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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Repo Men - a strange sci-fi flick with an ending I didn't see coming. I guess it was ok for a watch but not really mulitple watches.


Cop Out - what an over the top, wanna be, 80's buddy cop flick. was enjoyable and really like the whole 80's vibe to it. really, as long as you don't expect this to be serious in any way most would enjoy this

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In Bruges.......for about the 4th time.LOve tthis movie


"Don't know any Belgium jokes, and if I did I think I'd have the good sense not to... hang on. Is Belgium with all those child abuse murders lately? I do know a Belgium joke. What's Belgium famous for? Chocolates and child abuse, and they only invented the chocolates to get to the kids."

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Finally watched this with the kids. Really slow start, I found the first 20 minutes or so quite boring, but picks up after that. Wife hates it, which probably makes me like it more.

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Watched these with my daughter.....


Cow Belles




Moonraker (she really liked the scenes with Jaws in)

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The Crazies - A good horror/thriller and even more scary that it's something that I could almost see happening.


The Runaways - An okay movie but not as good as what I expected or was hoping for. I knew that Lita didn't sign off on the movie so her presence would be limited but besides a few scenes it's like she barely existed. I also didn't expect all of the lesbian stuff.


When In Rome - An okay chick flick.

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A Perfect Getaway - A mystery/suspense with Timothy Olyphant, Mila Jakovich and Steve Zahn about a newlywed couple on their honeymoon with a murdering duo on the loose. This movie was awesome and has a hell of a twist that I never ever in a million years saw coming. Highly recommended.



Losers - A throwback 80's style action movie with Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Zoe Saldona, Chris Evans and Jason Patrick. This movie was a blast from beginning to end and it appears that it was set up for a sequel.



Brooklyn's Finest - A solid NYC crime/cop drama with Richard Gere, Ethan Hawke and Don Cheadle. The acting was superb and had an interesting story line but not sure if I was crazy about the ending but all in a all a solid movie but nowhere near the brilliance of other similar type movies such as 'The Departed'.

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Is there anyone here who saw this French gothic/thriller? The story takes place in the 19th century Paris where the famous detective Vidocq disappears while pursuing a supernatural serial killer called the Alchemist. Awesome digital cinematography and a great twist in the end though the acting was weak and ridiculous sometimes imo. By the way it's a one of a kind movie worth cheking out.

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Is there anyone here who saw this French gothic/thriller? The story takes place in the 19th century Paris where the famous detective Vidocq disappears while pursuing a supernatural serial killer called the Alchemist. Awesome digital cinematography and a great twist in the end though the acting was weak and ridiculous sometimes imo. By the way it's a one of a kind movie worth cheking out.


Never heard of that, but sounds right up my street. DVD seems to be quite expensive though. I'll add it to my list.

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"Dark Harvest 3: Scarecrow"

Y'know, maybe it's me, but it doesn't seem like it would be THAT hard to make a halfway decent killer scarecrow/slasher movie. However, the mooks who cooked this slab-o-cheez up screwed it up from the git-go. "Dark Harvest 3" features cheap sets, an even cheaper looking monster, absolutely atrocious acting, and a complete and total lack of story. Yeah, you get a couple of half decent gore scenes and one gratuitous boob shot, but even that is not enough to save this one from getting an "AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE" rating from me.


Remember, folks, I watch movies like this so you don't have to. I'm providing a public service. :P

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"Dark Harvest 3: Scarecrow"

Y'know, maybe it's me, but it doesn't seem like it would be THAT hard to make a halfway decent killer scarecrow/slasher movie. However, the mooks who cooked this slab-o-cheez up screwed it up from the git-go. "Dark Harvest 3" features cheap sets, an even cheaper looking monster, absolutely atrocious acting, and a complete and total lack of story. Yeah, you get a couple of half decent gore scenes and one gratuitous boob shot, but even that is not enough to save this one from getting an "AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE" rating from me.


Remember, folks, I watch movies like this so you don't have to. I'm providing a public service. :P



Wow.. If Keith says it's bad?? It must be BAAD!!!!!! :yikes:

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Wow.. If Keith says it's bad?? It must be BAAD!!!!!! :yikes:


Ohhh yeah, you have no idea. In the words of Stephen King, this movie is "the work of morons with cameras."


The sad thing is that the trailer makes it look pretty kick-ass:



Notice that there are no scenes w/dialogue in the trailer? That's cuz they don't want you to know that all of the so-called "actors" in this movie are basically reading their lines off of cue cards. :lol:


...if the same guy who edited this trailer had edited the actual film maybe it would've been watchable. Oh well, I only paid $3.99 for it. :P


...anybody want a free DVD? Shoot me a PM. I'm never gonna watch this piece of crap again.

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"Dark Harvest 3: Scarecrow"

Y'know, maybe it's me, but it doesn't seem like it would be THAT hard to make a halfway decent killer scarecrow/slasher movie. However, the mooks who cooked this slab-o-cheez up screwed it up from the git-go. "Dark Harvest 3" features cheap sets, an even cheaper looking monster, absolutely atrocious acting, and a complete and total lack of story. Yeah, you get a couple of half decent gore scenes and one gratuitous boob shot, but even that is not enough to save this one from getting an "AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE" rating from me.


Remember, folks, I watch movies like this so you don't have to. I'm providing a public service. :P


YAY KEEF!!! :cheer:

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I had a dvd called Ancient Evil at one time. the worst thing I can remember watching. If I still had it we could have passed it around to all the members of the board. Proabably would have had to send a CD along with the DVD to make watching the DVD worth something



I'm all for starting something like that with this "Dark Harvest 3" DVD. It could be like a movie version of the Ten Seconds Over Tokyo CD thread. Is anybody out there man (or woman) enough to take the SH*TTY MOVIE CHALLENGE??? Just gimme a holler!

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"Escape From L.A." -- yeah, it's inferior to the original "Escape From New York" (in fact, it's more or less a remake of the first film, just set on the West Coast and with lots of uber-cheap C.G.I.) but still a fun watch. Kurt Russell's Snake Plissken is the original American Bad Ass. :bigboom:

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