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MBM Shutting Down....Damn!

Dead Planet

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Yeah, their shipping rates are bullshit. Even when I get them shipped to my PO box in Washington.

It's been years since I ordered from NEH, but... it depends.


Do they ship Priority Mail or Media Mail? If the former, quite reasonable. If the latter, the rates are fine for 1-2 CDs, but rapidly escalate beyond reason.


Their domestic model of $3 for the 1st CD and $1.50 for each additional, isn't outrageous in and of itself. The problem is that there is no cap. If I order 10 CDs shipped to a U.S. Address, $16.50 for Media Mail shipping *IS* ridiculous. Again, if Media Mail is the method being used, it should be "$3 for the 1st, $1.50 for each additional, up to a maximum of $10" or something similar.


I would argue that the problem isn't the $3, it's the $1.50 tack-on per CD that ratchets up the cost to the buyer. When I sell on eBay, my shipping to deomestic addresses is $2.99 for the first and $0.50 for each additional. And if the amount received for shipping/handling justifies it, I will ship via 1st class or Priority; I won't just pocket the overage.

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This is sad news. I only bought from them once and 2 of the 6 CDs I ordered didn't arrive. When I asked where they were he told me they were out of stock and that the difference could be used as credit.

Never did use that credit and it's good to know about these things before you ship and start making decisions with other people's money.

Still, it is sad news as I know many people who used mbm regularly.

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Not refunding when ordered items are out of stock is just poor business, and while keeping the money at that moment seems like a good idea to generate future sales, in actual fact it can do the opposite as evidenced here.

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  • My Little Pony

Not refunding when ordered items are out of stock is just poor business, and while keeping the money at that moment seems like a good idea to generate future sales, in actual fact it can do the opposite as evidenced here.

I've heard nothing but good things about MBM, but, yeah, I hate it when business don't actually refund you your money. That's bullshit.

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it's very sad, although i only bought from them once or twice a year but they're the best so far and don't know where else will i buy those non-Jap releases, probably amazon and AOR heaven


NEH Records? They ship internationally.



I second that. NEH is awesome!



couple years ago NEH told me that Indonesia is forbidden, maybe too many illegal carders from my country :D

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If you look at their shipping page, Indonesia is listed as one of the countries they ship to.




They won't accept credit cards from Indonesia, but they will accept PayPal.

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I've stopped ordering from NEH....a few years ago their shipping costs to Canada became unreasonable. I save between 5$ and 7$ when I order off of Ebay.

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Surprised to hear some negative feedback for MBM, as I used them quite a lot back in the day and never had a single issue with them. I never got any new releases, but they had a huge sale section and I picked up a lot of CDs at very reasonable prices... back in the day.


I could say it's sad, but more than that I'd call it inevitable and I can see how the dude has been put in a place where there is no other option.


As for pousuer hipsters and their vinyl fad I won't be rejected, by the in-crowd... f*ck them. I hate anyone who buys LPs these days. Ha, I kid... but seriously, why? Why? But anyway, please don't bring craft beers into the mix. If you're drinking anything but craft beers, you may as well be drinking animal urine. There is nothing "hipster" about craft beers. Craft beers are for people who love beer that actually tastes fucking amazing. Rather than the generic tasteless shit you're brought up on as a kid.


But yeah, vinyl is for pousueers. Craft beer is for people who like beer that tastes amazing.

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  • My Little Pony

Surprised to hear some negative feedback for MBM, as I used them quite a lot back in the day and never had a single issue with them. I never got any new releases, but they had a huge sale section and I picked up a lot of CDs at very reasonable prices... back in the day.


I could say it's sad, but more than that I'd call it inevitable and I can see how the dude has been put in a place where there is no other option.


As for pousuer hipsters and their vinyl fad I won't be rejected, by the in-crowd... f*ck them. I hate anyone who buys LPs these days. Ha, I kid... but seriously, why? Why? But anyway, please don't bring craft beers into the mix. If you're drinking anything but craft beers, you may as well be drinking animal urine. There is nothing "hipster" about craft beers. Craft beers are for people who love beer that actually tastes fucking amazing. Rather than the generic tasteless shit you're brought up on as a kid.


But yeah, vinyl is for pousueers. Craft beer is for people who like beer that tastes amazing.

The problem with craft beer isn't the hipsters, rather the overwhelming trend to over-hop the shit out of everything. It's to the point where nearly everything tastes like an IPA. IPA's were once my favourite style, but now I can't even drink them.


