babe. Silly, family friendly sci-fi/action comedy.

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"Explorers" (1985) a junior high daydreamer, his science wiz pal, and their tough friend build a homemade spaceship and use it to meet couch-potato aliens in this family friendly sci-fi fantasy from Joe "Gremlins" Dante.

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"Insidious, Chapter 2" (2013) Those pesky evil spirits aren't quite finished with the Lambert family, who suffer thru another round of supernatural goings-on in this creepy-cool sequel with a decent number of jolts and jumps.

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"Insidious, Chapter 2" (2013) Those pesky evil spirits aren't quite finished with the Lambert family, who suffer thru another round of supernatural goings-on in this creepy-cool sequel with a decent number of jolts and jumps.



I still gotta watch the first Insidious,,,,,, I hear it's pretty good....

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Machete Kills Looking forward to more in this franchise!

Loved this flick...but it lost a ton of $$ so don't expect to see "Machete Kills Again...IN SPACE!" anytime soon.

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