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66 mustang

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Got a free rental from RedBox tonight, so I grabbed this... I simply couldn't resist....

"Abraham Lincoln Vs. Zombies" (2012)

The Asylum's pre-epmptive bite (pun not intended) off of the upcoming "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" sends the Great Emancipator on a secret mission behind Confederate lines during the last days of the Civil War, only to find the enemy's fort overrun with the living dead. Notable historical figures like General Stonewall Jackson, John Wilkes Booth (!), Teddy Roosevelt, and Pat Garrett join Honest Abe in his battle against the zombie uprising. Historically accurate? Of course not. Funny as hell? You betcha.


Yeah, it's ridiculous, but y'know what? As Asylum movies go, this one actually isn't half bad. The dude playing Lincoln resists the urge to go campy and just plays it straight and stoic, and the period details certainly look old-timey enough. This may actually be their most accomplished production yet. Of course, that's not saying much... but if you simply can't wait till the "real" Abraham Lincoln horror flick comes out, this is a decent time waster.

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Russell Crowe portrayed a determined, family-loving, husband and father, trying to take his wife out of jail because he believed she's innocent. This is probably a combination of Fugitive and Prison Break, a great thriller and family movie at the same time.

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"Planet Terror" (2007)




Robert Rodriguez' half of the "Grindhouse" two-fer finds a little Texas town under attack from brain-eating zombie mutants. The townspeople must band together to survive, led by Rose McGowan as a one legged stripper who fights back against the evil with her newest prosthetic.


This hilarious homage to 70s exploitation cheese is just pure fun. Ya got boobs, ya got violence, ya got gore, ya got stuff blowin' up on a regular basis, what more do you need?


...and one legged or not, Rose McGowan has NEVER looked hotter than she did in this movie, before or since.




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"Death Proof" (2007)



A psycho stunt man who enjoys killing girls with his souped-up car meets his match when he unwisely starts a cat-and-mouse game with a trio of troublemaking babes out for a test drive...


Quentin Tarantino's half of the "Grindhouse" combo pack starts off VERY slowly (I swear, the first 40 minutes are nothing but the characters talkin', talkin', talkin', to the point where I was practically screaming "SHUT THE F*CK UP AND DO SOMETHING!" but the second half is total automotive bad-assery, culminating in some of the best car-chase footage ever put to celluloid.


I preferred "Planet Terror" but once this thing finally started kickin' ass I have to admit that I got hooked.

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"Jersey Shore Shark Attack" (2012)




Guidos vs. Great Whites! When Seaside Heights is invaded by hordes of man-eating sharks (drawn from the depths by undersea drilling) it's up to T.C., Paulie Balzac, Nooki and the gang to save the July 4th weekend.


Fun piece of SyFy Channel nonsense that sends up both the "Jaws" series and the "Jersey Shore" fad. As an added bonus, this flick's parody version of "Snooki" is better looking than the real one, by a mile!





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The Eiger Sanction


The Holiday



One classic Clint film and a really good romantic comedy.

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"Jersey Shore Shark Attack" (2012)




Guidos vs. Great Whites! When Seaside Heights is invaded by hordes of man-eating sharks (drawn from the depths by undersea drilling) it's up to T.C., Paulie Balzac, Nooki and the gang to save the July 4th weekend.


Fun piece of SyFy Channel nonsense that sends up both the "Jaws" series and the "Jersey Shore" fad. As an added bonus, this flick's parody version of "Snooki" is better looking than the real one, by a mile!






Haha! That sounds like a must see!!


Chronicle - this was actually kind of cool. I never knew what it was about but always thought it looked interesting. Three young punks get themselves some super powers of sorts and chaos ensues. It's a little slow at times and you spend a bit of the time wondering why... but it's goo enough. I didn't mind it.

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"Jersey Shore Shark Attack" (2012)




Guidos vs. Great Whites! When Seaside Heights is invaded by hordes of man-eating sharks (drawn from the depths by undersea drilling) it's up to T.C., Paulie Balzac, Nooki and the gang to save the July 4th weekend.


Fun piece of SyFy Channel nonsense that sends up both the "Jaws" series and the "Jersey Shore" fad. As an added bonus, this flick's parody version of "Snooki" is better looking than the real one, by a mile!






Haha! That sounds like a must see!!



Loved it so much that I already banged out a review of it for my blog...


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"Jersey Shore Shark Attack" (2012)



Guidos vs. Great Whites! When Seaside Heights is invaded by hordes of man-eating sharks (drawn from the depths by undersea drilling) it's up to T.C., Paulie Balzac, Nooki and the gang to save the July 4th weekend.


Fun piece of SyFy Channel nonsense that sends up both the "Jaws" series and the "Jersey Shore" fad. As an added bonus, this flick's parody version of "Snooki" is better looking than the real one, by a mile!






Haha! That sounds like a must see!!



Loved it so much that I already banged out a review of it for my blog...


Can't access the blog, but from the brief write up here I really like the sound of this. Definitely on my watch list now.

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QUIZ SHOW (1994)

based on true-story about a rigged quiz show of the 50s. Decent movie but the acting is very good here and opened up eyes about how much lies the TV actually had for years, even to this day.

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I'm surprised I'm posting this, but last night I watched a movie called Apocalypto, from Mel Gibson.


I won't even pretend to understand all the nuances, but for a film with no English and subtitles, with a run time over 2 hours, and having the name Mel Gibson attached to it, I was very engaged throught. It's about an ancient Mayan kingdom, their kidnap, and one man's struggle to return to a life of peace. I don't post often here and for me to give a glowing recommendation, it had to be a bit hit with me. I wouldn't describe it as an arthouse flick, but definitely artsy, graphic (in good and I'm sure bad, to some, in ways), and visually stimulating.


I would watch it again in a heartbeat, just to pick up some things I missed/didn't comprehend the first time.

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