Now, obviously this can't be said about every craft beer, but there are a million micro brewers out there. And I've tried a lot on my own, and I've been recommended a lot, and they've always been hop-forward. So, please suggest to me a good malty craft beer, 'cause I've damn near given up on trying.

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If you look at their shipping page, Indonesia is listed as one of the countries they ship to.




They won't accept credit cards from Indonesia, but they will accept PayPal.


Nice info, thanks, although the shipping price is quite ridiculous haha but it's a relief at least one vendor is still available

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Surprised to hear some negative feedback for MBM, as I used them quite a lot back in the day and never had a single issue with them. I never got any new releases, but they had a huge sale section and I picked up a lot of CDs at very reasonable prices... back in the day.


I could say it's sad, but more than that I'd call it inevitable and I can see how the dude has been put in a place where there is no other option.


As for pousuer hipsters and their vinyl fad I won't be rejected, by the in-crowd... f*ck them. I hate anyone who buys LPs these days. Ha, I kid... but seriously, why? Why? But anyway, please don't bring craft beers into the mix. If you're drinking anything but craft beers, you may as well be drinking animal urine. There is nothing "hipster" about craft beers. Craft beers are for people who love beer that actually tastes fucking amazing. Rather than the generic tasteless shit you're brought up on as a kid.


But yeah, vinyl is for pousueers. Craft beer is for people who like beer that tastes amazing.

The problem with craft beer isn't the hipsters, rather the overwhelming trend to over-hop the shit out of everything. It's to the point where nearly everything tastes like an IPA. IPA's were once my favourite style, but now I can't even drink them.


Now, obviously this can't be said about every craft beer, but there are a million micro brewers out there. And I've tried a lot on my own, and I've been recommended a lot, and they've always been hop-forward. So, please suggest to me a good malty craft beer, 'cause I've damn near given up on trying.



Yeah, no doubt every man and his dog and his dog's dog is on the micro brewery bandwagon, but I feel like I know what to look for and therefore rarely end up with a real dud.


I love IPAs too, but I have found out the hard way, you cannot drink them in any great volume in a sitting. Unless, of course, you go for the session IPAs, which I have recently taken a liking too.


It is extremely hard for me to recommend a beer for you because we have a million breweries here in Australia which you probably have no access to over in Canada, or even the US. And most are fantastic. If you can get your fingers on it, try the Hop Hog, from Feral Brewing. Or any beer from the Mornington Brewery - particularly the pale ale. Bridge Roads Beechworth Pale Ale is a delight. Fred's IPA, from Murrays. I don't know... it's almost impossible to select individual faves as I love so many. Wicked Elf, from my brother's home town of Port Macquarie is a sensational brewery with barely a weak beer in their (large) catalogue.


As for the US ones you might be more acquainted with, to be honest I haven't really had an American Pale Ale, or an IPA from the US I don't love. I guess because it's a different taste for me, as opposed to something you guys have constant and I believe much cheaper access to, it probably is a bit more exciting for me.


I love Karl Strauss' Pintail Pale Ale. Not had the Tower IPA, but heard it's magnificent. A beer that's turned a few heads here recently is the Ballast Point stuff. Namely the Sculpin IPA. I think that's super, and I have it on good account that their other beers are equally good.


Yeah, I dunno, man, we all have different taste buds. I personally love an abundance of hops. For me, the more hops the better. And I brew a bit like that too - very hop heavy, though I never really get the result I'm after, hop-wise. You may be suffering a bit of overkill? The main thing I have found is that you need to vary it up. My favourite beers are definitely, without a doubt, American Pale Ales, and IPAs. So I had the grand idea I'd only ever drink those two from now on. But I found out really quick, on Boxing Day, after a day's drinking of IPAs, that it's not a good idea. And the day after I had a craving for a golden, or even "summer" ale.


Unlike most people I know, I never, ever just drink the same beer in a single session. No interest in doing it. So what I like to do is - assuming you have 3 or 4 beers at the end of a day - is to have, for example, a golden ale, a pale ale, session IPA and then finish on an IPA. And just have that same kind of ladder set as your drinking habit, so you don't get bogged down with a single taste.


But anyway, despite being a bit down on IPAs, can you honestly tell me you could even entertain the idea of going back to a draught, or lager or whatever beer you started drinking and probably drunk for many years when you were young? Sometimes it's all there is on tap at a pub I go to and I have no option to drink it, but I just get no joy out of that type of shit at all any more. Just don't even like it.


Off topic? What do you mean?

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  • My Little Pony



Surprised to hear some negative feedback for MBM, as I used them quite a lot back in the day and never had a single issue with them. I never got any new releases, but they had a huge sale section and I picked up a lot of CDs at very reasonable prices... back in the day.


