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66 mustang

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Completely, utterly, ridiculously AWESOMELY over-the-top action flick from the great Robert Rodriguez. Danny Trejo is a bad-ass former Federale who gets mixed up in a conspiracy involving a crooked Senator, a drug kingpin, and a plan to build a wall along the Texas/Mexico border. You get wall-to-wall violence, plenty of splatter, lotsa stuff blowin' up, and a supporting cast that includes Robert DeNiro, Steven Seagal, Cheech Marin, Jessica Alba, Lindsay Lohan (!), and Michelle Rodriguez. I laughed my ass off all the way through it. It's like watching a really kick-ass comic book come to life.


Remember, folks: MACHETE DON'T TEXT.

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Completely, utterly, ridiculously AWESOMELY over-the-top action flick from the great Robert Rodriguez. Danny Trejo is a bad-ass former Federale who gets mixed up in a conspiracy involving a crooked Senator, a drug kingpin, and a plan to build a wall along the Texas/Mexico border. You get wall-to-wall violence, plenty of splatter, lotsa stuff blowin' up, and a supporting cast that includes Robert DeNiro, Steven Seagal, Cheech Marin, Jessica Alba, Lindsay Lohan (!), and Michelle Rodriguez. I laughed my ass off all the way through it. It's like watching a really kick-ass comic book come to life.


Remember, folks: MACHETE DON'T TEXT.


Agreed and Linsay Lohan and Michelle Rodriguez were definately :masturbanana: worthy...

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Agreed and Linsay Lohan and Michelle Rodriguez were definately :masturbanana: worthy...


My wife and I both laughed at Lindsay Lohan playing a meth-head bimbo ... art imitating life, or vice versa? :blink:


Michelle Rodriguez was WAY hotter than LL in this flick (in my book anyway). LL was much better lookin' 5 years ago before all of her, errr, "troubles" began.

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Case 39 - A supernatural thriller with Renee Zellweger, Ian McShane and Bradley Cooper. About a little girl that is posessed. This movie was creepy as f@#k and would make we never ever ever adopt a little girl.

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Agreed and Linsay Lohan and Michelle Rodriguez were definately :masturbanana: worthy...


My wife and I both laughed at Lindsay Lohan playing a meth-head bimbo ... art imitating life, or vice versa? :blink:


Michelle Rodriguez was WAY hotter than LL in this flick (in my book anyway). LL was much better lookin' 5 years ago before all of her, errr, "troubles" began.




Agreed, she has aged poorly, which is silly to say for someone barely a quarter of a century old.. SHe's still worthy of a throw though. In I Know WHo Killed Me she was definatley smokin'.


And definately Michelle was on her a game in Machette.


On topic: I Could Never Be Your Woman.


Which at first glance I assumed would be chick flick hell, but was actually pretty frickin' funny. Michelle Phiffer is aging well and her daughter in the movie can sing some amusing parody style tunes. "Isn't It Moronic" being quite entertaining. Also has that light eyed black girl from Clueless who is still way to hot for her own good...

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Also has that light eyed black girl from Clueless who is still way to hot for her own good...


Would that be Stacey Dash?



If so, quick true story: She went to my high school (she was in the class ahead of me) for a year or two before she went off to Hollywood. Hot as hell, yes, but even then she was an airhead uber-beeyatch. When I saw her a few years later in "Clueless" playing an... airhead uber-beeyatch, I sez "Well, hey, perfect role for her," hahaha.


Sometime after she got famous she dissed our town in an interview, saying something to the effect of how we're so close to Manhattan and all its wonders, yet everyone who lives there is a simpleton who'd rather hang out at the Mall. Well excuuuuuuuse us, Princess. :thppt:

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Also has that light eyed black girl from Clueless who is still way to hot for her own good...


Would that be Stacey Dash?



If so, quick true story: She went to my high school (she was in the class ahead of me) for a year or two before she went off to Hollywood. Hot as hell, yes, but even then she was an airhead uber-beeyatch. When I saw her a few years later in "Clueless" playing an... airhead uber-beeyatch, I sez "Well, hey, perfect role for her," hahaha.


Sometime after she got famous she dissed our town in an interview, saying something to the effect of how we're so close to Manhattan and all its wonders, yet everyone who lives there is a simpleton who'd rather hang out at the Mall. Well excuuuuuuuse us, Princess. :thppt:


Tis the one I was/am referring too.


And she is so frickin' hot she can be an ubber bitch! I sure as hell would sit back and take it like a man/slave/doormat thing. :)


Break out that yearbook photo would ya'.


Kind of funny how some actors are best at acting like their true self.

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Break out that yearbook photo would ya'.


Kind of funny how some actors are best at acting like their true self.


She graduated a year or two ahead of me, so she's not in my yearbook. :( I only had one class with her (an art class when I was a freshman, if memory serves) and she was just very unpleasant to be around.


