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66 mustang

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SyFy Channel's latest "epic, "MEGA PIRANHA" :rofl: ... see my thread about it for my impressions...


Tonite's feature will be something of somewhat higher quality... 1976's sci fi classic "Logan's Run," which I recorded off of Turner Classic Movies in the wee hours of last night...

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2 films this weekend:


Nanny McPhee: The Big Bang

Took my 6-year old daughter to see this. As expected, not as good as the first one. Few new ideas, but not enough to make it better than average. Daughter enjoyed it though, which is what really counts. And we had a big Mexican feed at Chiquito's first. :tumbsup:


The Blindside

Absolutely loved this. Sandra Bullock lives up to the hype, which I had to see for myself. (I also thought she was really fit in this film and she doesn't usually do anything for me. Maybe it's a MILF thing.) Anyway, wife and I enjoyed the film, not overly soppy, but a great feelgood movie all the same.

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'Into the Blue 2' ; There's a sequel? you ask. My word there is, and it's every bit as sexy as the first one. Super sexy lead female actor in a bikini for the majority of the film, and great co-stars too. No Jessica Alba for the sequel, but just as good imo. Oh, the story? What story? Beautiful location, sexy girls in no clothing... sounds like a good enough story to me.


'Atonement' ; Great film. Really, really enjoyed this one. Can't fault it at all to be honest. Very different to what I expected too.

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Alvin and the Chipmunks The Squeakqeul.... Pretty cute and funny actually.....



How old are you, 8? :blink:


Seriously, you have no kids...so why the f*ck are you watching Chipmunk movies? You should be watching PORN!!! :lol:


...aaaaaanyway, last night I started to re-watch "Logan's Run" (1976) but started dozing off so I bailed halfway thru it... will probably watch the rest tonight...

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UP IN THE AIR with George Clooney, fine movie not not as good as I hoped. Overhyped at the Oscars I guess

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UP IN THE AIR with George Clooney, fine movie not not as good as I hoped. Overhyped at the Oscars I guess


Me & the Memsarb watched that last night & really enjoyed it.


The missus and I both enjoyed it too, not the usual romantic comedy at all and an unexpected ending.


Although to be honest, she's hardly impartial; if they'd had George Clooney running around in Battlefield Earth, my wife would think it was one of the finest pieces of cinema ever made.

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Finished watching "Logan's Run" last night - one of the better '70s sci-fi flicks. Much of it is dated pretty badly nowadays but it's still a fun ride. "RENEW! RENEW!"

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"Meteor" - a 1979 disaster flick (with the customary all star cast that included Sean Connery, Brian Keith, Henry Fonda, Natalie Wood, and Martin Landau) in which a 5-mile wide hunk of asteroid is going to leave a very large skid mark on Earth unless the U.S. and the Russians can put aside their Cold War differences, work together, and use the combined power of their nuclear weapons satellites to blow the hell out of it.


Obviously the entire storyline is badly out of date now, but this was still fun to watch. The late '70s fashions are a scream of course, and we got some cool old-school mayhem and destruction from time to time as little splinters of the meteor hit Earth while the "big one" was still on its way.


I'll take this movie over the '90s version of the same story, Michael Bay's uber-retarded "Armageddon," any day.

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"Meteor" - a 1979 disaster flick (with the customary all star cast that included Sean Connery, Brian Keith, Henry Fonda, Natalie Wood, and Martin Landau) in which a 5-mile wide hunk of asteroid is going to leave a very large skid mark on Earth unless the U.S. and the Russians can put aside their Cold War differences, work together, and use the combined power of their nuclear weapons satellites to blow the hell out of it.


Obviously the entire storyline is badly out of date now, but this was still fun to watch. The late '70s fashions are a scream of course, and we got some cool old-school mayhem and destruction from time to time as little splinters of the meteor hit Earth while the "big one" was still on its way.


I'll take this movie over the '90s version of the same story, Michael Bay's uber-retarded "Armageddon," any day.


I haven't seen this one but I'm sure it's way better than Armageddon... which was a real disaster. :puke:

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With the kids. (Saw it at the cinema a while ago with my wife and daughter. Wife said I slept through loads of it, I said I slept for 10 minutes. Having seen it on DVD today, I know I had a good sleep at the cinema!)

Can Pixar do no wrong? Not ideal for the younger kids as the story is quite "grown up" at times, but still a great film.


500 Days of Summer

Very good film. A bit depressing, mainly because I felt sorry for the main character. Hey, I fall in love with Zooey Deschanel every time I see her on screen, so who could blame him? Not your typical romcom, which is only a good thing. Recommended, but don't expect a nice, gooey, warm feeling afterwards.

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Geesh Armageddon wasn't THAT Bad......



Ohhhhh yes, it was. Obviously a lotta people love Michael Bay (for some Ungodly reason), but IMO he blew his wad on "The Rock." Everything he's done since has been incredibly expensive and incredibly nice looking, but his films have no "soul" whatsoever. They have the same effect as standing behind someone at an arcade watching them play a video game for two hours.


But then, I'm the guy who buys most of his DVDs at the dollar store so what the f*ck do I know? :lol:


Seriously tho, "Deep Impact" (which was released around the same time as "Armageddon," and has a similar premise) was the superior "giant rock hitting Earth" movie.


But "Meteor" was better (and cheesier) than both of them put together. It had Sean Connery in it dammit!!! He's the f*ckin' MAN!!! :lol:

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Geesh Armageddon wasn't THAT Bad......



Ohhhhh yes, it was. Obviously a lotta people love Michael Bay (for some Ungodly reason), but IMO he blew his wad on "The Rock." Everything he's done since has been incredibly expensive and incredibly nice looking, but his films have no "soul" whatsoever. They have the same effect as standing behind someone at an arcade watching them play a video game for two hours.


But then, I'm the guy who buys most of his DVDs at the dollar store so what the f*ck do I know? :lol:


Seriously tho, "Deep Impact" (which was released around the same time as "Armageddon," and has a similar premise) was the superior "giant rock hitting Earth" movie.


But "Meteor" was better (and cheesier) than both of them put together. It had Sean Connery in it dammit!!! He's the f*ckin' MAN!!! :lol:



Hmm.. Yea ok if Armageddon or Deep Impact had Sean Connery?? They woulda been ALOT better... But come on Liv Tyler is fucking HOT!! :tumbsup:

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Last night I watched the immortal "Airplane!" for the fifty millionth time....and I still laughed at every silly bit. My all time favorite comedy.



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