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66 mustang

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Decent British horror flick about a woman who falls asleep in a London subway station and wakes up hours later to find she's trapped, as it's been locked up for the night. While trying to find her way back to the surface, she becomes prey for a crazed mutant killer that lives in the tunnels, carving up the local homeless population.




Some good gore in this one and though the story doesn't always make a lot of sense, it was still a pretty neat blend of "Mimic," "The Descent" and "Midnight Meat Train."

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Decent British horror flick about a woman who falls asleep in a London subway station and wakes up hours later to find she's trapped, as it's been locked up for the night. While trying to find her way back to the surface, she becomes prey for a crazed mutant killer that lives in the tunnels, carving up the local homeless population.




Some good gore in this one and though the story doesn't always make a lot of sense, it was still a pretty neat blend of "Mimic," "The Descent" and "Midnight Meat Train."


When I saw it I thought "It's like a trashy death metal music video without the music. Crap." I really don't like this movie... :lol:

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When I saw it I thought "It's like a trashy death metal music video without the music. Crap." I really don't like this movie... :lol:


Haha, I dunno, maybe it just pushed the right buttons for me (darkness, claustrophobia, being trapped, etc.) ...it wasn't a classic by any means but it was a decent enough way to kill 90 minutes. :lol:

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When I saw it I thought "It's like a trashy death metal music video without the music. Crap." I really don't like this movie... :lol:


Haha, I dunno, maybe it just pushed the right buttons for me (darkness, claustrophobia, being trapped, etc.) ...it wasn't a classic by any means but it was a decent enough way to kill 90 minutes. :lol:


When it came out I really wanted to see it, just because it was set on the London Underground, but then I read lots of reviews that said it was awful. Probably not up my street. The one I really do need to check out after reading this thread is 'Paranormal Activity'.

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"Boy Eats Girl"


An Irish-made romantic zombie comedy ("RomZomCom?") about a high schooler who, when he thinks he's lost the girl of his dreams, commits suicide... then becomes Patient Zero of a zombie outbreak thanks to his well meaning (but misguided) mother, who resurrects him with a voodoo spell book. Mayhem ensues. It's way better than that description probably makes it sound...this is some very funny, twisted stuff with the same kinda vibe as the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" TV series. It takes a little while for the zombie shenanigans to finally get goin' but once it does, there's some hilariously over the top violence and gore. If you liked "Shaun of the Dead" and/or "Zombieland" you'll dig this.



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  • My Little Pony


I cry every time I watch it. Not because the movie itself is sad, but the politics surrounding Serenity/Firefly. I'm crying just thinking about it.


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I cry every time I watch it. Not because the movie itself is sad, but the politics surrounding Serenity/Firefly. I'm crying just thinking about it.



I get mad everytime I watch the series or the movie. how could they kill off this show??????? it was so amazing

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  • My Little Pony


I cry every time I watch it. Not because the movie itself is sad, but the politics surrounding Serenity/Firefly. I'm crying just thinking about it.



I get mad everytime I watch the series or the movie. how could they kill off this show??????? it was so amazing


Let us not discuss it's awesomeness in the past tense. It still is amazing, and always will be amazing.

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"Drive Thru"


A silly (on purpose) comedic slasher about a group of Orange County high school slackers being victimized by someone dressed as "Horny the Clown" (yes, really!), the mascot of a fast food chain called "Hella Burger." That alone should tell you how serious (or not) this movie is. An utterly ridiculous flick that features obvious nods to "Nightmare on Elm Street," "Happy Birthday to Me," and other '80s slashers.




This was the worst of the four flicks on my most recent "Horror 4 pack" DVD purchase. Even so there were still a few funny bits and the female lead was a cutie. Worth a look if you have a severly twisted sense of humor.


Additional trivia note, the film's music is credited to former Scorpions bassist Ralph Rieckermann.

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  • My Little Pony

Whip It,whats not to like about girls on roller skates beating the crap out of each other.

Yeah, that was a great film. Very well done.

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"Santa Claus Conquers the Martians"


This 1960s kitsch classic regularly turns up on "Worst Movie Ever" lists, and it's easy to see why. Even for a kids' movie, this is hellishly bad. The only person who seems to be having any fun is the guy who plays Santa. The story is awful, the sets are cardboard, the costumes are cheap, the acting is terrible. Put it all together and you've got a Perfect Storm of holiday craptacularity.




