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66 mustang

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"Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey"


Disney movie about two dogs (voiced by Michael J Fox and Don Ameche) and a cat (voice by Sally Field) trying to find their way home to their family after being relocated when they move.


Yes, it was the five year old's turn to pick at the video store. :lol:

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My son and niece just finished watching "Snow Buddies" and now they're deep into "Underdog"

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The Spiderwick Chronicles




... with my kids ! :)

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Cloverfield - I liked it quite a bit. Did you all know the "monster" was suppose to be a baby and it was searching for it's mother. it was lost and crying for MOM. You have to watch the special features to find this out.


Well, gee, thanks for spoiling it for the rest of us...<_<


Anyway, last thing I saw was "30 Days Of Night." A decent vampire splatterfest (this flick did NOT skimp on the gore!) that could've been better. I loved the set-up, but once the action got going things kept getting bogged down by too many slow bits in between the action scenes and the BOO moments. I've seen better, but I've also seen a lot worse, so I'd say it's worth a rental. At least the vampires are bad-asses in this flick, as opposed to the sensitive, romantic Anne Rice or "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" types that have been turning up in so many vamp flicks of late.

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Cloverfield - I liked it quite a bit. Did you all know the "monster" was suppose to be a baby and it was searching for it's mother. it was lost and crying for MOM. You have to watch the special features to find this out.


Well, gee, thanks for spoiling it for the rest of us...<_<



That spoiles nothing really because it is not told in the movie. It was suppose to be told in the movie but was cut or changed or something so the story in the movie doesn't change. Like I said, this was in the special features and I thought it was an interesting little tidbit of info.

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Planet Terror - crap, couldn't even get to the end I was soooo bored. Poor attempt at mimicking old B-movie / 70's 80's zombie fests. Why bother? I can pick up an original and get the feel instantly as opposed to a manufactured load of junk. Bad acting abounds and the plot is pretty incoherent in parts. Some reasonable gory bits but it was so cliched and cheesy (not in a good way) I ended up turning off halfway through.

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"Evan Almighty" - fun for the whole family.

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