Ditto for her brother Darien, who's some kind of bigwig in the hip-hop recording business now...he was an utter douchebag too. Figures that they're both makin' mad benjaminz now while the rest of us "little people" who stayed behind are barely scrapin' by. :bigboom: I guess the old saying is true, nice guys *do* finish last...

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Break out that yearbook photo would ya'.


Kind of funny how some actors are best at acting like their true self.


She graduated a year or two ahead of me, so she's not in my yearbook. :( I only had one class with her (an art class when I was a freshman, if memory serves) and she was just very unpleasant to be around.


Ditto for her brother Darien, who's some kind of bigwig in the hip-hop recording business now...he was an utter douchebag too. Figures that they're both makin' mad benjaminz now while the rest of us "little people" who stayed behind are barely scrapin' by. :bigboom: I guess the old saying is true, nice guys *do* finish last...


We do and I was referring to your yearbook photo. :) Sorry I couldn't even type it without laughing.


I would assume she was still appealing to ogle though.


Watched Daybreakers again. Nice little movie.

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Also has that light eyed black girl from Clueless who is still way to hot for her own good...


Would that be Stacey Dash?



If so, quick true story: She went to my high school (she was in the class ahead of me) for a year or two before she went off to Hollywood. Hot as hell, yes, but even then she was an airhead uber-beeyatch. When I saw her a few years later in "Clueless" playing an... airhead uber-beeyatch, I sez "Well, hey, perfect role for her," hahaha.


Sometime after she got famous she dissed our town in an interview, saying something to the effect of how we're so close to Manhattan and all its wonders, yet everyone who lives there is a simpleton who'd rather hang out at the Mall. Well excuuuuuuuse us, Princess. :thppt:


Oh, I loved her. She made watch that horrible series back then. :D

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Also has that light eyed black girl from Clueless who is still way to hot for her own good...


Would that be Stacey Dash?



If so, quick true story: She went to my high school (she was in the class ahead of me) for a year or two before she went off to Hollywood. Hot as hell, yes, but even then she was an airhead uber-beeyatch. When I saw her a few years later in "Clueless" playing an... airhead uber-beeyatch, I sez "Well, hey, perfect role for her," hahaha.


Sometime after she got famous she dissed our town in an interview, saying something to the effect of how we're so close to Manhattan and all its wonders, yet everyone who lives there is a simpleton who'd rather hang out at the Mall. Well excuuuuuuuse us, Princess. :thppt:



*****NSFW**** http://www.google.com/search?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox&rls=com.yahoo%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&biw=1067&bih=448&site=search&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=stacey+dash+nude&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=

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Also has that light eyed black girl from Clueless who is still way to hot for her own good...


Would that be Stacey Dash?



If so, quick true story: She went to my high school (she was in the class ahead of me) for a year or two before she went off to Hollywood. Hot as hell, yes, but even then she was an airhead uber-beeyatch. When I saw her a few years later in "Clueless" playing an... airhead uber-beeyatch, I sez "Well, hey, perfect role for her," hahaha.


Sometime after she got famous she dissed our town in an interview, saying something to the effect of how we're so close to Manhattan and all its wonders, yet everyone who lives there is a simpleton who'd rather hang out at the Mall. Well excuuuuuuuse us, Princess. :thppt:



*****NSFW**** http://www.google.com/search?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox&rls=com.yahoo%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&biw=1067&bih=448&site=search&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=stacey+dash+nude&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=


I know! That Playboy spread she did was uh, nice!


Oh and Keith after doing a little digging turns out being a bitch may be backfiring on her. As it turns out she is twice divorced with kids from both. Both the exes have restraining orders filed against them for obviously having enough of her being a bitch and trying to knock it out of her...


Still would eat the corn out of her poop if she asked me too...

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Also has that light eyed black girl from Clueless who is still way to hot for her own good...


Would that be Stacey Dash?



If so, quick true story: She went to my high school (she was in the class ahead of me) for a year or two before she went off to Hollywood. Hot as hell, yes, but even then she was an airhead uber-beeyatch. When I saw her a few years later in "Clueless" playing an... airhead uber-beeyatch, I sez "Well, hey, perfect role for her," hahaha.


Sometime after she got famous she dissed our town in an interview, saying something to the effect of how we're so close to Manhattan and all its wonders, yet everyone who lives there is a simpleton who'd rather hang out at the Mall. Well excuuuuuuuse us, Princess. :thppt:



*****NSFW**** http://www.google.com/search?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox&rls=com.yahoo%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&biw=1067&bih=448&site=search&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=stacey+dash+nude&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=

Wow mate, seriously, that just made my day. I didn't know her by name, but I used to watch the show too... and yes, like anyone with a penis I was an admirer. Didn't know those pics existed but melikes a lot. happy.png

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