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Wild America - Gasoline


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From Kivel Records:

RELEASE UPDATE!!! Time to get Wild....

The new WILD AMERICA album is finished with all post production. We honestly can say it sounds killer, and Tÿ Sïms did a fantastic job bringing the album to the finish line for us, and it sounds great.

In other band news, last week the band had a session with renowned rock photographer, Jeremy Saffer. In our honest opinion, and to no surprise (as always) Jeremy delivered.

This Sat our team will shoot the album cover, and you can expect this to be a very cool finished product when its done. We are excited about this one. As we've never done a cover shoot like this before, and of course, just as we've done with past releases, we are going to go the extra mile and raise the bar yet again. Some of you (that attended N.E.R.F) may even recognize our cover model

So here's a little sneak peek. Below is one of the awesome selections from the band shoot.

What about Shows??? Well, WILD AMERICA will be playing Oct 19th in CT with Pyn Siren. Nov 30th with Enuff Z Nuff. Plus more shows and maybe even a festival to be announced very soon. ;-)

Pre order info will be announced when we premier the album art and release date

Thank You





Edited by Stefan
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11 minutes ago, lettard said:

Not bad,will keep an eye out but it aint grabbing me enough atm.

Feel the same.  Like the second song more than the first but not overly grabbing me.

Not bad though and could be something that grows if I hear a couple other tunes I like.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re-visited these songs and they're growing on me a bit.  Still like the second one more than the first but the first isn't too bad.

Have seen a couple solid reports on the album.  Little bored at the moment with no new releases on the horizon, so put an order in for this to check it out.  I could easily still go either way with this but what the heck....I like tossing some support behind this kind of stuff.

Will report back after it's arrived and I've had a chance to listen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got this album yesterday and been through it a couple times....

Have to say I'm digging this mostly because it's a tiny bit different than much of the other stuff I've listened to this year.  It's more of a straight ahead rock album with a bit of a classic vibe to it.  It's kinda like Tango Down combined with Bigfoot or something.

I do think Is Anybody Listening is probably my favorite tune, followed by Gasoline....which are the two songs above.   I also really like the ballad Feet To The Fire....Might be my favorite ballad this year, excellent tune.

There's some other good tunes though....I quite like Something Inside, Maybe Tonight, Rockstar and Til The end.  There's also a couple tunes that aren't doing too much for me but overall it's a pretty solid album that's well put together.

If I had one nitpicking criticism, I personally would've just liked a few more backing vocals, oohs, aahs, etc to enhance the melodic feel...I'm a sucker for that stuff.  But still a good album with some excellent guitar work.

Need more listens to let it sink in but could challenge for my top 10. 

Here's a link with samples for all songs for anybody that is inclined to check it out.  


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  • 5 months later...

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