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Place Vendome

The Rocker

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Melodicrock.com has stated that Michael Kiske has agreed to a new Place Vendome cd for Summer 2013. In the writing process and I guess looking for outside writing help.


Can't wait for this!!!

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Ha ha so 10 songs from Erik Martensson then!


nothing wrong with that!

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  • 8 months later...

Oh my god, I have just listened to the S/T disc in its entirety, and it's amazing! I already have Streets Of Fire on order, and I can't wait for the new disc! Great, great band!


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Lookin forward to that one, hopefully it'll blast 'Streets of Fire' off the board but looks like gonna be a tough job to defeat the s/t


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S/t is brilliant!!

Fantastic album!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The song - "Place Vendome" - simply brilliant. One of the most kickass, melodic songs I have heard in a while...

Love it!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Am i the only one not excited by those samples.


The first song is a BLATANT rip off of their own tune......the rest sound OK, but no more.


Sounds like a pass from me but i'll check it out on Spotify.

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Am i the only one not excited by those samples.


The first song is a BLATANT rip off of their own tune......the rest sound OK, but no more.


Sounds like a pass from me but i'll check it out on Spotify.

I some what agree,but when you have a debut album as good as the s/t our expectations are high and it would be hard to duplicate.

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I agree with Glen, the samples aren't very impressive. Something about Kiske's singing is a bit too forced from these samples. I'll need full tunes to decide if I'll buy it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Now those are lousy and cheesy inspiro rock lyrics. Not impressed with that, can't believe I might pass on a Place Vendome, after the first two releases were so good.

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I feel like everyone's turned up to this thread stoned and I've the first sober person here. I really like what I'm hearing above... basically exactly what I expect to hear from Place Vendome. Will wait to I hear the full thing for an in-depth assessment, but sounds like business as usual... well, to me anyway. ;)

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After those first 2 albums, this should have been a natural progression up and instead seems to stay in place. Sounds good but not what I expected.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Curious to see where y'all haters ended up with this one? I heard this today and it's good stuff. Worlds better than the debut, but obviously not as good as 'Streets of fire.'


I've been tossing off... I mean tossing and turning over the above hateful comments and was left disturbed by them. Disliking these new tunes to the point of losing interest in the band and possibly not even trying this CD really intrigues me.


It'd be like ignoring Vain because they never topped 'No Respect,' or Tesla because they never made an album better than 'The Great Radio Controversy.' Or a million other bands I could list who released their "signature" album early in their career and were never able to top it. And although these bands never topped a near-perfect disc, they still put out some fantastic music along the way.


As Place Vendome have done here. I truly don't think they will ever get close to matching 'Streets of fire,' but as evidenced by the new CD, it doesn't mean they're not capable of still releasing great CDs. I think everyone still likes the debut, don't they? Well like I say, imo, this new disc absolutely crushes the debut, if nothing else. And is a very good disc.


Harsh to give up on a band just because they can't replicate near-perfection, innit? ;)

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