I could say it's sad, but more than that I'd call it inevitable and I can see how the dude has been put in a place where there is no other option.


As for pousuer hipsters and their vinyl fad I won't be rejected, by the in-crowd... f*ck them. I hate anyone who buys LPs these days. Ha, I kid... but seriously, why? Why? But anyway, please don't bring craft beers into the mix. If you're drinking anything but craft beers, you may as well be drinking animal urine. There is nothing "hipster" about craft beers. Craft beers are for people who love beer that actually tastes fucking amazing. Rather than the generic tasteless shit you're brought up on as a kid.


But yeah, vinyl is for pousueers. Craft beer is for people who like beer that tastes amazing.

The problem with craft beer isn't the hipsters, rather the overwhelming trend to over-hop the shit out of everything. It's to the point where nearly everything tastes like an IPA. IPA's were once my favourite style, but now I can't even drink them.


Now, obviously this can't be said about every craft beer, but there are a million micro brewers out there. And I've tried a lot on my own, and I've been recommended a lot, and they've always been hop-forward. So, please suggest to me a good malty craft beer, 'cause I've damn near given up on trying.

Yeah, no doubt every man and his dog and his dog's dog is on the micro brewery bandwagon, but I feel like I know what to look for and therefore rarely end up with a real dud.


I love IPAs too, but I have found out the hard way, you cannot drink them in any great volume in a sitting. Unless, of course, you go for the session IPAs, which I have recently taken a liking too.


It is extremely hard for me to recommend a beer for you because we have a million breweries here in Australia which you probably have no access to over in Canada, or even the US. And most are fantastic. If you can get your fingers on it, try the Hop Hog, from Feral Brewing. Or any beer from the Mornington Brewery - particularly the pale ale. Bridge Roads Beechworth Pale Ale is a delight. Fred's IPA, from Murrays. I don't know... it's almost impossible to select individual faves as I love so many. Wicked Elf, from my brother's home town of Port Macquarie is a sensational brewery with barely a weak beer in their (large) catalogue.


As for the US ones you might be more acquainted with, to be honest I haven't really had an American Pale Ale, or an IPA from the US I don't love. I guess because it's a different taste for me, as opposed to something you guys have constant and I believe much cheaper access to, it probably is a bit more exciting for me.


I love Karl Strauss' Pintail Pale Ale. Not had the Tower IPA, but heard it's magnificent. A beer that's turned a few heads here recently is the Ballast Point stuff. Namely the Sculpin IPA. I think that's super, and I have it on good account that their other beers are equally good.


Yeah, I dunno, man, we all have different taste buds. I personally love an abundance of hops. For me, the more hops the better. And I brew a bit like that too - very hop heavy, though I never really get the result I'm after, hop-wise. You may be suffering a bit of overkill? The main thing I have found is that you need to vary it up. My favourite beers are definitely, without a doubt, American Pale Ales, and IPAs. So I had the grand idea I'd only ever drink those two from now on. But I found out really quick, on Boxing Day, after a day's drinking of IPAs, that it's not a good idea. And the day after I had a craving for a golden, or even "summer" ale.


Unlike most people I know, I never, ever just drink the same beer in a single session. No interest in doing it. So what I like to do is - assuming you have 3 or 4 beers at the end of a day - is to have, for example, a golden ale, a pale ale, session IPA and then finish on an IPA. And just have that same kind of ladder set as your drinking habit, so you don't get bogged down with a single taste.


But anyway, despite being a bit down on IPAs, can you honestly tell me you could even entertain the idea of going back to a draught, or lager or whatever beer you started drinking and probably drunk for many years when you were young? Sometimes it's all there is on tap at a pub I go to and I have no option to drink it, but I just get no joy out of that type of shit at all any more. Just don't even like it.


Off topic? What do you mean?

I felt we had exhausted the original topic anyway. ;}

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  • 1 month later...

Latest news from MBM....


Dear Rock Lover,

Hope you are doing well and I would like to give you a short update of the future of MBM. I'm happy to tell you that MBM will continue in the way you are used to! I found a real great person with the necessary portion of passion for rock music and he is able to continue the store on the same professional level it was in the past to deliver you the best rock music! The guy is located in Germany and I will give you more information about him and a brief introduction next week. Currently we are moving the CD stock and do all necessary chances in the front- and backend of the store. So please give us a week or two to fix all necessary things and all will be great for you and Music Buy Mail!!

Thanks for all and best regards,
Sebastian Eder

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