Every bad movie enthusiast needs to see this one at least once before they die. Now I can say I have.

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"Santa Claus Conquers the Martians"



And you really watched this? Keef, you're a hero. :tumbsup:


...or a masochist. I haven't decided which yet. :lol:


I have a weakness for films that are considered to be "the worst ever" -- whenever I hear about a movie that has that distinction, I am immediately curious to see it and find out if the film in question is really THAT bad. In this case, it certainly is.


When I bought it I thought maybe my kids might get a kick out of it, but after viewing it I decided I won't subject them to it after all. It might be considered child abuse. :lol:

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  • My Little Pony

"Santa Claus Conquers the Martians"



And you really watched this? Keef, you're a hero. :tumbsup:


...or a masochist. I haven't decided which yet. :lol:


I have a weakness for films that are considered to be "the worst ever" -- whenever I hear about a movie that has that distinction, I am immediately curious to see it and find out if the film in question is really THAT bad. In this case, it certainly is.


When I bought it I thought maybe my kids might get a kick out of it, but after viewing it I decided I won't subject them to it after all. It might be considered child abuse. :lol:


Hell, I wanna watch it! How can you not at least be curious?

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"Santa Claus Conquers the Martians"



And you really watched this? Keef, you're a hero. :tumbsup:


...or a masochist. I haven't decided which yet. :lol:


I have a weakness for films that are considered to be "the worst ever" -- whenever I hear about a movie that has that distinction, I am immediately curious to see it and find out if the film in question is really THAT bad. In this case, it certainly is.


When I bought it I thought maybe my kids might get a kick out of it, but after viewing it I decided I won't subject them to it after all. It might be considered child abuse. :lol:


Hell, I wanna watch it! How can you not at least be curious?


If you're serious, you can watch the film in its entirety on YouTube. Good luck getting through the whole thing. I suggest having an ample supply of malted beverages within easy reach before you press "play"




Oh, and I bet that theme song ("Hooray for Santy Claus!") gets stuck in your head for the rest of the day. :lol:

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  • My Little Pony

"Santa Claus Conquers the Martians"



And you really watched this? Keef, you're a hero. :tumbsup:


...or a masochist. I haven't decided which yet. :lol:


I have a weakness for films that are considered to be "the worst ever" -- whenever I hear about a movie that has that distinction, I am immediately curious to see it and find out if the film in question is really THAT bad. In this case, it certainly is.


When I bought it I thought maybe my kids might get a kick out of it, but after viewing it I decided I won't subject them to it after all. It might be considered child abuse. :lol:


Hell, I wanna watch it! How can you not at least be curious?


If you're serious, you can watch the film in its entirety on YouTube. Good luck getting through the whole thing. I suggest having an ample supply of malted beverages within easy reach before you press "play"




Oh, and I bet that theme song ("Hooray for Santy Claus!") gets stuck in your head for the rest of the day. :lol:


Heh heh! Thanks bud. I look forward to it--the movie, the theme song haunting me for a week, and the copious amounts of beer that will indubitably be involved. Cheers.

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Last saturday, Mrs Junky and myself went to see Burlesque..

Girlie flick!


I hope none of your friends saw you. :blink:


Though I have to say, from the trailers I've seen, Christina Aguilera looks particularly fap-fap-fapworthy in it. :lol:

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Last saturday, Mrs Junky and myself went to see Burlesque..

Girlie flick!


I hope none of your friends saw you. :blink:


Though I have to say, from the trailers I've seen, Christina Aguilera looks particularly fap-fap-fapworthy in it. :lol:


Hmmm, now I've got a good reason to watch it. :whistle:

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  • My Little Pony

If anyone is interested, It's like a cross between ShowGirls and Devil Wears Prada.


I'm not sure I'd classify--I'm not saying you are--Devil Wears Prada as a 'chick flick.' It was surprisingly a great film. Meryl Streep is almost always great--Mama Mia was a mistake--and Anne Hathaway was excellent.

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If anyone is interested, It's like a cross between ShowGirls and Devil Wears Prada.


I'm not sure I'd classify--I'm not saying you are--Devil Wears Prada as a 'chick flick.' It was surprisingly a great film. Meryl Streep is almost always great--Mama Mia was a mistake--and Anne Hathaway was excellent.


I always thought it was, but I actually like that movie.. Anne Hathaway :wub:

BURLESQUE wasn't a bad movie, but it was predictable.. Cher and Aggy both have great vocal ranges..

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