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Sports and Fitness - what are your interests


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Not sure if there's already been a thread and I know this term is alien to many folk lol...........but what are your interests??


Mine is running.


Been a difficult year so far what with the freezing weather etc, but have just entered the Windsor half Marathon which is due September, and intend to hit the streets throughout the summer. Looking to go under 1hr 50 this time.

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Raising my arm, whilst drinking beer at the pub and running my fingers up and down my bass guitar :bananamac:

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I prefer 12oz curls with Coors Light, but in an attempt to keep the beer belly to a minimum I run in the summer and do the Beachbody Insanity videos in the winter.

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I would love to play football (soccer) on a regular basis, I miss it soooooo much, but I haven't played since I busted my knee and had the cruciate ligament reconstructed.


Now I cycle a bit and enjoy swimming. If there was somewhere convenient and affordable to swim, I'd go 2 or 3 times a week. I have to be careful there's no one at the side of the pool with a harpoon though... :)

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Summer is softball. Winter is football (US variety) along with stationary bike and weights to maintain cardio and some tone.


Other than that....a lot of yard work is a good work out.

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Unfortunately due to the arthritis in my knees, I am pretty much restricted into what I can and can't do physical exercise wise...i.e not a lot. Walking is about my limit. Swimming would be good, (although I don't find it very exciting to be honest),but I have an allergy to chlorine.

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