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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Predator - loses steam towards the end, but damn, the first hour is nothing short of pure awesomeness. It never gets old. Get to the choppah!!!

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Predator - loses steam towards the end, but damn, the first hour is nothing short of pure awesomeness. It never gets old. Get to the choppah!!!


That's still my fave Schwarzenegger movie. Mainly because for juuuuuust a little while there (when he finally goes mano-a-mano with the Predator and it's totally beating the crap out of him), it looks like Arnold might actually lose for a change...

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Geesh Armageddon wasn't THAT Bad......



Ohhhhh yes, it was. Obviously a lotta people love Michael Bay (for some Ungodly reason), but IMO he blew his wad on "The Rock." Everything he's done since has been incredibly expensive and incredibly nice looking, but his films have no "soul" whatsoever. They have the same effect as standing behind someone at an arcade watching them play a video game for two hours.


But then, I'm the guy who buys most of his DVDs at the dollar store so what the f*ck do I know? :lol:


Seriously tho, "Deep Impact" (which was released around the same time as "Armageddon," and has a similar premise) was the superior "giant rock hitting Earth" movie.


But "Meteor" was better (and cheesier) than both of them put together. It had Sean Connery in it dammit!!! He's the f*ckin' MAN!!! :lol:


Natalie Wood as well!!

I would Natalie Wood.. :quagmire:

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Fantastic Mr Fox

Not a kids' film at all. Love the animation, which is quite original, but the film just tries to be too clever. The dialogue is like an adult Clooney film, quite amusing at times, but lost on the children and completely up its own arse. Not terrible, but disappointing and we'll never watch it as a family again.

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Wolf Creek


Brutal, really disturbing, but excellent horror film. Apparently based on the true events of the Backpacker Murders, although with a large dollop of artistic licence.


Did some reading afterwards, read a bit about Ivan Milat, the perpetrator of the Backpacker Murders. Not a nice fella. Then read this, which is far more shocking even than Milat:


My linkSnowtown murders

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Started off really promisingly, then decended into stupidity by then end. Enjoyable enough though.

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Started off really promisingly, then decended into stupidity by then end. Enjoyable enough though.


I thought about watching that until I saw who the lead "actor" is. I don't think I can bring myself to watch another film with Nicolas Cage in it, he is truly awful. Who are these film industry people who think, "ooh, I know, let's put Nicolas Cage in this one, he's good"? If only the cinemas had, as well as 3D glasses, 'Nicolas Cage filter glasses'!


If there's another Ghost Rider film and the director doesn't make a complete mess of it (like the first one) I may have to sit through another excruciating Cage performance, but until then I'll give him a wide berth.




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"Dark Angel" (a.k.a. "I Come In Peace") - underrated buddy-cop actioner with Dolph Lundgren as a Houston cop battling an alien who's come to earth to collect human brain fluids, which are used as a narcotic on his home planet. Silly as hell but SO much fun. They blow up a ton-o-stuff in this flick!! Brian Benben (of HBO's "Dream On") is hilarious as Dolph's by-the-book FBI partner.

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Son of Rambow


Excellent British film. Takes a while to get going, but the middle is good and the ending rocks.

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Not bad 'whodunnit' thriller but could have been much better with more proper actors and dialogues. Enjoyable though.


I wanted to see that one due to Val Kilmer's involvement then he was harldy in the movie.

It was a good flick though but as you say could of been much better.

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Revolutionary Road - Magnificent film. This one really hit the spot and was totally engrossing viewing. Love it.


Awake - Really not too bad at all actually. Horrid concept about people who are put under anesthesia during surgery and although fully paralyzed, they can hear and feel everything. I think I actually bought this for Jessica Alba (who was sexy as hell in this) but it was actually pretty damn watchable. Decent film.


Meet Bill - Holy f*cking shit. Another one I'm 90% sure I bought because Jessica Alba was in the cast, but the verdict? Totally not worth it. This was one of the most frustratingly shithouse and pointless movies I've ever seen. Worst "story" ever and just annoying to watch. Alba was sexy, as was Bill's whore of a wife (what an ass!) but aside from these two factors, you just really wouldn't bother. HATED this movie.


Memento - Watched this a few months back at my brother's house and in the mean time I bought the DVD and my wife and I watched it again this weekend. Still pretty hard to follow, but a great film. I do really enjoy this one.


The legend of Bagger Vance - Another great film. This one featurees Will Smith, Matt Damon and Charlize Theron (who I thought was Scarlet Yohannsen throughout) so I guess it was always going to be good stuff. And it was. Great, totally watchable and enjoyable film experience.

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"Class of 1999" - early 90s sci-fi/action B-Movie that's basically a mish-mash of "The Blackboard Jungle," "A Clockwork Orange" and a whole lot of "The Terminator." Silly as hell but OH so much fun to watch!!

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